Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Delegates United And Healed At The Convention - Looking Forward to Tonight's Acceptance Speech

Healing the Democrats with Jon Stewart and John Oliver from the Daily Show

Roosevelt Island's NY State Senator Jose Serrano is attending the Democratic Convention in Denver and blogging about it at the great New York political site, Room 8. According to Mr. Serrano, the Democratic Party delegates, including Hillary Clinton supporters, are united behind Barack Obama. From Room 8:
... From my vantage point – the New York Delegation seats – I was hard-pressed to find anyone sitting on their hands, or otherwise looking dissatisfied with the process. It's as clear as the Mile High air that Dems are united behind Obama.

Any hurt feelings over Clinton not getting the nomination, or not being selected veep, is red meat for the pundits, but hasn't exactly carried over to the mass of delegates (and we're the ones that matter most in this regard).

One telling sign: I overheard that some national reporters were scrounging around looking for delegates to get on camera and voice their displeasure with Obama. But they couldn't find anyone willing to do it.

At a certain point you have to ask whether a small segment of pundits go out and write the story / set the tone before they even take out their notebook...