Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Roosevelt Island Holiday Shopping - Pop Up Gift Shops This Weekend And Next, Christmas Trees For Sale, Professional Holiday Family Photos & RIHS Visitors Center Merchandise

Plenty of opportunities to do some Hanukkah/Christmas Holiday shopping locally right here on Roosevelt Island.

This weekend is a Holiday Pop Up Shop at the Seniors Center (546 Main Street):

Holiday Pop Up Shop

December 8th and 9th, 2018 Saturday—Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

All you need in one place. This holiday season!

Holiday gifts and decorations Jewelry, food, poinsettia for sale and much more!

For Information, please contact Wendy Hersh at

On Sunday, December 16, check out the Pink Tage Creative Market at Manhattan Park Theatre Club (8 River Road). According to the event organizer Carla Ramirez:
The intention of making this Creative Bazaar, is to help entrepreneurs who do their jobs by hand.

They are small entrepreneurs most from my native country Venezuela, I want their talent to be known by other cultures.

Manhattan Park, in conjunction with other residents, have given me all their support to make this event happen. To give the residents of Roosevelt Island a family day to do activities for both adults and children including free Zumba Class, Sports Activities, and many activities for children.

They can make Christmas purchases too. We will have jewelry booth, handmade handbags, T-shirts, makeup, photography, accessories for dogs, desserts, arts and crafts, handmade soaps, women's clothing, sportswear, and much more. We will have food stalls and hot chocolate.

So we are waiting for you to share a family day with us.

Each Saturday and Sunday until December 23, the Roosevelt Island Christmas Tree Emporium is available at the Motorgate Rotunda next to Gristedes and offers free delivery.

Roosevelt Island Party Planners Bespoke My Heart are offering professional Holiday photos on Saturday December 8:
Haven’t taken your Holiday photos yet? Get them taken by a professional on Roosevelt Island at a pop-up photo studio. Saturday December 8th, located at 504 Main Street (2nd Floor), appointments available from 9am - 6pm.

Reserve your photo session now: Click here.

Cost: $50 for a 20 minute session with different props and backdrops.

Walk away with the photos on a USB drive ready to print or upload for holiday cards.

Register Now for you Roosevelt Island professional Holiday Photo Session.
Don't forget to stop by the Roosevelt Island Historical Society Visitors Center

for Holiday Shopping too.

According to RIHS:

December, 2018

Daily, except Tuesday

11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.



DEC. 19, 20, 21

11 A.M. TO 8 P.M.
Click here for some gift ideas at the RIHS Visitors Center.

Happy Shopping.