As I was walking/hobbling past Capobianco Field this afternoon, I noticed a crowd of people looking up in the Trees and taking pictures. What's going on I asked?
Our bake sale was a great success raising $1,132 for the team!
Thank you to all our amazing parents and swimmers who baked, donated and SOLD for the Marlins. And thank you to our wonderful Roosevelt Island community for showing their support for the team today!
We appreciate donations from Roosevelt Island Starbucks branch, Coach Scot at Main Street Sweets, Riverwalk Bar and Grill, Sedky family, Public Safety officers, Saturday market vendors, and so-so many more! The Board is trying to raise as much money as we can this year to balance our budget. We chose to keep our swim class prices the same even though our pool rental is more than double that of Sportspark, and we have less swimmers (no Learn to Swim program).
Click HERE to visit our "Support Us" page and make a donation to the team this season. R.I. Swimming, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions are tax deductible, and eligible for company monetary matches. You can also donate by making a check payable to "R.I. Swimming". Any contributions, no matter the amount, are greatly appreciated!
Roosevelt Island Youth Program Soccer League Weekend of Champions
This Saturday November 19th, 2016 at Octagon field the Roosevelt Island Youth Program Inc. Beacon Soccer League will have our Championship Weekend. Over 400 youth participated in this co-ed free program over the past 12 weeks to arrive at their goal of being number 1.
On Saturday we will have 4 championship games, the Minors (ages 6 & 7) will start at 10:30 am, the Sophomores (ages 8 & 9) will play at 12 noon, the Juniors (ages 10,11,12) will start at 1:30 pm and the Seniors will begin at 3:30 pm.
All participants will receive awards after the game and celebrate an end to one of our best seasons.
I want to thank Andre Chichagov, Franz Enama and Yitza Martinez for an excellent job this year.
... Leitner-Poma, operator of the Roosevelt Island Tramway, has advised that, due to required inspections and maintenance on both Tram cabins (including the replacement of both cabin floors), the Tram will operate with one cabin, running on a peak schedule during the month of November....
Line waiting to Board Roosevelt Island Tram this morning with only 1 cabin in service while other is undergoing maintenance & inspection
Last Friday the Roosevelt Island Youth Program and our community lost a good friend to the program and ardent supporter to youth services on the island. Brian King,
a RIYP Board Member and sports coach volunteer passed away last Friday after battling illness for the past year. Brian leaves behind his children John, Laura and his wife Kathleen........., and a grateful Roosevelt Island Youth Program and community.
Brian understood the true meaning of a inclusive competitive recreation program for youth
and made every effort to make the experience a memorable one for each and every child under his care. Brian will be missed.
Condolences to Brian King's family, friends and colleagues at the RIYP.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Audit Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 5:30 P.M. at the RIOC Administrative Office, 591 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.
1. Discussion of the Proposed Budget FY 2017-18.
2. Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committee
* * *
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
RIOC’s Proposed Budget FY 2017‐18 projects revenues of $27,969,000 and increase of $1,986,000 or 7.64% over the Approved Budget FY 2016‐17 amount of $25,983,000. RIOC generates most of its revenues from long‐term ground leases to developers of housing projects on the Island. These leases specify the manner in which the ground lease revenues are derived, including amounts, timing, and escalation of ground lease payments, specifically residential fees, ground rents, and public safety fees. In addition, RIOC generates revenues from its Tramway transportation system, Motorgate parking garage, metered street parking, commercial leases, interest income, and other revenues. Other revenues mostly consist of permitting fees collected for activities that take place in the Sportspark sports facility, the Cultural Center, the Sports Fields, and third party construction on the Island.
Residential fees are projected to increase by $792,000 or 64.65%. This is mainly due to the projected construction of Southtown Building 8 and initial sales of co‐op apartments from Island House.
There is an aggregate increase of $1,044,000 or 9.42% in ground rent primarily due to escalations as specified in relevant ground leases and the projected construction of Southtown Building 8, which is expected to commence in April 2017. Furthermore, projections for Rivercross and Westview are based on current levels, however both projected ground rents are expected to increase.
Commercial rents are projected to increase because of escalations in the terms of the commercial leases.
Tramway revenues are projected to decrease by $261,000 or 4.37%, due to over‐projection of the revenues in the FY 16‐17 budget.
Public Safety revenues are projected to increase by $70,000 or 3.71% due to contractual escalations.
Motorgate and metered parking revenues are projected to increase by $174,000 or 7.04%, mainly due to increased parking at Motorgate.
Interest revenues are projected to decrease by $57,000 or 34.97% due to the short‐term nature of investments and the current levels of interest rates.
Other Revenues is projected to increase by $209,000 or 13.23%. Most of the increase is due to Sportspark and field permit fees, commission on cellular telephone equipment, miscellaneous fees, and contributed rental income.
I spoke with Mr. Calendrillo last September about his plans for the new Roosevelt Island Art Gallery.
and the impact his new art gallery may have on the revitalization of Main Street retail.
Mr. Callendrillo's latest gallery exhibition features the work of artist Blake Emory.
According to Mr. Callendrillo:
Blake Emory
Illusions of Grandeur
November 17th to December 3rd
Opening Reception November 17th
Reception Sponsored by Emory Vodka
6pm to 8pm
Paul Calendrillo New York Gallery
507 Main St. New York, NY 10044
All art is illusionist by nature. A skilled hand can magically take a two-dimensional canvas and add a third dimension of depth or ascension. The fabric of our social construct is manipulated by desire for beauty and the use of color and shading can trick the eye into seeing something, that when viewed closely, doesn't exist.
Painter and sculptor, Blake Emory's newest work explores the notion that elegance and grandeur are themselves illusions. Returning to his signature Zebra Love
subject in which women's bodies are synthesized from a web of zebra stripes or where the hair of seductresses are thick waterfalls of black and white cascades, Emory now obfuscates their sensuous nature in this collection by integrating spinning pinwheels in his paintings and levitating sculptural elements in his stonework, successfully modifying an old cliché that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but mere trick of the mind.
Blake Emory was born to parents who lived for the arts. From a young age, Emory explored the depth of his own creativity. Realizing his potential, he explored many avenues to express his vision. His journey began in early childhood when he sold his first piece. A crayon drawing of a famous baseball player he had sold to his classmate in the third grade. By the fifth grade, Blake had started his first tee-shirt business, guided by his siblings. It did not take long for this group of talented youngsters to grow in numbers and start making waves. He counted up the few coins in his pocket and came up with a meager eight dollars. He walked to a local arts and crafts store and bought a bottle of black paint and two bottles of white. He carefully selected his brush and strolled to a thrift store where he found old vinyl records by the hundreds. He painted iconic rock stars on the vinyl and began selling them in the street, where the pieces sold out in a day.
Emory was at a point in his life where things were changing. He came across another artist that had been creating art in an old warehouse. They joined and began to journey on a creative path that would eventually inspire Emory to create his own vision, Zebra Love. Riding the wave of creativity, Emory traveled to Miami, where he began to manage a gallery. The gallery was a hit. Blake brought back Zebra Love and built a mobile gallery where his path crossed with a New Yorker that invited him to bring his Zebra Love Collection to a New York gallery. Living at the gallery, he created art day and night; he finally had a chance to sculpt in stone. The art was flowing heavy: paintings, sculptures, and now film. Zebra Love continues to spearhead the movement as Emory strives to break through in all mediums of art. He currently lives in New York with his wife and children.
Paul Callendrillo New York Gallery hours at 507 Main Street, Roosevelt Island are:
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30am to 6:30pm
Wednesday 11:30am to 6:30pm
Thursday 11:30am to 6:30pm
Friday 11:30am to 5:00pm
Saturday 11:30am to 5:00pm
The next RI Parents’ Network ’s RI MoM Yoga will take place on Thursday, November 17, starting with the walk at 9:30 am and continuing with yoga and play time indoors at 10am.
The walk will be kindly lead by Sayuri. Island mom Maiko Akiba is a Japanese yoga teacher certified both for adult and for kids yoga and will be leading the exercise with basic Hatha Yoga suitable for moms with children of all ages.
Please RSVP to Maiko at until the night before (November 16) if you would like to join and let her know the age of children joining .
Yoga location provided upon RSVP. Space is limited and in order of RSVP.
Please bring a Yoga mat or towel for yourself and a blanket for your child,
as well as some toys to keep the little ones busy in the community room.
Our plan as of now is to offer the Family Yoga twice a month, in addition to the weekly RI MoM exercise
This month's craft is all about educating our little ones about family safety. Along with some wonderful talks and presentations at the Family Safety event (please see below)
we have crafts by the RI Parents' Network to help our children think about fire safety and the important job firefighters do. Fire trucks have always fascinated our little ones. In conjunction with the Family safety event we shall make fire trucks and a fireman hat that the children can take home.
Please join us for the next event in the free "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network: "Make your own fire truck!" and fireman hat will take place on Saturday, November 19th, 2016, from 10-11 am, at the Manhattan Park Theater Club. Please RSVP to if you know you would like to attend. Walk-ins are welcome!
This activity is great for developing hand-eye coordination, recognizing shapes and colors, and fine motor skills. A picture of the fire truck craft is attached.
There will be some energetic members from the Girl scouts who will be educating our little ones about the different parts of the fire truck and also about a fire drill.
Neha will be leading our Family safety craft (thank you Neha!). A special thank you goes to Lynne Shinozaki for helping with the preparation of the supplies, and to Janine Schaefer and the Girls scouts for participating at the event with us.
As always, if you have craft event ideas you would like us to include in the "Crafts with Kids" series, are available to help during our events or with their preparation, or if you have other ideas for activities of the RI Parents' Network or would like to get involved, please get in touch with me.
We are looking forward for another fun and informative craft together! Please see below for information about the entire Family Safety event.
Neha, Cecilia, Natalia and Eva
"Crafts with Kids" is a free workshop series for children organized by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network. The monthly events included "Tram art and necklaces", "Matisse for Kids", "Valentine's Craft", "Black History Month Craft", "Spring Craft", "St. Patrick's Craft", "Earth Day Craft", "Easter Craft", "Mothers Day Craft", "Fathers Day Craft", "Summer craft - a lady bug", a "Back to school craft", a "Halloween craft", a "Lantern making workshop", a "Thanksgiving Craft", a "Holiday Craft" and the "On Roosevelt Island We... Craft". an advocate for the health and well being of the Island community and its organizations during the Cornell development. We work to urge the fulfillment of Cornell's verbal and written commitments to the community....
and a video excerpt from the December 12, 2013 RIOC Board of Directors meeting discussion of the funding agreement and transfer of land for the Cornell Tech campus.
More video of the December 12, 2013 RIOC Board of Directors meeting here.
When Will Roosevelt Island Get Paid By NY State For Cornell Tech Campus Land Transfer?
Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) President Barbara Parker reports on upcoming events this month. According to Ms. Parker:
The Roosevelt Island Senior Association Presents A Seniors on Safety Workshop
Monday, November 14th 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Senior Center – 546 Main Street
Presenters: Mary Cavanaugh, Linda Heimer, Margie Smith
Transportation Options and Resources Available to Seniors, Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and Emergency Preparedness
For more information and reservations contact
Lorraine Altman at 917-232-0369
The Roosevelt Island Senior Association Presents
A Holiday Craft Party
Come out of the cold, Warm your feet
While I show you a little Crafting technique.
Things in your home that you might discard
May be a wonderful gift or a greeting card.
So bring your clean glass jar, paper towel roll,
ribbon, small box, jewelry findings
And every kind of small strings,
and you can learn to make some of your favorite things,
and then you can feel so glad!
Monday and Tuesday, November 14th and 15th At the Senior Center 546 Main Street
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Come on every one - it should be fun!
Led by Fareil Sanders and Harold Thomas
For more information, contact
Barbara Parker: 917-951-4137
A Thanksgiving Dinner Party
Saturday, November 19th
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Senior Center - 546 Main Street
Join Us For A Fun Holiday Celebration!
RSVP: Barbara Parker – 917-951-4137
Contact Pilar Sierra Monday through Friday 10:00am – 12:00pm
at the Senior Center
RISA Members: Free
Non-Members $5.00
Forgetfulness - Normal Aging or Cause for Concern - Tuesday, November 29th 1:00pm - 2:30pm (for more information and registration contact Lorraine Altman at 917-232-0369)
This fills a longstanding need, and thanks to all the leaders who pulled it together. For balance now, we need resident leadership to come up with something similar. RIRA is a wreck waiting for...
Jesus Christ. Give it up. The priority boarding is not going to happen. If the line is too long, take the subway. It's not that far from the tram station on either end of the trip.
The protections from Public Safety for tram safety diminish the man hours of protection that Roosevelt Islanders pay for to protect us right here in our community. While It's necessary,...
It good idea but need to think about a limit number of passes per person or some other control to stop people trying to grab multiples for sale. Also have to think where/when do you get the daily...
There is no extra fee for the annual Fast Line Pass. The idea is the same thing as what your are calling Priority Boarding. The idea that is different is that anyone (residents/workers/visitors)...
Re. the 8:30 update: The Roosevelt Landings Residents Association determined that at least 22 heater sparkings and fires had taken place in our building in recent months. I personally experienced 3...
Roosevelt Island is a mixed income, racially diverse waterfront community situated in the East River of New York City between Manhattan and Queens and is jurisdictionally part of Manhattan. The Roosevelt Island Tramway, which connects Roosevelt Island to the rest of Manhattan, has become the iconic symbol of Roosevelt Island to its residents.
The Purpose of this Blog is to provide accurate and timely information about Roosevelt Island as well as a forum for residents to express opinions and engage in a dialogue to improve our community.