Friday, April 13, 2012

Roosevelt Island 311 See Click Fix Reports - Island House Courtyard Skateboard Noise, Dogs and Kids Going Wild At Farmers Market, & Filthy Women's Sportspark Locker Room

Do you have a Roosevelt Island issue or problem that can be fixed by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)? If you see a problem or an issue on Roosevelt Island that needs to be brought to the attention of RIOC and fixed, click on RI 311 See Click Fix, report the issue and then monitor RIOC's response to the problem.

Here are some recent reports to RI 311 See Click Fix
skateboard noise

Every single day, the Island Hose courtyard becomes a meeting place for skateboarders who exercise their skills.

The noise made by those skateboarders jumping every possible steps inside the Island House courtyard, is amplified by sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
Is there a way Public Safety can provide a quitter environment for tenants of Island House, by enforcing a NO SKATEBOARD ZONE inside Island House courtyard?
and RIOC's response:
Issue Closed
The courtyard is operated by your building management company, RY Management. Please inform them of the situation as it is there responsibility. We will also ask our Public Safety Officers to observe the specified area.

Another issue raised on RI 311 See Click Fix:
Green market protocol

Parents & dog owners! A little sensitivity and some rules needed! dogs going wild, barking, raring their teeth, and jumping up on the food have no place at the green market. Dogs of shouldn't be that close to food sales. And kids on Razor scooters, bikes, skates, etc. are a danger and a nuisance. Please take some responsibility.
RIOC, would u kindly institute some rules:
- no pets allowed in vicinity of food
- no scooters, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. beyond this point?
Thank you!
and RIOC's response:
Issue Closed This is certainly a sensitive matter. The PTA manages the green market as it assists them with meeting their fundrasing goals. We will reach out to them for further discussions and work with the PSD to see that these matters are handled accordingly.
The fruit stand needs lights at night. Currently he uses a generator, which creates unnecessary pollution. Could RIOC make an electrical outlet available at the fruit stand location?
No response yet from RIOC on the fruit stand issue.

One final example:
I guess it will take Cornell moving over here for RIOC to try to put on a good face.. Filthy, nasty women's locker rooms at Sports Park Pool

Bet you 100 bucks by the time Cornell moves in here RIOC will jump to cleaning up the dark, old and pitiful dressing rooms at the pool. l would like to see Ms. Torres' face if she wanted to go for a swim at the Sports park Pool and went into the dressing rooms with her family to change, and shower. I bet she would be heading over to Home Depot stat to purchase some Clorox, a few Mr. Shower heads and she might even grab a gallon or two of yellow or sage green paint and some new clean and slip proof tiles for the floors, not to mention some new light fixtures.

What do people think that come over and use the pool and use the showers before and after the pool? My god, clean the place up if not for us for the kids that frequent the place!

maybe we should go in and take pictures of the showers and the dressing areas to show what we are talking about...last time I went, my flip flops were sticking to the dressing room floor! I wanted to sterilize my hands after touching everything in there. All of that then gets transferd into the pool.

A complete make over is in order, plain and simple.
No RI 311 response yet from RIOC on this issue though RIOC VP of Operations Fernando Martinez did respond to complaints about condition of Sportspark locker rooms in post earlier this week:
The Sports Park locker rooms are cleaned daily, and they were painted about 2 years ago.  We are having preliminary internal discussions on an overall Sports Park rehabilitation project.
One problem with the RI 311 reporting system is that RIOC lists an issue as "Closed" when they respond to the listing, not necessarily when the issue is resolved. Perhaps RIOC should acknowledge an issue is received, then wait until the issue is resolved before indicating it is closed.

More on Roosevelt Island 311 See Click Fix from previous post. 

Remember, if you see a Roosevelt Island problem, say something and report it.