Thursday, November 6, 2008

Uh-Oh, What Do Barack Obama Supporters Do Now? At Least We Know Africa Is A Continent Unlike Governor Palin

From the Onion via Instapundit - Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are.

Very funny piece of satire. I am glad to see that political humor will survive the end of the Bush era.

Some Obama supporters may have been overly obsessive but they contributed to keeping Sarah Palin out of the White House. This interview by Fox's Bill O"Reilly of Fox correspondent Carl Cameron demonstrates how spectacularly unqualified Governor Sarah Palin was to be Vice President and more importantly, how irresponsible Senator McCain was to select her in the first place.

You Tube Video of Bill O'Reilly Interview

Andrew Sullivan asks what is the responsibility of the press to find a way to reveal important information to the public despite it being acquired "off the record". Sullivan writes of the press covering the McCain/Palin campaign:
... They kept taking Palin seriously as a veep candidate when she didn't come close to even minimal standards for passing a citizenship test. I'm sorry but I think this is a terrible failing, and it is a reason the mainstream media are imploding. They let the rules of the game over-rule their duty to tell the American people the truth as they began to discover it. The truth is that Sarah Palin had no business whatever being on a national ticket. It was an insanely reckless choice. She could never adequately perform the job of president at a moment's notice, and the McCain campaign and their media enablers were putting this country and the world at serious risk by perpetuating this farce.

It was a farce. And it was a potential threat to national security if anything happened to McCain in office. But they couldn't admit a mistake because it would have killed their campaign, destroying our impression of McCain's judgment and management skills. So they kept this farce alive for two months, putting the country at potentially great risk to massage their own careers. Now they are doing all they can to dump on her. But the dumpage goes both ways. The McCain camp picked Palin and stuck with her far longer than any people who put country first would have. Every reason why she should not have been picked is a reason why McCain should never have been president.
From The Corner at National Review:
The trashing of her is unseemly, and some of the particulars—the bathrobe bit for example—don't seem all that important. But if it is true that Gov. Palin did not know that South Africa was a country on the continent of Africa, it is the type of information that voters should know before her career progresses. And I don't think, by the way, that most people on the Left fear her.
And South Park's view on Barack Obama defeating John McCain via Sullivan.


Anonymous said...

I understand your political point of view, but in your zeal you've neglected to point out that these reports were based on "anonymous sources". As you yourself have demonstrated, there are lots and lots of folks out there who can't and won't let go of their vitriol - one would think you'd at least use named credible sources for yours.


There is no vitriol at all. Just tremendous relief that a person clearly not competent to be President was not given the opportunity to be a heartbeat away from that position and the person who irresponsibly nominated her for that office
was defeated for the Presidency.

The story was Fox News, hardly an outlet for anti- Republican views.

Thanks for your comments. Please continue to provide alternative viewpoints.