Monday, February 18, 2019

Resident Reports Car Chase, Reckless Driving Donut Spinning, And Possible Gun Seen At Roosevelt Island Tram Station Circle Last Saturday Night - RIOC Public Safety Asks Anyone With Info To Contact PSD

Last Saturday night, a Roosevelt Island resident reported the following incident at the  Roosevelt Island Tram Circle (picture taken Sunday afternoon).

According to the resident:
Did anyone else just hear or witness the explosive noise (and subsequent smoke) near the north side of the tram station? My concierge thought it involved a car chase and someone else thought she saw a gun.

The concierge says the main car spinning out over and over was a high end Mercedes. I could only see the smoke (after the noise) off to the east side of my bldg and at least 2 men run to a red truck, get in the truck, and drive off super fast.

The concierge says someone was outside walking their dog while the main car (Mercedes?) was doing circles, and she thought they were pointing guns at one another. The smell of burning rubber was in our building after that.

After I visited with the concierge about it, I came back to my apartment and 30 minutes later decided I should let the Roosevelt Island police know about the red car that I could see out my window (not the main car involved per the concierge). When I called the police to give the details he said that their patrol had just completed, and the area was fine. I tried again to explain that the incident was 45 minutes prior but that I thought they should be on the look-out for the types of cars involved. The person I was speaking with was not interested in details.

It was 10:30pm on a warm Saturday night so anyone could have been hit through recklessness (if that is all it was). I wish the police had been interested in hearing these details.
A Tram rider saw the incident and added:
It was some lunatic doing donuts with their car at the roundabout near the tram. It happened as I was boarding it earlier.

I saw the tire marks very clearly from the tram cabin. Likely someone recklessly showing off their new ride. Some people really don't deserve a license.
Another witness reported seeing a car speeding down East Main Street past Riverwalk Building at over 50 mph.

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Chief Jack McManus asks anyone with any information to please contact the Public Safety Department at 212-832-4545.