Friday, October 29, 2021

No Roosevelt Island Main Street Halloween Parade For Second Consecutive Year But RIOC Will Present A Spook-tacular Halloween Harvest Extravaganza Saturday October 30 At Southpoint Park - Halloween At The Sanctuary And Granny Annie's Too

2021 will the second consecutive year without the Roosevelt Island Main Street Halloween Parade. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

You're Invited! 

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation is excited to present the Halloween Harvest Extravaganza on Saturday, October 30th at Southpoint Park, from 2 - 5 PM! 

While we are unable to return to full Halloween activities at this time, this scaled-down free event will be a festive day of fun and a chance for all to show off your Halloween costumes -- whether they be spooky, funny, smart, beautiful, or downright terrifying! Activities will include pumpkin painting, costume walks, music, dancing, art activities, giveaways, and more! 

Get ready to have a SPOOK-tacular time!

The 2020 Roosevelt Island Main Street Halloween Parade was cancelled last year due to the Covid Pandemic. RIOC has not explained why the Halloween Parade was cancelled this year too.

The Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance hosted a socially distanced, fun filled Halloween "Thriller" celebration last year.

 Here are some scenes from the 2017 Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade - remember?

The Sanctuary is hosting an All Hollows Eve Silent Disco and Family Halloween.
And Granny Annie's Irish Bar is getting in the Halloween Spirit too.
Hopefully, next year the Roosevelt Island Halloween Parade will return.

Should RIOC Board Director Who Moved Away From Roosevelt Island Remain On Board And Make Decisions Effecting Residents Among Issues Asked About At October 28 RIOC Board Meeting Public Session

As reported October 20:

...Roosevelt Island democratic representation suffered another setback yesterday when 1 of two Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Directors who are no longer Roosevelt Island residents, David Kapell, chose to remain on the Board with the apparent approval, or indifference, of Governor Hochul and RIOC....


UPDATE 10/21 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Vice President Erin Feely-Nahem adds:

Jeffrey Escobar did the right thing by resigning. 

Exacerbated by the pandemic,many issues have arisen on the Island which need to be addressed, increasing the importance of Resident input. As we are unable to vote for who manages and controls the ongoing development within our community, it is imperative to have active community members on the RIOC Board to provide insight on, and vote for what residents' feel is important for their community. 

An individual who is living within a community offers a more educated opinion than either an individual who spends 40 hours a week here, or worse, pops in for an hour Zoom meeting quarterly. .At the least, residents should be voting on who we want to represent us on the five "public member" board seats. 

David Kapell is unknown to the community and does not necessarily represent the resident's desires. Presently, although one can submit questions or concerns to the RIOC Board via email, there is no system in place for real dialogue between the RIOC Board members and the community, nor any means of accountability for decisions made.

During yesterday's (October 28) Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting Public Session (RIOC will post video here), I asked:

RIOC claims that current Board Member David Kapell holds 1 of two public Board seats that does not require Roosevelt Island residency. 

Please show where in Mr Kappel’s appointment by former Governor Cuomo, Mr Kapell was designated in a Rioc Board seat that does not require Roosevelt Island residency. 

Also, please show where former RIOC Board member Jeff Escobar, who resigned because he no longer lived on Roosevelt Island was designated as an appointment which required Roosevelt Island residency. 

Why does Mr Kappel wish to remain on RIOC Board since he no longer lives here and is not effected by decisions made by the RIOC Board. 

RIOC General Counsel Gretchen Robinson replied that Governor Hochul's Appointments Office:

... has confirmed and double confirmed and triple confirmed that Mr Kapell is serving in a legitimate seat and is not violating any regulation or rules or laws. We appreciate his service to the Board.

Mr Kapell was appointed to the RIOC Board with Jeff Escobar and Conway Ekpo in June 2019 by Governor Cuomo at which time all 3 were Roosevelt Island residents. Mr Escobar moved away from Roosevelt Island and resigned from the RIOC Board after the issue of his remaining was raised.

Mr Kapell refuses to resign and declined to say why he wished to remain on the RIOC Board after moving away from Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island resident Matt Katz also asked during the Public Session about Mr Kapell remaining on the RIOC Board after moving away from Roosevelt Island. According to Mr Katz:

I wrote you on October 4 regarding the illegal appointments of Jeffrey Escobar and David Kappel, non-residents of Roosevelt Island, to fill seats on the RIOC Board of Directors designated by statute for Island residents. There has been comment regarding the meaning of the term resident and I said at the time that a resident is not a past resident, not a future resident or a wanna-be resident. The reason we, Island activists persuaded Gov. Pataki to require by amendment of Ch. 899 to appoint a majority of Island RESIDENTS to the Board was to ensure that people with skin in the game would determine this Island community's future. You write back, saying that you would respond to me shortly. Three weeks later, there has been no response. 

Since then, Jeffrey Escobar, a long-time advocate for and participant in the life of this community, resigned from the Board, understanding the clear (clear even to State lawyers) mandate to do so. David Kappel, never an Island activist or participant in the life of this community,and unknown to me after my many years of service to my fellow residents, has not resigned, perhaps counting on former Governor Cuomo's endorsement as sufficient bona fides for the post. We intend to bring the matter up with Gov. Hochul and to seek redress for this violation of the statute. Regards,

I also asked:

  • What is the status of AVAC system. Why is it broken. I am told that there are holes in the tubes which need to be repaired. Is that true? When will it be fixed. 
  • Why is RIOC's new Main Street office hidden behind frosted windows from the public. What message does that send to the community? 
  • Why was the Roosevelt Island media not invited to attend and report on this week’s Bank Town Hall meeting? I understand that three elected officials attended as well as 2 residents. Why was the media excluded.

None of these question were asked by Ms Robinson during the Public Session.

Additional questions or comments submitted by residents for the RIOC Board Public Session were about:

  • Recycling activities,
  • Climate Change mitigation efforts,
  • Waste Reduction Efforts,
  • When will Roosevelt Island Tramway be added to Google Maps,
  • Will Public Safety Officers patrol more and have more of an active presence and
  • Southtown Trash pick up

All except the climate change mitigation efforts received no response.

Here's the RIOC Board Public Session.

You can submit here a question or comment to the next RIOC Board of Directors meeting Public Session.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

RIOC Public Safety Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso Describes Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Training Practices During RIRA PSC Meeting

During October 19 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee meeting, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso described training procedures of the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department

According to Deputy Chief Amoroso, the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department has:

  • Special Patrol Officers who are allowed to write summons and make arrests and
  • Public Safety Officers who have not yet been sworn in by NYPD and not completed an eight week training program at Peace Officers school. PSO's cannot summons or make arrests.

Approximately 15 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers are currently training for Special Patrol Officer status.

Learn more about Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department training from Deputy Chief Amoroso in this video of the October 19 RIRA Public Safety Committee meeting.

UPDATE 12/29: Below is the current staffing, hiring process and employment training orientation for the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department.

Roosevelt Island Girls Scouts Take Action And Make Video Encouraging You And All New Yorkers To Go Out And Vote Early Or On November 2 Election Day - Watch Video And Go Vote

Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3233 Leaders Suzy del Campo Perea and Fay Christian report:

Girl Scouts Troop 3233, composed of girls of 3rd and 4th grade, decided to Take Action and be vote promoters by making this video. 

Our troop had learned about democracy by getting a ballot to vote for the best Girl Scout cookie flavor and best Girl Scout activity. They also had the visit of RI children’s author Jill Twiss, who read to them her book “Everyone Gets A Say”. Last week they learned about the three branches of USA Government and about what seats are up for this elections. 

The troop wrote what they wanted to communicate to New Yorkers about this election and why it is important to vote. We discussed what government positions adults have to vote for and research which are the ballot proposals of 2021. 

We hope that this short video will encourage all Roosevelt Islanders and New Yorkers to look into the candidates, understand what they will do for the city and their responsibilities and that they go out and vote, either early voting or on Election Day.

New York City 2021 General Election Early Voting began Saturday October 23 continuing thru Sunday October 31 at the Sportspark Gymnasium (250 Main Street). Election Day voting is Tuesday, November 2 at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street).

Roosevelt Island sample ballot is here.

Jill Twiss, the author who helped inspire Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts about voting reads from her book Everyone Gets A Say.

UPDATE 10/29 - According to the Cornell Tech Cafe:
Show proof of your participation in early voting here on Roosevelt Island and get a free cider doughnut with any purchase at The Cafe’ & Parliament Coffee Bar! While supplies last through Sunday, 10/31

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting Thursday October 28 - Roosevelt Island Steam Tunnel Repair Design, Public Purpose Grants Administration Contract With NY Community Trust And Reauthorization Of PPF Funds To 4 Non Profits On Agenda

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors will meet 5:30 PM Thursday October 28, via video conference.  

You can watch the Board meeting here and ask questions or share concerns about Roosevelt Island during the opening Public Session before the start of the meeting. Sign up to speak here.

But be aware that RIOC Board Members and staff rarely respond to questions during any Public Session though they sometimes address the subject during the actual Board meeting.

Questions that could be asked - why is David Kapell remaining on the RIOC Board of Directors when he no longer lives on Roosevelt Island?

Also,  RIOC's new Main Street office  is hidden behind frosted windows. What message does that send to the community?

Among the Agenda Items for the October 28 RIOC Board of Directors meeting are:

  1. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Langan Engineering for Design Services in Connection with the Steam Tunnel Project (Board Action Required)
  2. Authorization to Enter into Contract with the New York Community Trust for Public Purpose Funds Grant Program (Board Action Required)
  3. Authorization of Amendment of Public Purpose Funds Grant Expenditure for FY 2020-21 (Board Action Required – Materials to Follow)... 

Below are RIOC Board Materials for the Steam Tunnel Project,

authorization to contract with NY Community Trust for Public Purpose Funds Grant Program

and approval to reauthorize use of Public Purpose Funds to: 

  • Roosevelt Island Disabled Association
  • Carter Burden Network Roosevelt Island Senior Center
  • Roosevelt Island Historical Society
  • Wildlife Freedom Foundation.

Sponsored Post - Eric Adams For Mayor, It's Time For A Mayor Who Can Tackle NYC's Toughest Problems - Roosevelt Island Early Voting Thru October 31 At Sportspark, Election Day Voting November 2 At PS/IS 217

New York City 2021 General Election Early Voting began Saturday October 23 continuing thru Sunday October 31 at the Sportspark Gymnasium (250 Main Street). Election Day voting is Tuesday, November 2 at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street).

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

RIOC Public Safety Deputy Chief Discusses Roosevelt Island Traffic Safety Plans For Main Street And Waterfront Promenades With RIRA PSC Members - Says No Motorized Vehicles Allowed On Promenade Unless Emergency Or Escorted By PSD

Following the the October 15 traffic accident involving a young girl crossing Main Street to Capobianco Park during PS 217 Halloween bash in which she was not seriously injured, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes announced the following day:

... Our immediate plans for Main Street and island promenades are as follows:
Main Street Safety Improvements:  

  • Two crossing guards will be posted on Main Street near PS/IS 217 intersections during school hours. 
  • Speed bumps will be strategically placed on Main Street. 
  • Portable radar signs will be placed in strategic locations on Main Street. 

Promenade Safety Improvements:

  • Restriction of vehicles, motorized scooters, and e-bikes on promenades. However, emergency vehicles or permitted vehicles will be escorted by PSD. 
  • Public Safety officers will be posted on the west promenade to ensure compliance.
  • New signage will be ordered....

The new signage and gated barrier on West Promenade is in place

and this weekend a Public Safety Officer was spotted patrolling the West Promenade on foot.

During the October 19 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) meeting, RIOC Public Safety Department Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso reported:

Nobody can drive on the promenade unless it's an emergency vehicle or some kind of delivery that is being escorted with  PSD ...or some sort of situation where they need to do some repairs...

RIRA PSC member Frank Farance disagreed that RIOC can ban all vehicles from the Promenades saying that their ground leases permit the building managements to use the Promenade in order to access their property.

Deputy Chief Amoroso replied:

... I looked into it with their leases and and we have the final say as far as driving on the promenades...


Here's more on RIOC Traffic Safety Plans for Main Street and the waterfront promenades discussed during the beginning of the PSC meeting including Mr Farance's suggestion of better traffic lighting instead of speed bumps on Main Street for greater vehicle and pedestrian safety.

UPDATE 10:50 PM - A Roosevelt Island residents reports on this Instagram post:
Yesterday a delivery man on a scooter sped onto the pedestrian walkway almost hitting me and my baby who was in a stroller. Public safety was there on foot and stopped him but when asked for his drivers license the motorist simply said “I don’t have one” and public safety ultimately just let him go. What’s the point of having public safety officers there to stop motorists if they just let violators go with no penalty? They will surely repeat if there are no real consequences @shelton_haynes_rioc_ceo @rooseveltislandrioc

Calling All Artists For Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Cafe Contest To Design Next Chalk Sign To Be Featured On Cafe Patio - $100 Gift Card To Winner

Calling All Artists

The Cornell Tech Cafe is awarding a $100 gift card to The Cafe.

If you have what it takes to design our next chalk sign, your art work could be featured on The Cafe' patio chalk board through the month of March 22'.

Send all hand drawn entries to

Click here for more info.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park Sidewalk Plaza Areas Are Private Property That Building Management Can Use For Parking As It Wishes Say RIOC Public Safety Deputy Chief - Manhattan Park Says Parking Is Temporary Until Motorgate Repairs Complete

Residents at the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park apartments have been complaining about the use of the Plaza sidewalk areas

adjacent to their buildings being used as a parking lot 

by numerous vehicles over the last several months.

During the October 19 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) meeting, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso advised the PSC that:

... The management offices can park on their property. We have no say whether it's Manhattan Park, Rivercross, they can park their vehicles on their property. It's how they access their property that we have a say....

Manhattan Park residents reacted on this Roosevelt Islander Instagram post about this subject:

  • I think it sucks. It was a lovely plaza with a lovely view that now looks like shit and creates a dangerous situation with cars driving where there shouldn't be cars. And just because the property is "private" property doesn't mean it is, or should be okay. There are often zoning laws, and there should be here, that could prevent this kind of use of property, private or otherwise. The whole Island is going to hell on a handbasket.
  • No cars are going on the green area. If I understand, this is the paved area in between buildings in Manhattan park. I don’t see hoe anyone can use that for recreation. Or how it has anything to do with the Octagon. As a resident, the only thing that I am concerned about is that these cars are not driving on the promenade.
  • I think it sucks. It was a lovely plaza with a lovely view that now looks like shit and creates a dangerous situation with cars driving where there shouldn't be cars. And just because the property is "private" property doesn't mean it is, or should be okay. There are often zoning laws, and there should be here, that could prevent this kind of use of property, private or otherwise. The whole Island is going to hell on a handbasket. 
  • This shows a total disregard from @manhattanparkapartments to its residents. These areas are not meant for parking. The amount of cars is out of control. Since when is it acceptable to have cars driving on the sidewalks and blocking stairs??

Manhattan Park building management answered on Instagram:

The parking on the site is temporary while motor gate garage is under going repairs. We apologize for any inconvenience.

According to this screenshot from September 29 RIOC President's Report presentation, the Motorgate repairs are 99% complete.

Will the "temporary" Manhattan Park sidewalk plaza parking be removed with the completion of Motorgate garage repairs?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sponsored Post - NYC Early Voting Begins Saturday October 23 Thru Sunday October 31 - Roosevelt Island Early Voting Location At Sportspark Gymnasium, November 2 Election Day Roosevelt Island Voting Location At PS 217

New York City 2021 General Election Early Voting begins Saturday October 23 thru Sunday October 31. The General Election Day is Tuesday, November 2.
Early voting on Roosevelt Island takes place at the Sportspark Gymnasium (250 Main Street).

Here's the sample ballot for Roosevelt Island voters.