Sunday, September 1, 2019

Boat Crashes Into Roosevelt Island Bridge Early This Morning Snapping Off Mast - That's Why We Have Charts

The Twitterverse reports that a Catamaran crashed into the Roosevelt Island Bridge

this morning completely snapping off its mast.

The Long Island City Boathouse reminds boaters to be aware of the low Roosevelt Island Bridge with hashtag:
That's why we have charts

A recent Boston transplant to Roosevelt Island, and the new Dean at Cornell Tech notes:

A Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) spokesperson reports:
An inspection was conducted and completed by NYC DOT on the Roosevelt island 36th Avenue bridge. According to DOT there is NO structural damage to the bridge. The vessel that struck the bridge did have extensive damage to the mask. There were no injuries or any other damage.
Here's video of a March 2018 incident

of a sailboat hitting the Roosevelt Island Bridge and another incident of boat hitting bridge and capsizing in 2015, another crash in 2014 and
 Image From Rebecca Knell
