Image of Life Preserver From RIOCI recently started a new feature on the blog. Every day, I am posting the current Roosevelt Island
24 hour Public Safety Report on the inside right sidebar, just below the RIOC Directors email address. You can now read a daily log of the incidents for which the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day rather than the previous compilation of aggregated reports, though I will continue to post the aggregate listings like those below from time to time.
RIOC is still posting the most current
Daily and April/May 2009
Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (
the Blotter) for the months of April/May 2009. The June Monthly Blotter and Incident reports are not yet on the RIOC web site. When they are, I will link to them.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for June 24 - July 6, 2009. Incidents include:
- Verbal dispute between 2 employees (6/25)
- Smoke Bomb Thrown Into Window (6/25)
- (2) Public Consumption of Alcohol By Minor (6/26)
- Eviction (6/26)
- Possession of Marijuana (6/26,27)
- Drinking Alcohol in Public (6/26)
- Verbal Dispute Between 2 Groups (6/26)
- Open Container of Alcohol (6/26,27,28)
- Dispersal of large group in street (6/27)
- Water Rescue (6/27)
- Trespass - Youth entered yard without authorization (6/28)
- Trespass Footprints on patio furniture (6/29)
- Federal Agents placed subject under arrest (6/30)
- Fight in Park (7/1)
- Failure to clean up after dog (7/3)
- Purse Taken out of shopping cart (7/3)
- Public Urination (7/4) and
- Missing Child Found (7/5)
0700 06/24/09- 0700 06/25/09Escort/ Lock-out - Victim responded to PSD, was escorted home by PSD, upon arrival victims dad let him in.
Noise Complaint- Tenant of Westview reports an unknown sound in courtyard, officer believes its coming from the AC, Westview door station notified.
Water Leak- Urban American requested PSD for a water leak, Tenant was not home, lock was drilled, door was secured by Urban American.
Aided- Male approximately 60 fell while stepping off curve, refused medical attention, victim has a scratch above left eye.
0700 hrs 06/25/09 - 0700 hrs 06/26/09Found Property - Apartment keys turned into PSD. Tenant was not home and keys secured at PSD.
Escort - Housing management authorized former tenant to remove property from apartment that is under possession of the Marshall. PSD responded and tenant removed property without incident.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to management office for verbal dispute between employees. PSD escorted employee out of building at the request of management. One employee was escorted out without further incident. No physical contact between employees.
Shoplifting - Male subject ran from store without paying for item. PSD made search with negative results.
Found Property - Resident found bank card on street. Card was secured at PSD.
Smoke Bomb/Reckless Endangerment - Resident reported unknown subject threw smoke bomb into window. PSD responded and tenant advised that she was uninjured and no damages. Search was made with negative results.
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD that a small child threw toys onto her patio. PSD responded to apartment above and advised the grandmother of incident.
Stuck Elevator - Two people stuck in elevator. PSD and super responded. The two people were removed and refused medical attention. Elevator placed out of service.
Trespass - Five subjects were issued summonses for trespassing by PSD.
Lock Out Service - Female locked out of apartment. Super was called and let tenant back in. PSD was on scene.
There's More!
0700hrs 06/26/09 - 0700hrs 06/27/09
Possession of alcohol by minor/ Public consumption of alcohol- Minor drinking in public, PSD observed, two summons issued.
Lockout service- Female missed placed apartment keys, paid $140 for the super to open her door, keys will be available for her in the morning.
Court order eviction- City Marshall making an eviction, traffic obstructed PSD officer on traffic control.
DOA- Funeral home on island to recover a body for funeral arrangements.
Verbal Dispute- Customer of Card and Gifts bought a Boost phone card, scratched card to hard, upset because he cant read card numbers, Store is not liable he contacted Boost for compensation.
Underage consumption of alcohol / Drinking in public- Minor drinking in public, PSD observed, two summons issued.
Aided- Female not feeling well, EMS responded, aided transported to hospital.
Criminal Possession of Marijuana- Three males were observed smoking marijuana, placed under arrest, 3 zip lock bags of marijuana were found after subjects were searched, subjects were transported to 114th precinct for processing, then lodged at Manhattan central bookings.
Open container- Two males observed drinking in public by PSD, both were issued a summons and order to leave park.
Verbal dispute - Two groups got into a verbal dispute, PSD responded, upon arrival both groups separated and left.
Found Property- Male resident found a drivers license and turned it into PSD.
Found Property- PSD was notified of a ladies bag left on Main St, an officer brought bag into PSD, a Property log was made with items in bag.
0700 hrs 06/27/09 - 0700 hrs 06/28/09
Dispersing Group of People - PSD officers observed large group on street. As PSD approached the group, the group got into their vehicles. Witness stated she didn't see any physical contact between the group. Group left without further incident.
Found Property - Drivers License turned into PSD. Property was logged.
Open Container - Two male subject stopped by PSD for open container. Subjects were summonsed and released.
Criminal Possession of Marijuana - PSD arrested three male subjects for Criminal Possession of Marijuana. Taken to 114 pct. for arrest processing.
Found Property - Handbag turned into PSD. Property was turned over to owner.
Stolen Property - Truck driver made delivery and when he returned, hand truck was missing. NYPD responded and made report.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded for dispute. Male subject left apartment. No physical contact between both parties.
Lost Property - PSD made a report for lost wallet. Owner will go to 114 pct. to file report.
Aided - Male aided not feeling well. EMS transported to hospital.
Water Rescue - PSD, EMS, and NYPD responded for man in the water. Man was pulled out of water and refused to be transported to hospital.
Trespassing - Male and female subjects issued summonses by PSD and released.
0700 hrs 06/28/09 - 0700 hrs 06/29/09
Vehicle Accident - Between two motorist. PSD and NYPD on scene. NYPD made police report. No injuries.
Investigation - Female driver reported to PSD that she sustained flat tire on R.I. Bridge. PSD responded and observed debris on bridge. Debris were removed. Reporter with flat tire was not on scene when PSD arrived.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for aided not feeling well. Aided was transported to hospital.
Found Property - PSD found unattended bike and brought bike to PSD.
Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti at various locations. Search conducted with negative results. Management was notified.
Trespassing - Tenant reported youth entered her yard without authorization. Tenant chased youth away. PSD made search with negative results.
Petit Larceny/Criminal Possession of Stolen Property - PSD arrested male subject for shoplifting at store. Subject was taken to 114 pct. for arrest processing.
Burglary - PSD responded to Sports Park Pool for shattered rear door. PSD conducted search for subjects with negative results. It appeared that nothing was taken.
Criminal Mischief - Motorgate attendant reported that a vehicle broke access gate arm. PSD checked computer, but didn't show vehicle hitting arm. PSD made search for vehicle that entered last before gate broke with negative results.
Open Container - Male and female subject issued summonses for open container and released.
Aided/Assistance - PSD assisted aided off floor. Aided refused medical attention.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD officer observed door to car open. Officer closed door and it appeared not to be tampered with. No damage to vehicle.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for aided. Aided was not feeling well and transported to hospital.
0700 hrs 06/29/09 - 0700 hrs 06/30/09
Found Property - Unattended hospital wheelchair secured by PSD. Wheelchair turned over to hospital.
Trespass/Investigation - Two tenants reported to PSD that they saw foot prints on patio furniture indicating someone hopped patio fence. No entry to dwelling was gained and no missing property reported. NYPD refused.
Escort - PSD responded to apartment for tenant requesting visitors in her apartment to leave. Subjects were escorted out and left Island via cab.
Found Property - Cell phone turned into PSD. Phone secured at PSD.
Lights Out - In several areas of apartment building. Super stated condition will be corrected within a few minutes. PSD officer reports lights came back on and conducted vertical patrol of affected area.
Aided - Injured himself playing baseball. EMS transported aided to hospital.
Youths Running - Female reported to PSD that several youths running on seawall almost knocked her cart over. PSD responded and advised youths to go to the park.
Missing - NYPD brought victim to PSD and stated that victim was found in Manhattan and could not find her children after they walked away from her in Manhattan. Victim stated children maybe on R.I. PSD and NYPD conducted search with negative results. NYPD is handling case.
Trespass - Male and female subjects issued summonses by PSD and released.
0700 hrs 06/30/09 - 0700 hrs 07/01/09
Graffiti - PSD responded for report of graffiti. Conducted search with negative results. Super was notified.
Stuck Elevator - PSD responded with service for stuck elevator. Service corrected condition with elevator and placed back in service. Nobody was inside elevator.
Found Property - PSD officer found handbag. Owner was contacted and retrieved property.
Court Order - PSD responded with super for court order allowing tenant to retrieve personal property from apartment. Tenant picked up property and left. Super secured door.
Arrest -(other agency INS)- PSD and Federal Agents responded to apartment for arrest warrant. Agents placed subject under arrest.
Alleged Harassment - PSD responded for report of harassment. P`SD spoke to both parties and made report.
0700hrs 07/01/09- 0700hrs 07/02/09
Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Landlord/ Tenant Dispute- Tenant refused to let workers do a job, NYPD on scene, management advised to take matter to court.
Vehicle Accident- Truck hit a "DO NOT ENTER" sign, grounds supervisor notified.
Broken Park Apparatus- A swing hook detached from chain, PSD secured location, grounds was notified.
Fight- Two female youth had a fight in park, PSD stopped fight, escorted youth to PSD, notified parents, youths released to parents.
Found Property- A lost wallet was turned in, victim retrieved wallet from PSD.
Aggravated Harassment- Victim reports subject keeps calling her, NYPD on scene.
Investigation- Victim reports someone banging on their window, PSD responded, search made with negative results.
0700 hrs 07/02/09 - 0700 hrs 07/03/09
Aided - Fell on ground. PSD responded with EMS. EMS checked out aided, but aided refused to be transported.
Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti. Pictures were taken and management was notified. Search of area for subjects conducted with negative results.
Found Property - Resident turned over found property to PSD officer. Property was secured at PSD.
Found Property - PSD officer found bike in hallway. Bike secured at PSD.
0700hrs 07/03/09- 0700hrs/04/09
Lost property- RIOC bus operator found a phone on bus, PSD attempted to contact owner with negative results, phone vouchers and secured.
Disobey authorize vehicle only- Motorist driving in authorized vehicle only area, parked vehicle, walked dog, failed to clean up after dog, issued two summons.
Verbal dispute- Tenants had a verbal dispute over the volume of a stereo, PSD responded, tenant lowered volume.
Investigation- Female reports someone is continuously calling her and hanging, she is unable to identify the person making the calls, NYPD refused.
Aided- Female not feeling well, EMS responded to scene, aided refused medical attention.
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Criminal trespass/ Resist arrest- While patrolling PSD observed a male subject trespassing, subject attempted to flee scene and resist arrest. Subject was arrested transported to 114th for processing and Central bookings for lodging.
Grand Larceny- Victim reports her purse was taking out her shopping cart while she was shopping, she did not observe who took it, NYPD responded to scene.
0700 HRS 07/04/09 TO 07/05/09 0700 HRS
0700 hrs 07/05/09 - 0700 hrs 07/06/09
Property Damage - To RIOC property. PSD responded and made report. Photo taken.
Found Property - Resident found property and turned it into PSD. Owner was notified and retrieved property.
Missing Child - Mother reported her child was missing. PSD responded and found child. Child was returned to mother. No injuries were reported.
Lost Property - Owner came into PSD to report that she lost her purse. NYPD was notified and report was taken.
Unsecured Door - PSD officer found door open. Search of area was conducted and found to be in order. Door was secured by PSD.