I'm so glad you got this picture. I was really wondering about these planes as
they flew by our place. What was particularly striking was that they were
clearly flying in close formation as your photo clearly shows
Primary function: Amphibious assault transport of troops, equipment and
supplies from assault ships and land bases.
Manufacturer: Bell Boeing
Description: The V-22 Osprey is a multi-engine, dual-piloted, self-deployable,
medium lift, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) tilt-rotor aircraft designed
for combat, combat support, combat service support, and Special Operations
missions worldwide. It will replace the Corps' aged fleet of CH-46E and CH-53D
medium lift helicopters.
Unit Replacement Cost: Unit Cost (FY05 $ TY Unit Recurring Flyaway Costs):
Mission: Marine Corps Assault Support...
Here's a closer look at the V 22 Osprey
and flying over the East River by downtown Manhattan during 2011 Fleet Week.
UPDATE 1/6/22 - Spotted today too.
Flew over Roosevelt Island East River a few minutes ago too
The locally based volunteer group
Haki Compost Collective (Haki)
organized and manages the Roosevelt Island Food Scrap Drop Off Site located
every Saturday in front of the Rivercross buiiding next to the Farmers
Last Sunday, Haki brought a group of Roosevelt Island residents to the
Big Reuse Queensbridge Compost Processing Center
on Vernon B'lvd under the Queensboro Bridge for a tour to see how the food
collected on Roosevelt Island
are turned into compost.
Haki volunteer Danika Lam reports:
During our most recent field trip to the Queensbridge Compost Processing Site,
Lou from
and his trusty sidekick Rocky,
took Roosevelt Island residents along the journey their food scraps take from
fully formed corn cob and pineapple crown to nutrient-rich compost. Top of
mind in the discussion was, of course, the looming eviction at the hands of
I arrived late for the tour but Big Reuse Compost Manager Lou and Rocky gave
me a tour of the Compost Facility too.
After the tour, Lou reported that NYC Parks Department plans to evict
Big Reuse from the site at the end of June.
Ms Lam adds:
The Queensbridge Compost Processing Site is absolutely vital to composting
on Roosevelt Island.
It is only thanks to our partnership with Big Reuse that Haki Compost
Collective was able to bring back our community's food scrap drop-off site
in September 2020 and collect the high volume of food scraps that residents
contribute every Saturday--over 1,000 pounds and growing.
Local community composting sites make the most sense in terms of logistics,
sustainability, and community education and engagement. The City should be
expanding community composting, not evicting our world-class processing
According to Green Roosevelt Island Neighbors (GRIN) founder Anthony Longo:
BIG Reuse makes, by far, the best use of that small space under the bridge.
They built something of value for the neighborhood, for the city and for the
earth. The compost site should be used as the blueprint for how to compost in
an urban setting. It is self-serving and short sighted for the Parks
department to continue eviction threats. They have blatantly disrespected the
people who do this important work as they try to push for their parking lot
with hypocritical justifications. There is nothing they, or anyone else, can
put in that spot that is more valuable then the BIG reuse Compost site.
and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico supports composting efforts by Big
Making the conscious action of collecting your food scraps each week and
dropping them for the compost program could eliminate 1/3 of NYC’s waste
stream. Of every sustainable action available to individuals this is one where
the outcome is known because that valuable compost returns to our neighborhood
landscapes, gardens and houseplants, but you need a place to process it like
Big Reuse,
According to Big Reuse, NYC Parks intends to evict Big Reuse from the
facility at the end of June so the Parks Department can use the space for
vehicle parking. At the end of last December, Big Reuse was given a 6 month
extension to stay until June 2021 but since that time there has been no
discussion or negotiations between Big Reuse and the Parks Department about
the Queensbridge Compost facility.
Does the Parks department intend to evict Big Reuse from Queensbridge
compost facility?
Why does Parks department want to evict Big Reuse from the facility?
Has there been any discussion or negotiation between Parks and Big Reuse to
extend their agreement for Compost facility beyond June 2021.
Or find a suitable alternative site?
If not, why no discussion on subject?
A NYC Parks Department spokesperson replied:
We are ardent supporters of composting to support the sustainable management
of parks across our system. In accordance with the 2014 decision in Raritan
Baykeeper v. City of New York, we are working to bring composting in our
parks up to date by ensuring only park waste is processed on parkland,
rather than including consumer and regional waste.
Manhattan Community Board 8, which represents Roosevelt Island, passed this April 21 resolution
supporting the Parks Department extending license agreement with Big Reuse for
the Queensbridge Compost Processing Center.
Yesterday, Big Reuse reported:
Exciting news!
was just introduced, at the state level, to clarify that community
composting is an acceptable use of Parks land. Makes sense
right? Our site makes compost with Parks' leaves to use in
Parks utilizing public support and volunteers.
If you are part of an organization that supports community
composting - please sign on this
support letter
There has been a lot of other composting news over the last month
- Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the gradual return of curbside
composting through a
brand new opt in curbside compost program
and the expansion of the current
Food Scrap Drop Offs
program to 200 sites. Big Reuse currently collects from 40
of the drop offs.
Unfortunately - Parks still has not renewed our license for our
Queenboro Bridge community composting site, which expires June 30
- in 40 days! And our sites provide a large % of the
composting utilized by the Food Scrap Drop Offs. Look for
more ways you can help us stay shortly!
Also, Parks is still pushing out Lower East Side Ecology Center
from their community composting site. Big Reuse continues to
work with an amazing coalition of organizations -
Save Our Compost Coalition
to fight to save NYC community composting sites.
The main rationale Parks legal counsel has offered for evicting
composting sites from parkland is that community composting of
residential food waste was not allowed under state "alienation"
public trust doctrine, which states parkland can not be used for
non park purposes. Our sites compost Park's leaves provides;
compost to Parks, street trees, and community gardens; and
activate hundreds of volunteers annually - we feel our sites were
not alienation of Park land.
NYC Bar Association
letter and action at State Legislature seek to correct Parks
erroneous interpretation of alienation.
Sad news to report. Long time Roosevelt Island resident and pioneering member
of the New York Police Department Mary Eileen Fitzgerald passed away
yesterday. According to her obituary provided by the
John Krtil Funeral Home:
Mary Eileen Fitzgerald (January 17, 1923 - May 19, 2021)
On May 19, 2021 Mary Eileen Fitzgerald, pioneer resident of Rivercross,
passed on to her reward at 98 years of age. After signing a lease in 1976,
she eventually moved into Rivercross. At that time Mary was still working
for the New York Police Department (N.Y.P.D.). In 1952 she was sworn into
the Department and was considered a pioneer in the field of police work for
women. In 1952 there were not many female officers serving the City of New
York. She and the other policewomen were called trail-blazers. She herself
had never seen or heard of women police prior to her entrance into the
Police Department. A friend, referred to by Mary as her “angel friend”,
encouraged her to take the entrance examinations which she met with success.
Until approximately 1969 policewomen were not permitted to take promotional
exams just because they were women. The only way women were given
recognition for dedicated and professional police work was by appointment to
the grade of Detective as a promotion, which Mary achieved.
Mary was a life-time resident of New York City, having been born in the
Bronx to parents who immigrated from Ireland. She was the only survivor of
four children, and unfortunately her father died suddenly in 1938 in the
heart of the Great Depression. With the values instilled by their father and
with their wonderful mother at the helm, they survived the Depression. They
had learned from both parents the values, the confidence, and the will to
prepare them for life. They were taught by example always to “give back” to
friends, their community and to great causes.
After Mary retired from the N.Y.P.D. in 1983, she remained active in
volunteer work on Roosevelt Island and also in Manhattan. She volunteered
for the Cabrini Thrift Shop, the Homeless Shelter at Good Shepherd, the R.I.
Historical Society, St. Frances Cabrini Parish and Byrd Coler Hospital
Auxiliary. She also volunteered for Catholic Charities preparing layettes
for needy mothers-to-be, at memorial Sloane-Kettering Hospital, the Mary
Manning Walsh Home and St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
In 2018, Mary was recognized as a New York State Woman of Distinction
by the New York State Senate. She is survived by her nephews, Peter, Mark,
and Vincent; a niece, Jeanne; two grand-nieces, Lauren and Marissa
Fitzgerald; and a grand-nephew, John Fitzgerald. The Quality of Mary’s Life
was extended by her loving caregivers: Maritza, Blanca, Kamo, Shalini.
Visitation will be at John Krtil Funeral Home on Sunday May 23, 2021 from
2pm-5pm & 7pm-9pm. Mass of Christian Burial 10AM on May 24, 2021 at St.
John Nepomucene Roman Catholic Church (66th St & 1st Ave). Interment to
follow at St. Raymond’s Cemetery Bronx, NY at 11:45AM
*En lieu of flowers donations to the St. Francis of Assisi Breadline, which
has been distributing food to the Homeless on a daily basis since 1930, may
be sent to St. Francis of Assisi, 135 West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001
Born in the
#Bronx, she spent over 30 years serving NYC & paved the way for the more than
6,000 female officers active today. Had a great time visiting her today on
#RooseveltIsland! pic.twitter.com/LRCPDViLeY
For 31 years she served the City of New York as one of the first female Police Officers & she just celebrated her 97th Birthday!
We’re honored to celebrate with retired Detective Mary Fitzgerald over a nice cup of tea, cake, & some amazing stories. A true pioneer for women! pic.twitter.com/pyVmSYjz4P
Condolences to her family, NYPD colleagues, friends and neighbors. UPDATE 5/21:
We’re saddened to learn of the passing of one of the NYPD’s first female police officers. Retired Detective Mary Fitzgerald, who served the NYPD for 31 years, passed away at the age of 98.
Mary was a true pioneer who will be missed dearly—we were blessed to call her our friend. pic.twitter.com/IaLy5Phv95
Today, the NYPD family lost a pioneer — retired Detective Mary Fitzgerald passed away at the age 98. Mary joined the NYPD in 1952 & went on to work in our Pickpocket Squad & Intelligence Division.
Thank you for 3 decades of service to the people of NYC — Rest In Peace, Mary. pic.twitter.com/sPKFRZUh7o
A welcome sign we're emerging from the Coronavirus Pandemic is the return of Roosevelt Island Day on Saturday June 12. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
It’s that time of year again, Roosevelt Island Day! Come out and join
us for a day of beautification and celebration of Roosevelt Island on
Saturday, June 12th, from 10 AM – 2 PM.
Bring your family and
friends to our fun, educational activities, located at Blackwell Plaza,
the Meditation Lawn, and other areas throughout Main St. and learn more
info from our local community organizations. Activities to include are:
Free giveaways
Island Beautification
Art installations
Bike Repair
Free book swap
Battery recycling drop-off and more!
If you are unable to attend, check out our live updates on Instagram (@rooseveltislandrioc).
note that this is a socially distanced event and we encourage everyone
to wear your face coverings, keep six feet in distance, and continue
adhering to the NY Forward COVID-19 guidelines.
Roosevelt Island Day festivities were cancelled last year due to Coronavirus.
Here are some scenes from the 2018 Roosevelt Island Day Celebration.
According to Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3001 Co-Leader Aiesha Eleusizov:
The Girl Scout cookies we donated on Friday to the RIDA Food Panty is through the Girl Scouts
of Greater New York’s Gift of Caring program, which enables Girl Scout
Cookies to be purchased for donation to service organizations – a great
way for people to support Girl Scouts’ entrepreneurial efforts while
spreading joy to those in need. This year, all donated cookies—about
250,000 boxes—will be distributed to food pantries in NYC, recognizing
the rising food insecurity caused by the economic effects of the
pandemic. 9 Million Reasons - the organization that provides the food
for Roosevelt Island's pantry - received 30 palettes of Gift of Caring
donated Girl Scout cookies - who then distributed them to pantries all
over NYC, including the ones we received here on Roosevelt Island.
On Saturday, May 8, girls from Troop 3001 also volunteered handing out Girl Scout cookies
The Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts distributed food in the Roosevelt Island Food Pantry
and made deliveries for those unable to leave their homes.
I spoke with RIDA Food Pantry organizer Wendy Hersh, Girl Scout Troop 3001 Co-Leader Yitza Martinez and Girl Scout Emily Eleusizov last Friday. Here's what they had to say.
Ms Hersh reported that the Senior Center will soon be re-opening so the Food Pantry will have to vacate the Senior Center space it has been using since the Coronavirus Pandemic began.
Will the Roosevelt Island Food Pantry be able to continue operating and serving the community? According to Ms. Hersh:
... We're looking for some spot that we can move into to keep the Pantry going...
Ms Hersh added that they are also looking for some strong volunteers to help with loading and unloading boxes of food. If you're interested in volunteering at the Roosevelt Island Food Pantry, please contact Ms Hersh.
Yitza Martinez shares more photos of the Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts volunteering at the Evangel 9 Million Reasons Food Pantry and RIDA Food Pantry.
Ms Hersh adds:
Great Pantry Day ...having the girl scouts assist us this evening was such a blessing.
Thanks to Maria Carrante for her generous donations today of bread and pastry from Martha's Country Bakery on Ditmars Blvd in Astoria.
Please take notice that an emergency meeting of the RIOC Board of Directors
will be held on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 at 5:30 P.M., via videoconference.
According to the
May 18 RIOC Emergency Board Meeting Agenda, the sole item to be discussed is pending litigation. This discussion will be
conducted in Executive Session, closed to the public.
Although not confirmed, it is likely that the pending litigation to be
discussed at today's emergency RIOC Board meeting is the wrongful termination
lawsuit brought by former RIOC President Susan Rosenthal
against RIOC,
members of NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo's executive staff and individual
members of the RIOC Board of Directors.
A complaint was made to the Governor’s office and others on June 12th by an employee of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation that alleged that the President of the organization had used inappropriate language and engaged in inappropriate conduct in the workplace.
This complaint was immediately referred to the New York State Governor’s Office of Employee Relations for investigation. This investigation substantiated that the President had used racially and sexually offensive language, in clear violation of State policy and the strict standards set by this Administration. The President was Immediately terminated.
Ms Rosenthal has remained silent until now. On October 19 Ms.Rosenthal filed a lawsuit in NY State Supreme Court alleging wrongful termination. According to
the lawsuit (Page 1-2):
... Rosenthal, until her abrupt and improper termination on June 19, 2020,
was the President of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation
("RIOC", or "Respondent"). A long time, fierce advocate for civil rights
and, more recently, a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement
Rosenthal, a white female, brought an increased level of racial diversity
to RIOC over her more than five year tenure as President. It is thus both
ironic and tragic that Respondents blindly accepted the malicious, false
and baseless allegations of racism and using sexist language from a known
malcontent employee (the "Employee").
Rushing to announce their decision to terminate Petitioner on Juneteenth,
Respondents conducted a brief, sham investigation which ignored
irrefutable evidence that the allegations were nonsense. Had the
Respondents conducted a good faith investigation, they would have quickly
come to that conclusion. Instead, not only did Respondents terminate
Rosenthal in violation of their own internal policies, but they did so
with a public announcement which had the anticipated effect of besmirching
a more than 45 year long exemplary career.
In short, in order to obtain some cheap publicity on Juneteenth, they
arbitrarily, maliciously and in violation of law threw Rosenthal under the
proverbial bus. By this special proceeding, Rosenthal seeks reinstatement,
back pay, attorneys' fees and damages.
... When she was hired in 2015, Rosenthal was warned by RIOC management of a
'cabal,' which included Employee, which targeted management and sought to
oust them from RIOC. Roosenthal was told to be careful because of their
propensity. Again further proving the axiom that no good deed goes
unpunished, Rosenthal even supported the promotion and increased pay
Employee enjoyed....
On May 14, 2021 Ms Rosenthal won a significant victory when her
discovery motion seeking information which RIOC objected to providing was
granted by the NY State Supreme Court. According to the Court decision, RIOC is ordered to produce to Ms Rosenthal (the Petitioner):
... 1. Copies of all recordings of Petitioner;
2. Notes of any interviews with persons complaining about Petitioner;
3. Drafts of the June 19, 2020 press release, and any communications
relating to such press release;
4. Communications concerning the decision to terminate Petitioner;
5. Communications, including but not limited to emails, memos and status
reports, from Petitioner or other RIOC employees, to government officials,
concerning or referring to the steam tunnel on Roosevelt Island, and any
documents reflecting the government’s reaction to those communications;
6. Communications, including but not limited to emails, memos and status
reports, from Petitioner or other RIOC employees, to government officials,
concerning or referring to the public health and safety hazards regarding
the steam tunnel on Roosevelt Island, including but not limited to the
reports from the United States Army Corps of Engineers and Langan
Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., and any documents reflecting
the government’s reaction to those communications....
Will RIOC, the Governor's staff and RIOC Directors decide to settle with Ms Rosenthal rather than produce what could be damaging information about the reasons for her firing last June 19?
Also, on April 27, 2021 Ms Rosenthal filed another lawsuit in NY State Supreme Court against RIOC, members of the Governor's Staff and members of the RIOC Board of Directors.
... 2. Rosenthal, until her abrupt and improper termination on June 19, 2020,
was the President and Chief Executive Officer of RIOC. Despite her exemplary
record as a promoter of a diverse and equitable workplace over her more than
five year tenure as President and Chief Executive Officer, Rosenthal was the
subject of a malicious, false and baseless complaint of racism and use of
sexist language on June 12, 2020 from a known malcontent employee (the
“Employee”). The Albany Defendants immediately commenced an investigation
which quickly showed that the allegations against Rosenthal were
3. That did not deter the Albany Defendants. The Governor’s Office was already
motivated to “get” Rosenthal because she had repeatedly complained about a
potentially catastrophic safety situation on Roosevelt Island. Rosenthal
refused to accept the Governor’s Office’s determination to just sweep the
problem under the rug and wrote and had delivered a detailed memo highlighting
the issue. As a result of Rosenthal’s repeated demands upon the Governor’s
Office to take action on this issue, it was only then that the Albany
Defendants decided to make the complaints against Rosenthal a basis for her
termination. During the investigation of the unfounded complaint, the Albany
Defendants purported to learn of audio tapes which supposedly contained the
voice of Plaintiff making racist and sexually harassing statements. The Albany
Defendants told Rosenthal of the supposed existence of the tapes but refused
to allow her the opportunity to listen to them, a refusal which continues to
this day.
4. It now appears that none of the Defendants ever actually had possession of
the tapes. They refuse to disclose who created the tapes, how and when they
were prepared, on what type of device, all of the voices which were on the
tapes, or any other identifying information. None of the Defendants made any
effort to authenticate the tapes. Moreover, given the restrictions in place
during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is likely that whatever it was that certain
of Defendants claimed to have listened to was heard over a telephone or
internet connection.
5. Rosenthal denied that she had ever used the language as attributed to her.
Instead of taking the time to conduct a fair and thorough investigation, or to
even allow Rosenthal to listen to the audio tapes, the Albany Defendants
rushed to announce their decision to terminate Rosenthal on “Juneteenth,” a
date celebrating the end of slavery in America. Not only did Defendants
terminate Rosenthal in violation of their own internal policies, but they did
so with a public announcement which had the anticipated and intended effect of
besmirching a more than 45 yearlong exemplary career.
6. Rosenthal’s termination violated federal, city and state law,
a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, New York State Human Rights Law
and New York City Human Rights Law in that Rosenthal was treated differently
because she is a Caucasian female; and
b. New York State Labor Law §740 in that Rosenthal’s termination was
retaliation for complaining about a safety hazard on Roosevelt Island that an
engineering report stated could have a “catastrophic” consequence.
Roosevelt Island swimmers arrived at the
Sportspark Pool this morning to find it closed. A tipster reported this morning:
I arrived at the pool this morning to find it closed. There was a line of
people waiting to get in and only the sign below.
Rumors were spreading today of a drowning yesterday afternoon at the
Sportspark Pool as the reason for its closing this morning.
According to a second Tipster:
Have you heard anything about a drowning in the pool yesterday? The pool
was closed earlier and we have heard a mention of an incident (no details
And a third Tipster:
The rumor I heard about the pool is that someone drowned, a man in his 30s And
that they need to do an investigation He was in one of the swim lanes when it
occurred, another swimmer pulled him out.
In response to my inquiry, a NYC Fire Department spokesperson
Units responded to 250 W. Main st at 17:21 hrs on 05/16 for a report of a
drowning /cardiac arrest. Patient transported to Mt Sinai queens. No
Hopefully, the person is getting better.
Earlier this morning, I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) why the Sportspark pool was closed this morning and if there was a
drowning yesterday. No response yet.
UPDATE 4 PM - Very sad news. According to RIOC President Shelton Haynes:
It is with great sadness that we confirm on Sunday, May 16th at approximately 5:25 p.m., a 21-year-old individual, who was utilizing Sportspark Pool, was rushed to Mount Sinai Queens where they were pronounced dead.
Chief Kevin Brown of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation Public Safety Department responded to the incident, along with EMT, FDNY, and NYPD. RIOC is working in full support of an investigation being conducted by the NYPD and the Medical Examiner's office. Additionally, an internal review is being conducted by RIOC to learn and understand the facts surrounding this devastating incident.
During this time, the thoughts, prayers, and condolences of everyone at RIOC are with the family, friends, and loved ones of this young person.
UPDATE 8:30 PM - RIOC adds:
Please be advised that the Sportspark pool is currently closed until further notice.
An update will be sent when the pool re-opens.
UPDATE 5/21 - The Sportspark Pool has been closed since the day after the drowning incident.
Asked why the Sportspark Pool remains closed, RIOC responded with this Advisory:
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) is committed to the well-being of our community and is mindful of the role Sportspark Pool plays within it. We are also in support of our staff taking time and space to process Sunday’s traumatic event. In the interim, Sportspark Pool will remain closed pending RIOC’s effort to fully restaff the pool area.
In response to repeated inquires beginning June 2021, on March 16, 2022, a NYC Medical Examiners Office spokesperson reported:
Here is the determination made by the medicalexaminer for the May death.
Cause of death: Drowning due to cardiac arrhythmia possibly due to variants of undetermined significance in TRPM4 and ANK2 genes
Please join us for Community Health and Resource Fair on Tuesday, May 18th! We
will over 20 resource organizations at Good Shepherd Plaza to discuss their
resources from 11 am-3 pm and live fitness demos every half hour.
Last Friday evening, May 14, at about 5:30 PM, the Roosevelt Island Operating
Corp (RIOC) announced that
The Blacklist NBC TV show
will be filming scenes Monday, May 17 on Roosevelt Island removing public
parking areas used by Roosevelt Island residents, workers and parents of students attending PS/IS 217. According to
On Monday, May 17th, Sony Pictures Television will be filming portions of The Blacklist, NBC’s hit criminal mastermind drama starring James Spader and Megan
Boone, from approximately 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM in various locations
throughout Roosevelt Island. Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC)
is proud to work with the film and television industry to not only shine a
light on our beautiful island, but drive commerce as well.
On Sunday, May 16th, production will be clearing and holding parking in advance of the shoot
for equipment trucks and production vehicles in the following areas:
In front of and across the street from Foodtown between 10 River Road
and 40 River Road
The west side of Main Street between 405 and 475, as filming will be
taking place in and around Riverwalk Commons, Granny Annies, Duane
Reade, and Piccolo Trattoria
In a letter addressed to Roosevelt Island residents, Woodridge
Productions Inc. has emphasized that they “will make every effort to
minimize [their] impact on the neighborhood and accommodate residents and
businesses while filming.” You may view the full letter, attached.
Today, traffic cones were set up next to Riverwalk buildings reserving the
public parking spots for The Blacklist filming.
Upon learning Friday evening of The Blacklist filming the following Monday,
Roosevelt Island grandmother Raye Schwartz wrote to RIOC President Shelton Haynes:
Hello Shelton,
Once again, RIOC has not only dropped the ball but has endangered many
children in the way this filming was announced to our community. There are
two schools which bring children in to the island, either by school bus or
parents driving them here in the morning and picking them up when the school
day ends.
The area opposite Foodtown, starting at 10 River Road is adjacent to our
public school 217, and because of social distancing requirements caused by
the pandemic, parents cannot just drop the kids off at the front of the
school, but must proceed to the west promenade behind the school. Thus the
parents must park the car temporarily and escort the younger children to the
back of the school yard. Same is true with the school busses. And I’m sure
that you must have seen the trucks used by filming crews in many locations
in our city…and they often will not pay attention to parking barriers.
Further, there’s a string of school busses bringing kids from all over the
city to the Child School next to the current 591 Main Street offices. These
busses pull alongside 580 Main Street and next to the helix. We’ve had Sony
Pictures here on the island many times, but we’ve also had enough
notification to make necessary arrangements: remember Spiderman? And we
often have had many other film and TV crews.
The fact that this notice was sent Friday night, suggests that the directors
at either PS 217 and The Child School did not receive it early enough to
make needed arrangements for modifications for ensuring safe arrival and
dismissal of the students and faculty. Did your RIOC staff make any needed
safety provisions? Will your Public Safety staff take time off from issuing
parking tickets for the city and assist the schools? Based on this enclosed
notice I would think probably not!
... And even if you aren’t the one who did this, you are the CEO of RIOC and
the buck stops with you!
As of Sunday evening, there's been no response from Mr Haynes or anyone from
RIOC to Ms Schwartz's concerns.
UPDATE 5/17 - Roosevelt Island playing a stand in for Russia
during Blacklist TV program filming today at Motorgate Plaza.
UPDATE 5/18 - There were no problems with the PS/IS 217 student drop offs and pick ups yesterday due to The Blacklist TV filming nearby and no reports of any significant disruptions caused either.
This fills a longstanding need, and thanks to all the leaders who pulled it together. For balance now, we need resident leadership to come up with something similar. RIRA is a wreck waiting for...
Jesus Christ. Give it up. The priority boarding is not going to happen. If the line is too long, take the subway. It's not that far from the tram station on either end of the trip.
The protections from Public Safety for tram safety diminish the man hours of protection that Roosevelt Islanders pay for to protect us right here in our community. While It's necessary,...
It good idea but need to think about a limit number of passes per person or some other control to stop people trying to grab multiples for sale. Also have to think where/when do you get the daily...
There is no extra fee for the annual Fast Line Pass. The idea is the same thing as what your are calling Priority Boarding. The idea that is different is that anyone (residents/workers/visitors)...
Re. the 8:30 update: The Roosevelt Landings Residents Association determined that at least 22 heater sparkings and fires had taken place in our building in recent months. I personally experienced 3...
Roosevelt Island is a mixed income, racially diverse waterfront community situated in the East River of New York City between Manhattan and Queens and is jurisdictionally part of Manhattan. The Roosevelt Island Tramway, which connects Roosevelt Island to the rest of Manhattan, has become the iconic symbol of Roosevelt Island to its residents.
The Purpose of this Blog is to provide accurate and timely information about Roosevelt Island as well as a forum for residents to express opinions and engage in a dialogue to improve our community.