Monday, May 18, 2020

NYC Health Department Releases Coronavirus Zip Code And Demographic Data - 31 Deaths On Roosevelt Island

The NYC Health Department today released more detailed demographic information about how Coronavirus is affecting NYC.

According to NYC Health Department:
The data presented on these pages reflect the most recent information the Health Department has collected about people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in NYC. In March, April and early May, we had discouraged people with mild and moderate symptoms from being tested, so our data primarily represent people with more severe illness.
This page includes data visualizations. To view the data as csv files, click here to visit our Github repository.

Unless otherwise noted, all of the below information was collected by the NYC Health Department. The data on these pages will be updated daily. All data are preliminary and subject to change...

... The number of reported confirmed cases per ZIP code may be affected by that area’s population size, access to health care and access to testing. For example, an area with a low total case number but a high percent of positive cases could reflect more people with mild symptoms not getting tested.
The data reports 31 Coronavirus deaths on Roosevelt Island zip code 10044.

Gothamist has a Coronavirus interactive neighborhood map but does not include Roosevelt Island at this time. According to the map, nearby Astoria/Long Island City 11106 Zip Code has a much lower death rate (106.04) per 100,000

than Roosevelt Island (264.95).

I've asked the Mayor's Office:
Do the statistics for 10044 include Coler Nursing and Roosevelt Medical patients.

I’m trying to find out how many people on Roosevelt Island died and tested positive for Coronavirus that are not patients at Coler or the Medical Center.
More data from NYC Health Department here.

Will update when more info available.