Monday, April 13, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 3/11 Thru 4/13 - Public Lewdness, Possession of Weapon, Tram Surge, Unsecured Postal Door & Assault

Image of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Shield From RIOC

RIOC is posting the most current Daily and February 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of February 2009. The Monthly Public Safety Reports for March have not yet been posted. Will link to them as soon as they are available.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for March 11 - April 13, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Public Lewdness (3/11)
  • Electric Box Wires Exposed (3/11)
  • Cell Phone Stolen(3/13)
  • Check Found and returned to owner/secured by PS (3/13,16)
  • Profanity in Public (3/13,14)
  • MTA Substation Unsecured (3/16)
  • Hazardous Condition - Stop Sign Needed by PS/IS 217
  • Two officers Fell Through Floor of Renwick Ruins Apprehending Trespassers (3/20)
  • Suspicious Activity - Library Employee and Non-Employee in the Library (3/21)
  • Bicycle Stolen (3/23)
  • Unauthorized Apartment Move Out (3/28)
  • Criminal Possession Of Weapon (3/28)
  • Tram Power Surge Caused Temporary Service Disruption ( 4/2,6, 7)
  • 7 Youths Involved In Assault (4/4)
  • Unsecured Postal Door ( 4/9, 10)
  • Rocks Thrown at Public Safety Vehicle (4/10) and
  • Suspicious Vehicle Driving Around Mini Bus Garage (4/12)
3/11/09-7:00 AM to 3/12/09-7:00 AM

Possible Hazardous Condition- Smell of gas in apt. FDNY, PSD and UA responded. The gas was shut off. Tenant to receive a new stove. No injuries.
Aggravated Harassment- Tenant stated that subject calls her repeatedly and hangs up. She will go to NYPD and file a report.
Investigation- Illegal Activity- Report of us of Marijuana in the stairwells. PSD to monitor the area. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Public Lewdness- Reporter stated incident occurred on 3/10/09. NYPD refused. PSD to monitor the area.
Aided- Male fell from wheelchair. EMS and PSD responded. Transport was refused.
Improper Use of Horn- Report that last three days unknown motorist uses horn several times for extended amount of time.
PSD to monitor the area.
Hazardous Condition- Electrical Box has exposed wires. PSD secured the box with a lock. No injuries.

3/12-3/13 NA

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0700 hrs. Friday March 13th 2009 - 0700 hrs. Saturday March 14th 2009.

Petit Larceny - Male walking on fourth floor reports anonymous male subject asked to use his cell phone. Subject then fled with Phone. PSD made a search with negative results.
Escort - Female tenant request PSD to get her property from common law spouse.
Found Property - Male walked into PSD office to report a check he found on main st. PSD notified owner of property.
Arrest - PSD Officer while on a car stop observed male subject using profanity and sped off. PSD Officer stopped subject again and summonsed for disorderly conduct.

0700 hour Saturday March 14, 2009, to 0700 Hours Sunday March 15, 2009.

Disorderly Conduct: Individual using profanity in public. PSD officer issued one Criminal Court Summon on spot and released subject.
Aided- Island resident was taken to New York Hospital By EMS throwing up and with a fever
Aided-Island Visitor was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital Intoxicated.
Harassment- Island resident complaint of her stepdaughter being harass in school by class mate. No further information given. Incident referred to the Youth Officer.

3/15/09-7:00 AM to 3/16/09-7:00 AM

Dispute- Youth upset over the results of a game and was wrestling with another youth. Coach/Counselor sent youth home.
Found Property- A Black bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Lock Out- Unknown person removed RIOC lock to South Gate. MTA to be notified.
Escort- Coler Hospital patient's wheelchair not working properly. PSD escorted the patient to Coler Hospital.
Aided- A female fell in apt. EMS responded and female refused transport to the Hospital.

3/16/09-7:00 AM to 3/17/09-7:00 AM

Found Property- Green Canvas bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved it.
Unsecured Premises- MTA Sub Station. MTA notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Car stop/Failure to Yield to Pedestrian- Motorist also had an expired Driver's License. Summonses issued to motorist. Co Worker licensed motorist picked the vehicle.
Found Property- Check. It was secured in PSD.
Unsecured Door- Vacant apt. It was checked by PSD and in order.
Unlicenced Operator/Arrest- Motorist committed a moving violation and produced someone else's Driver's License. Subject arrested by PSD.

3/17/09-7:00 AM to 3/18/09-7:00 AM

Criminal mischief- Bus Shelter glass broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. RIOC notified.
Aided- Female fell in apt. No injuries and PSD assisted female. EMS refused.
Hazardous Condition- Stop sign blocked by school buses f/o PS 271. Motorist proceed without stopping. Need another sign behind the stop sign on the east side facing north. RIOC notified. Area cautioned off.
Vehicle Accident- A vehicle exiting a parking spot caused scratches to a parked vehicle. Owner of parked vehicle not present. PSD report made.
Disorderly Conduct- Male loitering in hallway. PSD advised him it is not allowed. Male became irate and disorderly. Subject arrested by PSD.
Aggravated Harassment- Threats made via telephone. NYPD report made.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Door- Door to premises left open. Search made with negative results. All in order. PSD locked and secured the door. Owner notified.

3/18/09-7:00 AM to 3/19/09-7:00 AM

Vehicle Accident- Pickup Truck backed into a Motorcycle and caused damage. Owner not on scene. PSD report prepared.
Trespass- 2 youth in Motorgate Garage. Search for the youth with negative results.
Chronic Noise Complaint- Referred to UA.

0700 hrs 03/19/09 - 0700 hrs 03/20/09

Aided - EMS and PSD responded to apartment for elderly female with stomach pains. Aided transported to hospital.
Aided - EMS and PSD responded for male with chest pains. Aided transported to hospital.
Criminal Mischief - Unknown subject pushed out window causing it to shatter and brake rear window of vehicle that was parked below. Search of area conducted with negative results. No injuries.
Verbal Dispute - Female resident had verbal argument with store owner. Female was escorted out of store.
Criminal Mischief - Tenant reported to PSD that unknown subject kicked his apartment door causing damage. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results. Housing Management was notified.
Verbal Physical Dispute - PSD responded to apartment for fight between two brothers, both minors. One of the brothers received scratch to the face. Mother refused EMS.
Assault - PSD responded to apartment for Domestic Dispute between husband and wife. Husband was arrested and taken to 114 pct. for processing.
Aided - PSD responded to apartment for female falling on floor. EMS responded to scene. Aided refused transport.
Aided - PSD responded for elderly female on floor. Aided was unable to open door and PSD notified Super. EMS on scene and helped aided into bed. Aided refused transport.
Open Container/Disorderly Conduct - PSD and responded to store for disorderly person. While escorting subject out of store, subject tripped on bike and received cut above eye. EMS responded and subject refused transport. Subject was issued two summonses for Open Container and Disorderly Conduct.

0700hrs 3/20/09- 0700hrs 03/21/09
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Criminal Mischief- Vehicle passenger side window smashed, G.P.S. only item missing, NYPD on scene.
Peti Larceny- Groceries were left unattended on sidewalk, reporter witnessed someone other than complainant take groceries. Search was conducted with negative results.
Aided- Two males injured, fell threw floor or Ruins, transported to hospital.
Trespass- Four male subjects arrested for trespass in the Ruins. Two officers injured while apprehending subjects.

3/21/09-7:00 AM to 3/22/09-7:00 AM
Suspicious Activity- Library Employee and non employee in the Library. Non employee escorted out and Library Supervisor notified.
Open Alcohol Container/Poss Alcohol by a minor- Subject arrested by PSD.
Car stop/Investigation- Vehicle stopped for a cracked windshield. It also fit the description of a vehicle involved in a previous Grand Larceny case. NYPD conducting the investigation.
Disorderly Conduct- 2 Subjects told to disperse and did not. Both arrested by PSD.
Criminal Trespass- At Resnick Ruins. PSD assisted NYPD in arrest of 2 subjects.
Disorderly Conduct- 2 Male subjects fighting. PSD arrested a subject. Other was a youth who was issued a Youth Referral form. Both released to their parents.

3/22/09-7:00 AM to 3/23/09-7:00
Domestic Dispute- Between Mother and adult son. Son escorted out of apt. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- Bus Shelter glass broken. PSD coned area off and caution tape was put up. Grounds cleaned broken glass.
Trespass- Subject arrested by PSD.
Open Container/Alcohol- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
Water Leak- Tenant not home. PSD and UA entered apt. UA made necessary repairs.

3/23/09-7:00 Am to 3/24/09-7:00 AM
Harassment- Between Tenant and a Nurse. NYPD responded and took a report. No injuries.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Past incident where youth harassed by another. NYPD responded and spoke to both parents. Parent refused to press charges. Matter referred to the Youth Officer.
Larceny- A bicycle was taken. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.

3/24/09-7:00 Am to 3/25/09-7:00 AM

Vehicle Accident- Delivery Truck struck a parked vehicle in the Grestides Loading Dock area. No injuries. NYPD prepared a report.

3/25/09-7:00 to 3/26/09-7:00 AM

Unlicenced Driver- Motorist disregarded a stop sign. PSD stopped him. Motorist was issued summonses. Wife a licensed driver retrieved the vehicle.

Smoke Condition- Tenant burnt food in apt. No injuries. No property damage. UA corrected the condition.

Domestic Dispute- Between husband and wife. No injuries. PSD and NYPD responded. Husband left apt. Matter referred to Family Court.

0700 hrs 03/26/09 - 0700 hrs 03/27/09

Aided - Fell on MTA blue bag coming out of subway and fell on left hand. Bag belonged to MTA worker. Aided refused transport and will see her own doctor. MTA supervisor on scene and took report.
Property Damage - As RIOC bus passed MTA #102 bus, it broke mirror on 102 bus. NYPD took report and no report of injuries.
Property Damage - Tenant reports unknown person scratched his front door by his lock. PSD responded and took report. Door lock was secured with no damage.

3/27/28 Not Available

3/28/09-7:00 AM to 3/29/09-7:00 AM
Urinating in Public- Subject arrested by PSD.
Unauthorized Move Out- Tenant notified that authorization is needed by RY Management. Moving ceased and truck left.
Criminal Mischief- Scattered Rear window of vehicle. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD notified.
Criminal Poss Weapon/Unlawful poss of Marijuana/Criminal Trespass/Open Container- 4 subjects arrested by PSD and NYPD.
Trespass- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD. A third was released to parent.
Noise Complaint- Noise complaint form issued and matter referred to UA.

3/29/09-7:00 AM to 3/301/09-7:00 AM
Found Property- A grey colored bracelet. It was secured in PSD.
Possible Hazardous Condition- A Tarp covers pedestrians creating a possible hazardous condition. Dept of Transportation Supervisor notified.
Trespass-2 subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- Male fell while playing Hockey and sustained a possible dislocated shoulder. EMS transported him to the hospital.

3/30/09-7:00 AM to 3/31/09-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between tenant and person Subletting apt. UA terminated the lease and tenant must vacate apt. Dispute ceased and person subletting moved out of apt.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Lost Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner came and retrieved the phone.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by E

3/31/09-7:00 AM to 4/1/09-7:00 AM
Aided- Male fell on the Queens side of the R.I. Bridge. He sustained a laceration to the nose. EMS transported him to the hospital.
Dispute- Between 2 children at School. Parent will call NYPD.
Trespass/Disorderly Conduct- 3 Subjects arrested by PSD.

4/1/09-7:00 AM to 4/2/09-7:00 AM
Court Papers Served. PSD served Family Court papers for an Island resident.
Found Property- A cell Phone. It was secured in PSD.
Trash Can Fire- It was extinguished by PSD. No injuries. No damages. Grounds notified.
Noise Complaint- 5 youths were playing cards in the hallway. They were escorted to their apt. RY Doorman notified.
Graffiti- Inside building. UA notified. Photos on file at PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Dents and damaged lock to an apt door. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Escort- Tenant requested an escort. It was provided by PSD.
Aided- Unconscious intoxicated female in the hallway. PSD responded. EMS transported female to the hospital.

0700 hours 04/02/09 - 0700 hours 04/03/09
Escort - Female came into PSD stating she was drinking and requested escort to apt. Officer provided escort to apt.
Aided/Intoxicated Female - Resident reports intoxicated female in hallway. PSD responded and requested EMS. Aided transported to hospital.
Lost Property - Female lost wallet containing various credit cards. Cards were canceled by owner. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief - PSD responded to cracked lobby window. Service taped up window. Camera in area does not cover that angle of the lobby.
Harassment - Female reports tenant next door left harassing letters under residents doors. Complainant reports this has been going on for years. NYPD responded and made report.
Power Surge - PSD channel stopped working in PSD. Super checked circuit breaker and reset it. Tram supervisor later stated that the tram stopped running for two minutes then resumed. No injuries or property damage resulting from surge were reported to PSD.
Aided - Stated after exiting RIOC bus, he walked into a street sign. Aided suffered small laceration to forehead and was confused. EMS was notified. Aided refused to be transported to hospital.
Flood - Tenant had flood in bathroom. Service responded and corrected condition.

4/3 -4/4 Not Available

4/4/09-7:00 AM to 4/5/09-7:00 AM
Trespass- At South Point Park. Search made with negative results.
Area in order.
Water Leak-In apt. Tenant not home. UA responded and will do repairs
on 4/6/09.
Criminal Mischief- Auto radio torn out of vehicle dash. Search for subject with negative results. Reporter will contact NYPD.
Water Leak- PSD and UA responded to apt. Tenant not home. No water Leak. UA Super locked and secured the apt.
Criminal Mischief- Door bell to apt door burnt. Search made for subject with negative results. NYPD refused.
Assault- 7 youths involved PSD escorted them to PSD. Mother of victim refused to press charges and EMS. Youths were released to the custody of their parents.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

04/05/09 0700AM thru 04/06/09 0700AM
Aided - Intoxicated female, EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Smoke Condition - Tenant was cooking and burnt food. No injuries or damages reported. UA Super on scene. Windows opened to air out smoke.
Graffiti - White lettering on Octagon Men's Comfort Station door. Search conducted for subject(s) with negative results. RIOC grounds dept notified.
Harassment - Female and a male having a dispute over the use of tennis courts. Male threatened to hit her with a tennis racket and fled area.
Aided - Male sustained a laceration to his right foot at soccer field. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Domestic Dispute - Female and her husband had an argument, then he threatened to hit her. PSD and NYPD responded. Female refused to give any information for herself or her husband.
Found Property - Female turned in a package found in Light House Park. Unable to notify owner. Package secured at PSD.

0700 hrs 04/06/09 - 0700 hrs 04/07/09

Found Property - Cell phone found on RIOC bus and turned over to PSD. Owner was contacted and will pick up.
Graffiti - PSD officer found graffiti on apt. door. Photo taken. Management notified.
Power Surge - Caused PSD radio channel to stop operating and Tram to cease and resume after one minute. No injuries or property damage resulting from power surge.

4/7/09-7:00 AM to 4/8/09-7:00 AM
Power Surge- At Tram and effected PSD radio frequency. Power off for one minute. No injuries or property damage.
Homeless- PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. PSD conducting periodic checks of the Avac area for homeless.
Unsecured Property- 2 bicycles that were chained to street sign poles were removed and secured in PSD.
Smoke Condition- Tenant burnt food. No injuries and no property damage.
UA responded with PSD.

04/08/09 0700hrs- 04/09/09 0700hrs
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Alarm Investigation- PSD receive a call from ADT, PSD responded to the Warehouse, search made area in order.

0700 hrs 04/09/09 - 0700 hrs 04/10/09
Fire - PSD and Fire Department responded to possible fire. Fire was extinguished by Manhattan Park security. No injuries reported.
Trespass - PSD responded to South Point Park. Two male subjects were apprehended. Subjects were issued summonses and released.
Unsecured Door - PSD responded to mail room door open and no postal worker inside. Postal supervisor responded and secured door. Supervisor reports that tenants have been complaining of mail being stolen and is being investigated by Postal Police.

4/10/09-7:00 AM to 4/11/09-7:00 AM
Trespass-2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Fire- FDNY and PSD responded. 2-4 River Road Security guard extinguished
it. No injuries or property damage. Manhattan Park Management notified.
Water Leak- Tenant corrected the water leak in apt. RY Management notified.
Rocks Thrown- At PSD vehicle from Blackwell House Park. No injuries and no damages to the vehicle. Youth escorted out of the park.
Graffiti- In building. Search made with negative results. UA notified.
Unsecured Roof Door- Debris found leading to the roof door. The lock was tampered with. Search conducted with negative results for subject. UA notified.
Trespass/Alcohol Open Container/ Disorderly Conduct- 4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Unsecured Postal Room-In building. US Postal Service and Superintendent notified. PSD conducted periodic checks of the area. Postal personnel responded and secured the door.
Unsecured Vehicle- Window found open. Owner of the vehicle was notified and stated she will secure it. PSD conducted periodic checks of the vehicle.

4/11/09-7:00 AM to 4/12/09-7:00 AM
Papers served- PSD served Family Court Papers.
Aided- Male cut wrist on a Queens Surface Bus. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Graffiti- In building. Search made with negative results. UA notified.
Smoke Condition- Burnt food. No injuries and no property damage. UA notified.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner came to PSD and retrieved it.
Trespass/Open Container- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Verbal Dispute- Between cab driver and intoxicated passenger over mess made on cab. Passenger paid for car wash. PSD escorted RI resident to apt.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured at PSD

4/12/09-7:00 AM to 4/13/09-7:00 AM
Domestic Dispute (Verbal)- Between two adult brothers. No injuries and no property damage. EMS and NYPD refused.
Aided- Youth collapsed in the church. EMS transported him to the hospital.
His mother accompanied him.
Suspicious Vehicles- One drove slowly by the Mini Bus Garage. The other was watching the first vehicle. PSD responded. Search made of the area and all in order. All gated areas were locked and secured. An officer was posted at the Mini Bus Garage area.
Escort- Coler Hospital Patient's motorized wheel chair was not working. PSD escorted male to the Coler Hospital.