The Roosevelt Island Panorama Roof rooftop bar at the Graduate Hotel opened only two weeks ago and has quickly become a destination attraction for local
residents and visitors to marvel at the one-of-a- kind NYC East River waterfront
and skyline views and enjoy a cocktail or two or three.
... expect to see Panorama Room soon drawing the chic and savvy in droves for
serious cocktails with unrivaled views...
“You may not have had reason to venture to the tranquil enclave of Roosevelt
Island in the past but expect to see Panorama Room soon drawing the chic and
savvy in droves for serious cocktails with unrivaled views & consider
getting in while you still can.”
Roosevelt Island residents have been asking when the Panorama Room food menu
will be available? Here it is.
A Panorama Room representative adds:
Please keep in mind the menu is constantly changing right now. We want to
continue to build better practices and have the best menu possible for our
As we celebrate Women's Equality Day, I'm proud to announce Wendy L. Hersh, President of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA), as the 2021 Woman of Distinction for the 29th Senate District.
Each year, the New York State Senate's Woman of Distinction award highlights outstanding women living and working in New York State whose contributions have greatly enriched the quality of life in their communities and beyond.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the scope of RIDA’s work increased significantly over the last several months, not only to include the disabled, but seniors and all those in need within the Roosevelt Island community. Under Ms. Hersh’s leadership, RIDA has addressed food insecurity, providing food and PPE for those at risk. As the pandemic began, Ms. Hersh and her team organized a meal delivery program for RIDA members with food provided by the New York City Department of Education. As they saw a need outside of their membership, they expanded delivery services, and within a few months, more than 180 individuals and families on Roosevelt Island were receiving meal delivery.
In August 2020, RIDA started a food pantry in place of deliveries, providing a week’s worth of fresh produce, meats, dairy, canned goods, and shelf stable food for Roosevelt Island Residents.
You can read more about this year's Woman of Distinction here, and watch the New York State Senate's Virtual Program here.
Ms. Hersh is a National Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and a Licensed
Mental Health Counselor. She is a former President and board member of both
the Metro chapter of the National Rehabilitation Association and New York
State National Rehabilitation Counseling Association. She has been working as
a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for New York State Education Department,
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation
(ACCES-VR) since 2004, and since 2016 as a Senior Rehabilitation Counselor,
and is President of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association. She also
oversees a vocational program for kids and young adults at risk in her
Ms. Hersh has worked as a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for
Bailey House, working with individuals with HIV/AIDS. As a Supervisor at
ACCES-VR, she specializes in individuals with a wide range of disabilities.
She has spearheaded a Downstate Reentry Pilot since 2016 for those involved in
the criminal justice system, although she has been working with these
individuals since 2009. Her unit at ACCES-VR engages people with disabilities
who are incarcerated, prior to their release from prison, as well as those
engaged with criminal justice agencies. She works to encourage and motivate
them to take advantage of vocational rehabilitation services in order to help
prevent recidivism. She created the Brooklyn Reentry Consortium and a resource
guide to enable criminal justice agencies to work together more effectively
for the success of their clients.
Ms. Hersh received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Psychology from the
University of Hartford in 1973 and a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation
Counseling from New York University in 2001.
An update to August 24 story about 2 separate weekend incidents last Saturday and Sunday of cars hitting Roosevelt Island pedestrians as they were walking in the Main Street crosswalk.
A friend of the woman who was hit on Sunday reports that the victim was 78 years of age, not 88, as reported by NYPD and adds more info as to what happened:
According to the friend, the victim's:
... left wrist was broken in the accident. Her shoulder is also broken and her foot was damaged, i.e., bleeding and red and swollen, but not broken thank goodness.
Her accident happened on Sunday around 2:30/3:00ish. She was on the west side of the street and crossed in the crosswalk by the beauty salon going over to the northbound bus to go down to Foodtown. She got more than half way across when a car didn't stop at the stop sign. He was a young man with an out-of-state license. He ran over her foot and hit the side of her body. In addition to the broken bones, one side of her body is very bruised and black/blue/purple. She's in the Hospital now and will be going to a rehab facility from there because at this point she's unable to come directly home without physical therapy.
She doesn't think the driver was speeding. He just didn't stop.
She said Public Safety was right there and very solicitous. She was half sitting and half lying on the ground and one of the PSD Officers put his legs behind her and stood there so she could lean on him and not fall down completely. They got the name and address of the driver, but no insurance information. I'm not sure whether the police are supposed to get that information or it's confidential so I'm not faulting them for that.
She said people were terrific. The rain was really coming down and people stood over her holding umbrellas so she wouldn't get too wet. Makes you feel good about the neighborhood. But RIOC really needs to do something about drivers not stopping. I think putting back the speed bumps and the stop sign stanchions would be a pretty good start. They did give him a summons.
I'll never understand why RIOC ever got rid of the speed bumps we used
to have. And those stop sign stanchions in the middle of the street
made it easier for drivers to realize they were supposed to stop. I
know they got rid of those because trucks used to keep knocking them
over, but I have to believe they could have found a solution to that.
Roosevelt Island resident Adela Sinclaire is a poet, educator, avid reader of great books and enjoys a good glass of wine. Ms Sinclair and her friend Cristina Afodorcei have combined these interests and formed a new book club entitled Books and Wine Tastings.
We will meet in person with others once a month. We will set up different locations on Roosevelt Island and the City and announce these to our book club members.
This is a reading guide for those who want to join us in reading Slow Man by J.M Coetzee.
The Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) is a hosting a job fair Friday August 27 at Good Shepherd Plaza featuring 14 businesses and companies in attendance including:
RISA is hosting this JOB FAIR in an effort to help restore the integrity of the economic shortfalls of our Wonderful Community! The core messages that we are sending are community is revitalization, empowerment, unity and sustainability. We are excited to bring this venue to the community as the first ever JOB FAIR in the Roosevelt Island Community.
Our community although resilient in appearance, some have developed sedentary lifestyles as well as financial setbacks. Our mission is to provide employment for those that need additional funds to defray the cost associated with their loss of income and any additional domestic needs.
This forum will provided
Resume Reviews,
Interview Counselors,
Interview tips and
Work culture advisors.
There will be resources and employers with Job opportunities that will range from retail to home based businesses.
We will have an on-site resource called the “Endless Rack” where we will provide clothing to conduct an interview via Zoom, Video or in person. We invite the community to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Friday, August 27, 2021
9 AM - 5 PM in The Good Shepard Plaza
15 Employment Agencies & Businesses
“The Endless Rack” Free clothing for your Zoom, Video, or live Interview.
Resume Reviews, Career Counselors & Interview Tips
2243- 08/21/21- 576 Main St- Aided/Vehicle Accident- PSD/EMS/NYPD RespondedTransported to Hospital.
Another Tipster reports:
A car, driven by a young male driver, didn’t stop at the Deli’s stop sign or
at the Cleaner’s stop sign and hit a woman as she was crossing the street.
This happened during the storm on Saturday.
One person from the car got out and tried to move the woman who was lying on
the street while the driver was trying to go around the woman to escape.
PSD came and held the traffic and the car and driver, all the neighbors that
were trying to cross the street and saw it, kindly stayed to give their
account of events to PSD.
I do not know if NYPD showed up or not, but these guys should have been
arrested. The noise when the car hit the woman was loud, the car was speeding,
and the woman was crossing where she should have: at the zebras.
According to a NYPD spokesperson today:
On Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 2230hrs, police officers responded to the vicinity of 576 Main Street within the confines of the 114th Precinct. Upon arrival, it was reported to police that a 49-year-old male was operating a 2019 Chevrolet when he struck a 33-year-old female pedestrian who was attempting to cross the street. EMS responded and transported the female to Mount Sinai Hospital and the operator of the vehicle was issued a summons for failing to yield to a pedestrian.
The NYPD spokesperson adds:
On Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 1420hrs, police officers responded to the vicinity of 523 Main Street within the confines of the 114 Precinct. It was reported to police that a 24-year-old male was operating a 2021 toyota when he struck a 88-year-old female pedestrian who was walking in the crosswalk. Roosevelt Island Public Safety issued a summons to the operator and the female was removed to NY Presbyterian Hospital.
UPDATE 8/25 - Roosevelt Island residents react to the hit by car incidents last weekend:
Cars don’t stop. They roll through STOP signs, I have seen the Red bus, PSD, delivery trucks do it, daily! I think it’s time for speed bumps! We now have motorized bikes, scooters Vespas driving on the promenades! Any thing motorized belongs on the street. Unless your 12 and under!
Yes!! I am getting afraid Every time I cross the street..I have been almost hit more than once!
We need more patrolling of bikes and cars- a lot more near misses than ever. And more visible stop signs
They need to slow down! People don’t abide by the crosswalk driving there.
I’m concerned that now that we are becoming a NYC hotspot with the Panorama Room we will have people driving onto the island and drinking. Public Safety needs to be diligent about traffic after dark.
An educational pairing dinner featuring wood-fired flatbreads and the
Glenrothes Single Malt Whiskey
It's a special evening hosted by Glenrothes Distillery, who will do a guided
tasting through some complex and delicious flatbread+whiskey pairings! Limited
tickets available for $20; additional tickets available at the door for $35.
Sunset Live Jazz will also be playing feat. local artist Jonah Bobo!
Thu, August 26, 2021 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT
The Sanctuary Roosevelt Island 851 Main Street New York, NY 10044
A few days ago, running up the deep underground down escalator in the
Roosevelt Island F Train subway station provided the workout for a group of
NYC Bridgerunners
Afterwards, the NYC Bridgerunners enjoyed the view from Roosevelt Island's
new Panorama Room rooftop bar
at the Graduate Hotel and a tour from owners Med Abrous and Marc Rose.
... expect to see Panorama Room soon drawing the chic and savvy in droves for
serious cocktails...
“You may not have had reason to venture to the tranquil enclave of
Roosevelt Island in the past but expect to see Panorama Room soon drawing
the chic and savvy in droves for serious cocktails with unrivaled views
& consider getting in while you still can.”
This fills a longstanding need, and thanks to all the leaders who pulled it together. For balance now, we need resident leadership to come up with something similar. RIRA is a wreck waiting for...
Jesus Christ. Give it up. The priority boarding is not going to happen. If the line is too long, take the subway. It's not that far from the tram station on either end of the trip.
The protections from Public Safety for tram safety diminish the man hours of protection that Roosevelt Islanders pay for to protect us right here in our community. While It's necessary,...
It good idea but need to think about a limit number of passes per person or some other control to stop people trying to grab multiples for sale. Also have to think where/when do you get the daily...
There is no extra fee for the annual Fast Line Pass. The idea is the same thing as what your are calling Priority Boarding. The idea that is different is that anyone (residents/workers/visitors)...
Re. the 8:30 update: The Roosevelt Landings Residents Association determined that at least 22 heater sparkings and fires had taken place in our building in recent months. I personally experienced 3...
Roosevelt Island is a mixed income, racially diverse waterfront community situated in the East River of New York City between Manhattan and Queens and is jurisdictionally part of Manhattan. The Roosevelt Island Tramway, which connects Roosevelt Island to the rest of Manhattan, has become the iconic symbol of Roosevelt Island to its residents.
The Purpose of this Blog is to provide accurate and timely information about Roosevelt Island as well as a forum for residents to express opinions and engage in a dialogue to improve our community.