Sunday, March 3, 2019

Roosevelt Island Winter Snow Storm Coming Tonight And Tomorrow Morning, Remove Your Cars From Main Street So RIOC Can Plow - RI Resident Asks For Businesses And Buildings To Clear Snow From Their Sidewalks

NYC is expecting snow this evening thru tomorrow morning.

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RICO):
National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for our area, Sun, 3/3/19. Wind chills at or below 32 degrees and snow accumulation of 3”- 6”.

There will be “NO PARKING, NO STOPPING OR NO STANDING” on Main St. or the East and West Roadways from, Sun, 3/3/19 at 4:00PM THRU Mon, 3/4/19 at 6:00PM in order for snow preparation and subsequent removal to take place.

Free parking for residents ONLY at Motorgate Garage during this time. Proof of residency and vehicle registration must be presented upon entering. Vehicle must be registered to Roosevelt Island residents. Vehicles may utilize the Motorgate parking starting at 4PM, Sunday, March 3, 2019 and must be moved by 6PM on Monday March 4, 2019 when Main Street reopens for parking.

Call PSD for more info: 212-832-4545 or call Motorgate: 212-832-4585
There has been very little snow this year. So when we had a bit of snow yesterday, it was time for some to play Roosevelt Island Snow Basketball

and peaceful serenity for others.

But, a long time Roosevelt Island resident, who moved here during a blizzard, noticed some areas of Roosevelt Island were not cleared of snow on Saturday morning and reported.:
I called Public Safety at 10 am from Nisi, where I arrived after the most awful, dangerous, and treacherous walk past the Dry Cleaner & Bubble Tea folks. I asked them to please send a Sargent out to both establishments to remind them they are required to clean, salt & sand their sidewalks after a snowstorm. I also asked them to contact Island House about the fact that no one had cleaned the sidewalks outside their building fronting Main Street.

What happened to RIOC, who usually plows, sands & salts most of the sidewalks from Manhattan Park to the subway & Tram? They seem to have bypassed both Island House & that one short stretch of east sidewalk just past 580 Main just past the crosswalk.

After 36 years here, I'm kinda sad that 3 inches of snow seems to have made everyone stupid.

I was surprised to see the sorry state of most of the crosswalks between 8:30 & 10:30 am. Glad to see the Bus Stops in good condition.

I was a little surprised & annoyed that RIOC did not request folks to get their cars off Main Street last night so plowing, salting & sanding could be curb-to-curb. So a blizzard wasn't forecast, but letting folks keep their cars on the street overnight just makes everything after it stops snowing a little worse.

Wondering what they will do for tomorrow evening thru Monday morning.

Also, here's an engineering question for the next big snow or rain.

Going north on Main Street by the original WIRE buildings, the Z-bricks on the street by the curbs continue their sinking into the sand under the, causing huge puddles & possible vehicular hazards as the water & run off gets deeper & deeper. Didn't RIOC try to correct this after the gas lines were laid? The Red Bus drivers pull out from the north-bound stops as far to their left as is safe (since there are no visible yellow lines in the middle of Main St since the last hack paint job) to avoid a possible sinkhole or other disaster.

Just asking.
Here's some pictures taken Saturday morning of the good and bad of Roosevelt Island snow clean up.