Sunday, November 4, 2018

Vote Tuesday, November 6 For Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council - Watch Video Of RIRA President & Vice President Candidates And Statements From Building Representatives Too

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council is holding its 2018 election for President, Vice President and Building representatives on Tuesday, November 6.

All Roosevelt Island residents 18 years of age and older, regardless of citizenship can vote. Absentee ballots can be picked up at Public Safety Department (550 Main Street).

RIRA is recognized by local public officials and the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) as the elected representatives of Roosevelt Island residents. Though RIRA has no formal decision making power on Roosevelt Island, they do sometimes have persuasive influence on specific issues with those that do have the power.

RIRA hosted a Meet The Candidates Forum on November 1. Many new faces volunteered to represent their respective building residents. All expressed the desire to help make Roosevelt Island a better place to live for their neighbors.

Lynn Strong-Shinozaki is running unopposed as RIRA President. Ms Strong-Shinozaki spoke to the November 1 Meet the Candidates Forum.

Frank Farance and David Lawson are running for RIRA Vice President.

Mr Farance

and Mr. Lawson

also spoke to the November 1 Meet the RIRA Candidates Forum and answered questions.

Below are statements submitted by RIRA Building Candidates.

Southtown (total of 11 seats)
Sharon Williams:

My name is Sharon Williams.

I have served as a representative of #455 and Southtown on the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council since October 2014. I have served as the chairperson of the Hands-Only CPR committee since 2015 where we have now trained over 1,200 Roosevelt Island residents in hands-only CPR for adults and CPR for infants. I am also the co-chair of the RIRA Elections Committee. As a member of the Social, Cultural & Educational Committee I have volunteered at the Cherry Blossom Festival, Egg Hunt and other events.

​RIRA does such great work on the Island and I love being a part of it. There is a great need for the types of services and activities that RIRA currently provides, and I hope to continue serving as a member of Common Council in this next term.
I am Janet Falk,

a consultant in Public Relations and Marketing Communications and a 10-year resident of Roosevelt Island. I have served on RIRA since 20014. I have served on the Communications Committee and Nominations Committee. I also volunteer for the Cherry Blossom Festival. On behalf of the Roosevelt Island Historical Society, I contributed articles to The Main Street WIRE and the Roosevelt islander blog; I also write about the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation for the RI Blog. I enjoy promoting awareness of events and building connections among community groups. Please vote for me in the Southtown delegation.
I am Jen Choi Weinstein,

a mom of two and philanthropy officer for a cancer center. I am a new resident of Roosevelt Island, and our family fell in love with the neighborhood even before we moved here. My daughter currently attends the local day nursery, and I am involved with the parent's association. We love the island community, and want to help maintain its unique charm. I am particularly interested in advocating for our children, our four legged friends (pets), fellow parents and families. I look forward to being a representative for the Southtown delegation!
My name is Sally Ashe.

I am a new resident of the island having moved from the UK into #465 recently. I would like to become involved in the island community. I am a research technician by trade but I was also politically active in the UK. I was chair of our local Liberal Democrat Party and as such stood as Borough Council candidate for the Liberal Democrats in May this year. I was also prospective parliamentary candidate for a nearby constituency. As an active member I listened to residents’ concerns and tried my best to deal with any issues by contacting local government. These problems could range from potholes in the roads, building homes on the very few green spaces within the town and the need for reliable local transport.

I’m really happy to be living on Roosevelt Island and already feel at home here. I would like to help residents and hope that you will vote for me to represent you as one of the Southtown RIRA Building representatives.'
My name is Mickey Rindler

and I am a resident of Southtown who has lived on the Island for over 10 years.
  • I have been on the Common Council since 2012.
  • I have served on the Constitution/By-Laws, Island Services, and Planning Committees as well as chairing the Ethics Committee which implemented RIRA’s Conflict of Interest policy.
  • Recently, I led the RIRA delegation that met with RIOC to discuss the weekend morning races and we succeeded in getting commitments from RIOC to move them from Firefighter Field, to restrict their length, and to ease parking restrictions.
  • I have represented RIRA in meetings with RIOC about water quality, street parking and Sportspark.
  • I have been a volunteer for the Cherry Blossom Festival, Blood Drive and RIRA elections.
I am pleased to continue serving our community and help improve our quality of life.
Justin Ellis

I'm an attorney with the litigation boutique MoloLamken LLP and live in 480 Main Street in Southtown. I'm running because I want to do all that I can to keep Roosevelt Island a truly special place to live. If elected, I will work to maintain good relationships with - and careful oversight over - RIOC. I will devote my energies to improving the island's infrastructure. I will fight for a safe community while ensuring that citizens get the respect and rights they deserve. And I will work to bring together all the parts of our vibrant community. I look forward to serving all of you. Please vote for me this November 6.
Also running from Southtown is Dave Evans.

Octagon Building (Total Of 5 Seats)
Scott Piro, 2018-2020 RIRA Common Council candidacy statement

I joined RIRA with two main goals: to improve pedestrian safety among the Island’s less regulated northern roadways and improve the quality of our Island’s dog parks. Achievements directly related to my efforts include vehicle speed monitoring signs on northern Main Street and East Loop Road, benches and “Rules of the Dog Run” signs installed in both dog parks - and an accelerated timetable for the construction of an all-new dog run inside Blackwell Park in 2019. I also created and maintain a Whatsapp group for the Island’s dog community. Building on my success stopping RIOC vehicles from blocking the promenade behind 580 Main Street, if re-elected to The Octagon delegation, I would focus on other safety and quality-of-life promenade issues for pedestrians and joggers - such as limiting fishermen/women to specific zones and keeping Queens-side trees neatly pruned to eliminate concussion hazards.
Also running from the Octagon Building are:
  • Robert Leung
  • Cristrobal A Oltra
  • James Rosenthal
  • David Turley
  • Brenna Bessa
  • Stephen Jaye
Manhattan Park (Total of 8 Seats)
My name is Paula Beltrone.

I have been living in Manhattan Park for 7 years and am totally in love with our delightful Island. I've been involved in several community projects: three years on the planning committee of the Roosevelt Island Relay For Life, former Board member of the Wildlife Freedom Foundation, and currently on the Pay-It-Forward committee of RIRA. In the 43 years before retirement I held many different administrative positions at Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens. I have a masters degree in Social Work and have always been committed to advocating for those less fortunate and to promoting fairness and equality. As a member of the Common Council I would certainly give you my best and would always devote myself to making our community work for all of us.
I am Eneaqua Lewis,

member of local 28 Sheet Metal Workers Union and a resident of Roosevelt Island for 30 years. I have an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice and a B.A. in Public Administration. Currently I serve on the board for the 2-4 River Road tenants association. As a member of the board I do a lot of research on HUD policies to ensure my neighbors and I are treated fairly. Growing up on R.I., I attended PS 217 and now my son attends the same school. In the past I have volunteered at Goldwater Hospital on R.I. and currently I take the time to help elderly tenants in my building anyway possible. Please vote for me in the 2-4 River Road delegation.
Also running from Manhattan Park:
  • Chris Gassman
  • Shuang Yu
Island House ( Total of 3 Seats)
My name is Lydia Tang

and I am running for the position of Island House Representative to the Roosevelt Island Residents’ Association (RIRA).

I am currently the 1st Alternate Representative for Island House. Some of my contributions have included:
  • Co-chair of the enormously successful annual Roosevelt Island Cherry Blossom Festival
  • Co-chair of the RIRA Elections Committee
  • Hands Only CPR Trainer
  • Pay It Forward Food Distribution
I have been extremely active in a number of community organizations, including:
  • the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
  • Hope Church
  • Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance (MSTDA) Board Of Directors/Treasurer
  • NYPL Library Advocate for Roosevelt Island
  • PS/IS 217 PTA Executive Board
I am committed to helping and making a difference. I have:
  • the education and experience to help the community
  • strong relationships with many community leaders
Tuesday, Nov. 6th is Election Day. We need your vote to make changes in our government to preserve and improve our quality of life on Roosevelt Island.

Please vote for me for Island House Representative to the Roosevelt Island Residents’ Association on Nov. 6.

Thank you.
Frank Farance (also running for RIRA Vice President)

Island resident for 38 years, RIRA Common Council for 22 years and served as: Island House representative, RIRA President, Planning Committee Chair, Communication Committee Chair, RIRA Secretary, Public Safety Committee member, Island Services Committee member, Constitution and By-Laws Committee member, Public Purpose Funds Committee member, Government Relations Committee and Maple Tree Group member. I'm a parent of 16-year old twins.

Efforts I've initiated, led, or helped significantly:
  • Water/Air Quality: I investigated contaminated water (carcinogens) at parks' drinking fountains ― already a half-year project, and still ongoing. I led RIRA's air quality effort during the Cornell construction, and I was able to bring all the stakeholders to the table: Cornell, RICC, and experts.
  • Emergency Response: Member of RI's CERT team since 2006, staffed Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene shelters, and staffed Hurricane Maria service center (Harlem) and worked at City's warehouse moving donations, supplies, and materiel to Puerto Rico. This summer, I developed with RIOC a drill and demonstration for flood mitigation for Roosevelt Island: quick-fill dams (8 minutes fill time) that can be deployed around the Island to protect buildings and infrastructure from hurricane flooding. I participated in the City's Dept. of Planning workshop on flood mitigation (sponsored by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer), analyzed updated flood planes for Island's buildings.
  • Affordability and Housing: I've helped preserve affordable housing, including the Island House conversion (a 15-year effort led by a half-dozen people), and advocating strongly for Westview's conversion, which was stalled at RIOC. I opposed Gristede's withdrawal of the WIC (women, infants, and children) program, got Manhattan Park Pool to end its discriminatory pricing.
  • Finances: I've helped reveal the Island's finances, including getting RIOC to increase their budget look-ahead from 5 years to 15 years (which revealed RIOC financial problems). I've given the community insight on the ground leases - their strengths and weaknesses. I exposed RIOC's billion dollar debt/liability, which is an issue that all of us need to work on as it will soon affect our housing costs (whether rent or maintenance, whether subsidized or market-rate).
  • Health/Safety: I took "Rat Academy" training (City's Department of Health), reported the severe rat infestation at PS/IS 217 (250-rat colony), and got the City to teach the Rat Academy on the Island for residents and building/merchant staff. Reported multiple health and security problems at the Motorgate "vomitorium". Reported safety problems with helix reconstruction (immediately fixed).
  • Public Safety: Worked on many issues over the years, including improper recordkeeping on vertical patrols, building safety, park/promenade safety. I seek to balance the Rights of the Individual (no gratuitous arrests) with the Rights of Society (Quality of Life issues, such as late-night noise).
  • Youth: I have worked with 1000+ youth over the past 15 years, including personally teaching, mentoring, and supporting 200 Island youth. For a decade, I've taught STEM to Island youth in weekly classes (robotics, Minecraft, SAT prep, etc.).
In the 2018-2020 term, my focus is (1) expanding RIRA to include all the Island's residents, such as Coler and Cornell, (2) giving merchants a voice, (3) improving Island's infrastructure, (4) improving RIOC's communication and responsiveness towards community needs. I will continue to stand up for the residents and their concerns, continue to invest time/effort in our community, and (as always) Speak Truth to Power.
Also, running from Island House are:
  • Rossana Ceruzzi
    Adib Mansour A. F.
Rivercross (total of 3 Seats)
My name is Kaja Meade,

and I hope that you will vote for me on November 6th for the Roosevelt Island Residents Association. My family and I have lived on Roosevelt Island for six years We moved our growing family to Roosevelt Island, as did many people decades ago, because it is now -- as it was then – the best place to live in NYC. We initially lived in Southtown, and became active and invested community members. I have attend RIOC meetings and Main Street Theatre productions; I am involved in the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery as co-chair of the Parents Association there, and participate in children’s programing on the Island.

I am currently a “stay-at-home-mom,” and I have a master’s degree in gerontology from the University of Southern California, and began my career in Washington with the Senate Special Committee on Aging. I have worked for several non-profits at international, national, state, and city levels, with an emphasis on the aging population. For example, I worked with Generations United, supporting efforts to improve the lives of grandparents and other relatives raising children, and for the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care. In 2004, I worked in the national political arena as a presidential candidate’s National Director of Senior Outreach, developing and implementing the campaign’s national senior outreach plan and coordinating the seniors’ caucuses at the national convention. In 2006, I worked as a Senior Lobbyist for the Alliance for Retired Americans in Washington, DC. After moving to New York in 2009, I worked at the New York Academy of Medicine on the Age-friendly New York City project, a public-private partnership affiliated with the World Health Organization, and led by a Mayoral Commission of leaders in the public and private sectors. I was also an active volunteer for the UN’s NGO Committee on Ageing.

I feel that my circumstances and experience make me a qualified -- and unusual -- candidate. Not only can I relate to opportunities and issues from a young-family perspective, but I have a professional background in gerontology and community organizing that can be informative. The Roosevelt Island community is in the midst of transition, which brings opportunities and challenges, and I’m prepared to respond with energy and creativity -- and I hope to have your support.
Also running from Rivercross is:
  • Laura Hussey
Westview (Total of 3 Seats)
Hi, I am Vadim Malinsky from Westiview, a senior executive at Bloomingdale’s working for corporate communications and technology department. I have lived on the island for over 8 years and consider it my home. I also volunteer for the United States Coast Guard in Auxiliary Flotilla 10-5 Battery Park. I have organized several community events on Roosevelt Island like pilaf Saturdays on Farmers Market, dj for International Dinner at P.S.217, various cultural and educational picnics on the river, etc. I used to be involved in designing a website for Main Street newspaper with Dick. I have B.S. in Information Systems and M.S. in Global Trade. I enjoy participating in cultural and educational community development projects. Please vote for me)
David Lawson (also running for RIRA Vice President)

My name is David LAWSON. A father of two, I am a Westview resident and have been living on Roosevelt Island since 1998. I have worked 20 years at the United Nations on political, social and economic affairs, defending human rights, women’ and girls’ rights and minority rights. I have presided over a UN civil servant organization and worked with various international and US organizations and associations for civil rights.

I was elected a RIRA Common Council member for the first time in 2014 and re-elected in 2016. RIRA Planning Committee Chair since 2015, I have spearheaded work and significant progress on critical issues for the community, including transportation (ferry, bike use and infrastructure improvement, F-train service improvement, electric vehicles), environment protection (air quality control during Cornell construction, drinking water quality, South Point Park wildlife protection), reflections on the long-term impact of Cornell Tech and growing population dynamics on the island and its infrastructure, and I have established and entertain a constructive dialogue with RIOC President on those issues.

I run again this year because I strongly believe in the power of community and associative work for public interest. RIRA is an essential forum of dialogue for the Roosevelt Island residents with RIOC and allows for the voice of the Roosevelt islanders to be heard. I run for Vice President because, building on my experience with the Common Council governance and as Committee Chair, I want to help foster and promote further the work and outreach of the Council for the greater benefit of Roosevelt Islanders. With the newly elected RIRA President and Common Council members, I hope to contribute to more Roosevelt islanders participating to RIRA work and associate other RI institutions to its proposals, as well as enhanced visibility of its achievements.

If elected, as Vice-President, I will support the President and Council, enhanced RIRA communications with the community, sustained membership participation, widened participation in RIRA, fundraising, and I will work closely with relevant Committee chairs for enhanced coordination and effectiveness. I will continue to contribute to RIRA Common council debates, supporting enhanced communication with Roosevelt islanders, and support the on-going work of RIRA on environment protection, transportation, infrastructure, well-being and equitable treatment of our residents of all conditions and all ages, the future development of our Island and protection of our wonderful RI community.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns you would like to share or discuss, please reach out to me at

Against this background, I hope you will entrust me with your confidence and your vote on November 6th. I encourage you to go out and vote and to participate in RIRA Committees as these are open to all Roosevelt islanders! I thank you.

David LAWSON, RIRA Common Council Member and Planning Committee Chair
Also running from Westivew are:
  • Bafode Drame
  • Erin Feely-Nahem
Roosevelt Landings ( Total of 7 Seats)

No Roosevelt Landings candidate statements were submitted. The candidates are:
  • Cynthia Ahn
    Nancy Brown
    Shirley A. Coley
    Phinda Dlamini
    Linda Maynard-Hall