Saturday, August 5, 2023

21 Year Old Roosevelt Island Male Wielding A Large Knife Fatally Shot By NYPD Officers In Lobby Of 540 Main Street Responding To 911 Distress Calls By Family Member - Investigation Ongoing

Shortly after midnight this morning, a Roosevelt Island Tipster reported:

Trying to get on the Roosevelt Island bridge. A bunch of cop cars, and an ambulance sped by on the bridge and now a NYPD truck just blocked the road. 

 So we got two different stories. 

First we heard that someone was shot within one of the apartment buildings. To me it looks like Roosevelt Landings. 

Then I saw someone videotaping it and he said it was a cop who shot somebody.

NYPD commanding officer of Patrol Borough Queens North, Assistant Chief Christine Bastedenbeck, said during a 2;20 AM press conference in front of Roosevelt Landings:

At approximately 11 30 PM officers from the 114th Precinct responded to multiple 9-1-1 calls at 540 Main Street regarding a male 21 years of age who was reportedly threatening a family member with a knife. The caller was a relative inside the location who also stated the armed male was off his medication and under the influence of marijuana.

The responding sector car consisted of two officers who are also backed up by two additional officers. The incident was captured on body worn camera and shows the four officers entering the lobby of the building.

Three officers then entered one of the two elevators while another officer propped the lobby door open to allow for additional responding officers to enter the building. All of a sudden the suspect emerged from the second elevator not occupied by our officers and moved quickly towards the officer securing the door swinging the knife directly at this officer. 

That officer retreated outside of the lobby and then the suspect then charged towards the elevator occupied by our officers still armed with the knife. The officers inside the elevator attempted to deploy a taser and also discharge their firearm striking the suspect.A large knife was recovered from the right hand of the suspect as seen here. 

Officers began rendering aid until EMS could transport the suspect to an area hospital where he was pronounced deceased 28 minutes after midnight. Thankfully none of the officers or civilians in the area were injured during this incident. I also want to acknowledge the response of local peace officers from the Roosevelt Island Public Safety unit 

The investigation will be handled by our Force investigation Division and additional information will be provided by DCPI as it becomes available....

CBS New York reports on the Roosevelt Island shooting.

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Daily Incident Blotter:

08/04/23 – 2359 – 540 Main St – Domestic Incident – PSD, NYPD and EMS responded – Report filed.

RIOC issued this advisory today at 9:47 AM: 

Dear Residents and Community Members,

We would like to inform you about an incident that occurred late yesterday evening in the lobby of 540 Main Street. The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation Public Safety Department and New York Police Department (NYPD) responded to a distress call involving a family member who was being threatened by a relative armed with a knife. Upon NYPD arrival, the situation quickly escalated, resulting in a police officer-involved shooting.

The perpetrator charged at officers with a large brandished knife, NYPD officers discharged their tasers and firearms striking the perpetrator in an attempt to neutralize the threat and ensure the safety of all involved. The perpetrator was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. It was determined that the perpetrator suffered from mental illness and was under the influence at the time of the incident.

We are relieved to report that no officers or bystanders were injured during this incident. Our officers acted swiftly and professionally to address the threat and protect the safety of the community.

We extend our sincere gratitude to both NYPD and the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department for their rapid response and collaboration during this challenging situation. We also want to assure you that a comprehensive investigation is currently underway, led by the NYPD, as the primary investigatory agency. As such, further information regarding the incident will be released in accordance with their ongoing investigation.

We understand that incidents like these can be distressing for the community, and we remain committed to maintaining open lines of communication. We will provide updates as they become available and will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of all residents and community members.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation

CBS New York has more on this Roosevelt Island shooting.

At 6 PM this evening, I asked NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information (DCPI):

As of 11 AM there was no update from the early morning press conference by Assistant Chief Christine Bastedenbeck.

Is there any new information or update about the shooting this evening?

A NYPD spokesperson replied:

There are no updates. This remains on ongoing investigation.

Friday, August 4, 2023

This Is The Last Weekend Before Major Changes To Roosevelt Island F Train Service - MTA's 63rd Street Tunnel Track Rehab Project Starts August 28, Preparation Work Begins Next Weekend And Continues For Next 2 Weekends

This upcoming weekend will be the last time that Roosevelt Island residents will have regular F train service to and from Manhattan for at least the next 6 months. 

According to the MTA:

Image from MTA

Why we’re doing it.

We’re replacing tracks and making other repairs on the 63 St Line, which is used by trains between Manhattan and Queens. This will improve reliability for the 149,000 riders who travel through this area every day.

Here's specific station information for Roosevelt Island:

Image from the MTA

In preparation for this work, there will be no Roosevelt Island F Train service:

  • to Manhattan between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 11 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 14 
  • from Manhattan between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 18 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 21 and
  • to and from Manhattan between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 25 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 28.

The Roosevelt Island  Operating Corp (RIOC) announced yesterday:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community: The MTA will be doing track work that will affect F-Train service for several weekends in August before the start of their major Track Replacement Project on August 28th.

To help accommodate Roosevelt Island residents, RIOC's Transportation Department will be providing a Shuttle Bus to and from Manhattan during the following weekends:

August 12-13 

August 19-20 

August 26-27

The Roosevelt Island Shuttle Bus to Manhattan will start Saturdays at 3:00 PM. The shuttle will depart hourly from the Tramway, making all northbound local stops to Capobianco Field (Opposite PS/IS 217).

Return Red Bus service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island will start at 3:30 PM. This bus will depart on the half hour from the Southwest side of 2nd Avenue, between 58th & 59th Street, and will make all southbound local bus stops (starting with 591 Main Street) to the Tram.

The last trip will depart from the Roosevelt Island Tramway at 7:00 PM. The last trip will depart Manhattan at 7:30 PM. Please note that regular Red Bus service may run on an adjusted scheduled to accommodate the additional Tram shuttle service.

Please keep an eye out for future communications regarding this upcoming MTA project. Thank you!

-Team RIOC 

On behalf of Roosevelt Island residents, Manhattan Community Board 8 has requested:

... the following actions be taken to support Roosevelt Island residents and visitors who rely on public transportation and will be significantly impacted by reduced subway service throughout the 63rd Street Direct Track Fixation Project:

1. More frequent NYCT Q102 Bus Service connecting Roosevelt Island and subway lines serving Queens Plaza

2. An “F” shuttle bus connecting Roosevelt Island to Queens Plaza during all dayparts, including when the shuttle train is running;

3. Extending the shuttle bus to serve Coler Hospital;

4. 24 hour/7 days per week Roosevelt Island Tram Service to provide a direct connection to Manhattan during overnight hours when the shuttle train is not operating;

5. NYC Ferry operating the largest model of ferry vessels on the Astoria Route serving Roosevelt Island with the most seating capacity.

Please advise us of any action taken on this matter.

To date, there has been no response from RIOC, the MTA or NYC Ferry to the CB 8 resolution in support of Roosevelt Island residents.

Here's a summary of the MTA's 63rd Street Tunnel Direct Fixation Track project presented to the June 7 CB 8 Transportation/Roosevelt Island committees

and a presentation by MTA representatives to the June 29 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting, describing the project to those in attendance.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

What Does Disney World, Roosevelt Island And Harlem Have In Common? Watch Video Showing Past, Present and Future Of AVAC Automatic Underground Garbage Removal Systems

According to Insider Business:

At Disney World, the Magic Kingdom uses a system of pneumatic tubes to keep trash out of sight for park visitors. While this was supposed to be the future of waste disposal, only one other place in the US uses something like it on a similar scale: Roosevelt Island in New York City.

Watch this very interesting Insider Business video about the past, present and future of underground garbage removal systems.

For an up close and personal view of the Roosevelt Island AVAC system, follow along on this October 2022 Open House tour led by TJ of the NYC Sanitation Department who works at the Roosevelt Island underground garbage faciilty.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Remembering Long Time Roosevelt Island Resident Sharon Stern Who Passed Away July 25 At 77 Years Of Age - Polio Took Her Body But Not Her Determination And Knowledge

Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) President Judy Berdy reported on July 27:

The Disease Took Her Body But Not Her Determination and Knowledge.

Remembering Sharon Stern.

Sharon Stern passed away Tuesday July 25 at the age of 77.  She was a resident of Goldwater Hospital long before there was a Roosevelt Island.  Sharon was 77 years old and she lived in an apartment in 540 Main Street since the late 1970’s.  Sharon was one of a group of Goldwater residents who moved into their own apartments when the community was built.

I had met Sharon at Goldwater in the 1960’s and from then on we met occasionally and kept in touch when we visited and discussed our cats.

Sharon wrote poetry and published “Armature” in 2002.  
Sharon struggled with staff to assist her and sadly she only left her home the one or two days a week when she could safely manage.  She had episodes when her wheelchair failed and left her stranded.  She would not travel off the island due to bad experiences.

Sharon would attend synagogue services and wrote extensively using a computer.  She rejected many assistive devices to make her work easier. 

A few years ago she marveled at reaching 75 years of age.

May she be a rest now and we remember her constant  determination.

Jane Swanson, Assistant Director Government and Community Relations remembers Sharon Stern:

Back before Cornell Tech’s campus was built on Roosevelt Island, I had “office hours” in RIVAA Gallery on Wednesdays and Fridays where Roosevelt Islanders could drop-in and learn about our campus. It was also great to have the gallery open to visitors those days. People would come in to see me, the art exhibitions – or both.

One day Sharon Stern and her wonderful assistant Nicole came into the gallery. We immediately connected – her dry wit and intellect were captivating. She often wore a hat and looked just smashing. As others have pointed out, Sharon left her apartment only on Mondays and Wednesdays – when Nicole was with her. Getting ready and out was no small feat and she only trusted Nicole to help her do it.

After that first meeting, Sharon would drop by the gallery almost every Wednesday and we would chat. We would rib each other in a lighthearted way – she was VERY opinionated, and I respected that. We disagreed a lot but could remain friends.

Sharon was always willing to listen to my problems and complaints. Never once did she make me feel like my problems were trite compared to hers (which, of course, they were). And she usually knew just what to say – or not to say. I once told her that she missed her calling: she would have been an excellent psychologist. But her love of literature prevailed.

I was in awe of Sharon’s ability to manage her staff, get a college degree, live in her own apartment, operate her wheelchair while still using the ventilator, grocery shop, and in essence do all the “stuff of life” while being a person with quadriplegia, using a ventilator. Sharon was my hero. She was brave, whip smart, tireless, fun and the best listener in the world.

I will miss her.

According to this 2009 NY Times profile article of Ms Stern - "A Life Changed But Not Destroyed By Polio":

Polio may seem like a distant memory. But thousands of people still live with the effects of the disease every day. And many are only in their 60s.

One of them is Sharon Stern. In 1954, at age 9, she developed the dreaded “summer plague.” Although she experienced some recovery early on, she has had no use of her four limbs ever since. Unless you happened to visit an enclave of several dozen disabled people on Roosevelt Island in New York City, you would never meet her.... 

Click here for the full NY Times article (behind a paywall) or read the RIHS article here.

Monday, July 31, 2023

UPDATE, Major Roosevelt Island Subway Service Changes Begin August 28 Continuing For At Least 6 Months - F Train Replaced By Daily Subway Shuttle Between Queensbridge/21 Street, Roosevelt Island And Lex/63rd Street During MTA's 63rd Street Tunnel Direct Fixation Track Rehab Project

As reported last June 5

Roosevelt Island residents have been worried about a possible F Train subway service disruption transportation nightmare with the upcoming MTA 63rd Street Line Direct Fixation Track Rehabilitation Project scheduled to begin soon....

,,, According to the revised MTA plan, the project will begin in August 2023. The plan is for no Roosevelt Island F Train service in either direction during the project.

Instead, the Roosevelt Island F Train will be replaced by a Shuttle Train service operating between 21st Street/Queensbridge, Roosevelt Island and 63rd/Lexington on weekdays and weekends running every 20 minutes. The Shuttle service is suspended during late night when Shuttle busses run between Roosevelt Island, 21st Street/Queensbridge and Queens Plaza subway station. It's not known at this time how long the project will take or what are Late Night hours....

Image from June 7,2023 MTA Presentation to Community Board 8
Last week a Roosevelt Island resident asked:

Any word on the upcoming subway service changes?
On Wednesday July 26, I followed up with the MTA asking:

Is there any update regarding the timing of the MTA's planned 63rd Street Tunnel Direct Fixation Track project and its impact on Roosevelt Island? 

The last I heard the start date was near the end of August. Has a date been specified yet? Has an estimated completion timeline for the project been determined yet?... 

On Friday July 28 the MTA issued a press release updating info on the 63rd Street Tunnel Direct Fixation Track  project. According to the MTA:

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) today announced the replacement of track along the F line between 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Center in Manhattan and 36 St in Queens. The project will improve reliability, mitigate leaks to prevent future corrosion and deterioration and extend the life of existing infrastructure.

Crews will remove existing direct fixation track and construct new concrete track and new direct fixation track, install new contact rail, protection boards, brackets and insulators, remove and replace cables, furnish and install new signal equipment, repair spalled concrete and cracks and seal active leaks.

The following service changes will be in effect through the first quarter of 2024:

Beginning Monday, August 28, F service will be rerouted via the E line in both directions between 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Center and Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Av....

... Weekdays and weekends between 5 a.m. and 11:59 p.m., F shuttle trains will operate between Lexington Av/63 St and 21 St-Queensbridge, and free Q95 shuttle buses will operate between the 21 St-Queensbridge and Queens Plaza stations.

Overnights between midnight and 5 a.m., F shuttle train service is suspended and free Q94 shuttle buses will connect the Roosevelt Island, 21 St-Queensbridge, and Queens Plaza stations.

In preparation for this work, there will be service changes in effect for the following weekends:

Between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 11 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 14 there will be no Coney Island-Stillwell Av bound F train service at 21 St-Queensbridge, 57 St/6 Av, Roosevelt Island, and Lexington Av/63 St. Coney Island-Stillwell Av bound F service will be rerouted via the E line between Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Av and 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Center.

Between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 18 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 21 there will be no Jamaica-179 St bound F service at 57 St/6 Av, Lexington Av/63 St, Roosevelt Island, and 21 St-Queensbridge. Jamaica-179 St bound F service will be rerouted via the E  line in between 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Center and Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Av.

Between 9:45 p.m. on Friday, August 25 and 5 a.m. on Monday, August 28, there will be no F train service in both directions at 57 St/6 Av, Lexington Av/63 St, Roosevelt Island, and 21 St-Queensbridge. F service will be rerouted via the E line in both directions between 47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Center and Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Av, and free shuttle buses will operate between Roosevelt Island, 21 St-Queensbridge, and Queens Plaza. The Q train will continue to stop at Lexington Av/63 St.

MTA crews will make announcements in stations and post signage in stations. Outreach to community members and stakeholders will continue throughout the project....

During the June 29 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting, representatives of the MTA described the project to those in attendance.

Manhattan Community Board 8 approved a June 2023 resolution requesting:

... the following actions be taken to support Roosevelt Island residents and visitors who rely on public transportation and will be significantly impacted by reduced subway service throughout the 63rd Street Direct Track Fixation Project:

1. More frequent NYCT Q102 Bus Service connecting Roosevelt Island and subway lines serving Queens Plaza

2. An “F” shuttle bus connecting Roosevelt Island to Queens Plaza during all dayparts, including when the shuttle train is running;

3. Extending the shuttle bus to serve Coler Hospital;

4. 24 hour/7 days per week Roosevelt Island Tram Service to provide a direct connection to Manhattan during overnight hours when the shuttle train is not operating;

5. NYC Ferry operating the largest model of ferry vessels on the Astoria Route serving Roosevelt Island with the most seating capacity.

Please advise us of any action taken on this matter.

Here's the full CB 8 resolution.

To date, there has been no response from RIOC, the MTA or NYC Ferry to the CB 8 resolution in support of Roosevelt Island residents. 

Here's a summary of the MTA's 63rd Street Tunnel Direct Fixation Track project presented to the June 7 CB 8 Transportation/Roosevelt Island committees.

Sponsored Post - Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt Now At Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Café - Check Out The Weekly Menu For Breakfast Items, Daily Hot Lunch Specials, Grab & Go Meals, Pizza Station, Salads, Sushi, Coffee,Tea, Smoothies, Beer, Wine, Wifi & Wonderful Outdoor Patio Too

Check out the July 31 weekly menu at the Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Café for Daily Hot Lunch Specials, Breakfast Staples, Make Your Own Salads, Flatbread and Neapolitan Pizza, Grab and Go Sandwiches/Salads, Soup, Coffee/Beverage Station & More.   

The Cornell Tech Café is now serving Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt too.

 The Cornell Tech Café is a great spot on Roosevelt Island for breakfast, lunch.   

 Coffee, Tea, Smoothies, 

Beer, Wine 

 and Thursday Sushi too.

Bring your laptop if you wish. The Cafe has very good wi-fi connection.  

and great outdoor patio seating areas

to eat, relax and people watch too.

The Cafe is open Monday thru Friday 8am to 7 pm. Saturday and Sundays 11am to 5pm.

More info at the Cornell Tech Café website and Instagram Page.

See you soon at the Cornell Tech Café.