Friday, July 8, 2022

Doctor Kathy Grimm Retiring From Her Pediatrics Practice After Serving Roosevelt Island Community For 35 Years, Parents And Children Gather Together Yesterday To Say Thank You And Farewell

A group of Roosevelt Island residents gathered together yesterday afternoon at the Rivercross Lawn to thank and show their appreciation to Dr Kathy Grimm who is retiring from her pediatrics practice after serving the Roosevelt Island community for 35 years.

I asked Dr Grimm about retirement from her Roosevelt Island pediatric practice. According to Dr Grimm:

It's very difficult to give up something that you love but there's a time for everything in life.  I've been on Roosevelt Island practicing pediatrics for 35 years this month and in the field of pediatrics for 51 years so that means I am old.

 I own my own business and there comes a time in which you  need to let go and I think that time has arrived....

... I also do child protection work.  I'm the child abuse pediatrician for the Mount Sinai system and I also work for the New York Center for Children so I plan to continue that work. I do a lot of teaching on child abuse for pediatric residents and medical students and I plan on continuing that.

The one thing that really saddens me is that ever since 2015 I've tried to get a replacement to come in and take over the pediatric practice and I have been terribly unsuccessful ...  it's just been a huge challenge to get any of the major medical institutions interested in putting roots down on Roosevelt Island....

... It's really nice to have a comprehensive medical center on the Island so I still hope and pray that will happen. I had hoped it would happen before I semi-retired but it's been a work in progress for a long time so we'll see what happens. Miracles can still happen... 

 ... It's been my great pleasure, it's a privilege being a physician. It's a privilege being able to take care of families and and their children....

... The families have been amazing and I think the fact that our practice is so multicultural is really very very special and I think that's also what makes Roosevelt Island special. I think at least 50 percent of our patients are from other countries and I think that is really nice, I love that. 

Dr Grimm added:

Dr Deborah Saltzberg played a major role in the practice for the last nine years. She's amazing and the patients loved her. She made some very difficult diagnoses. She should be acknowledged.
Roosevelt Island parent Marc Block said of Dr Grimm:

Doctor Grimm is a wonderful pediatrician. 

We came to Dr Grimm for the first time with our older daughter who was maybe four at the time. She would cry a lot when shots were involved. Dr Grimm would look at her the first time and said stop crying and she stopped crying.

The kids just love her . When my younger one was born, Dr Grimm lugged a scale,  it's like a quarter her size into our apartment to weigh our little one because she made house visits for first-time babies. Who does that?No one does that nowadays but she does, or did, and she's just wonderful.

She's a credit to the practice. She was a cornerstone of the community, she's just amazing. 

I asked Mr Block what the absence of a pediatrician will mean to Roosevelt Island parents and if he thought  residents would use a local Roosevelt Island comprehensive medical facility if it was available . 

Mr Block replied:

I think it's devastating. The the ability to get a child to get a pediatric consultation quickly and easily is so important and to not to be available is problematic.... We're sort of an isolated community. Not to have medical care right nearby is problematic.

Absolutely. I still go to the local doctor. I'm a big believer in getting good medical care where you live. It's so important to have the facilities everything as close by as possible


Here's what Roosevelt Island parents and one young patient had to say about their appreciation for Roosevelt Island pediatrician Doctor Kathy Grimm.


As previously reported, Dr Grimm is working with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Rossana Ceruzzi to bring a comprehensive health care center to Roosevelt Island.

If you're interested in learning more about efforts to bring a health care facility to Roosevelt Island, come to the meeting tomorrow, July 9 at the Cornell Tech Cafe hosted by Congresswoman Maloney. 

Thank you Doctor Grimm and best wishes for your semi-retirement.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

New Summer Outdoor Seating Area With Shade Umbrellas For Residents And Visitors To Enjoy At The NY Public Library Roosevelt Island Branch Plaza - Relax, Read, Eat And Use The Wifi Too

New York Public Library Roosevelt Island branch manager Carlos Chavez shares these photos and reports: 

I'm reaching out to inform you that our outdoor furniture is now installed in the library plaza.

I spoke with Mr Chavez last week at the new Roosevelt Island Library Plaza about the new outdoor furniture..

According to Mr Chavez:

I'm here today to talk a little bit about the summer outdoor furniture that we have installed in the Library Plaza right behind me.

We have a total of four umbrella tables and umbrella shades as well as six folding tables and folding chairs that you'll see distributed throughout the the plaza. Our goal is to turn this library plaza into a destination for the islanders and for people visiting the island.

They'll have a place where they can sit and read, use their mobile devices, 

and have their meal. We will also be using the library plaza for programs and outreach like our summer learning kickoff....

Furniture will be available during the hours of operation that the library is open to the public. By 6 pm we'll be putting furniture away. On certain days like Monday and Wednesday that we close at eight we won't have it out too late, only until six pm every day.

You can pick up the Wi-fi from the library. We will increase our Wi-fi capability in the near future and people will be able to use free Wi-fi here in the Library Plaza.

I look forward to seeing all the Roosevelt Islanders using this space, this furniture. We got this for you and it's ready to get used.
The Library Plaza is a great new public place and amenity for Roosevelt Islanders to enjoy.

See you there.

Would You Like To See A Comprehensive Health Care Facility On Roosevelt Island? Join Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney For A Community Discussion On The Health Needs Of Roosevelt island Residents Saturday July 9 At Cornell Tech Cafe

Join Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for a community discussion on the health care needs of Roosevelt Islanders at 10 AM on Saturday, July 9 at The Cafe at Cornell Tech.

The July 9 meeting is a follow up to June 11 meeting exploring the health care needs of Roosevelt Island residents. 

As reported June 22:

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney joined with Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Rossana Ceruzzi, long time and soon to retire Roosevelt Island pediatrician Dr Kathy Grimm and a group of about 20 concerned residents 

to explore plans to bring a comprehensive health care facility to Roosevelt Island during a Saturday, June 11 morning meeting at Cornell Tech. Following the meeting, Dr Grimm took Congresswoman Maloney on a tour of the medical offices she currently shares with Dr Jack Resnick at 520 Main Street. That office is hoped to be the future home of a new Roosevelt Island comprehensive medical facility.

I spoke with Ms Maloney and Doctor Grimm after the office tour which included the room where an X-Ray machine was left by the Urgent Care company that vacated the premises several years ago. According to Ms Maloney:

I'm here with Dr Katherin Grimm who has served this community for many years. She regretfully is going to cut her hours back and we need another medical facility here on the Island. 

We just had a meeting with community leaders. We have come up with a plan. We are going to approach RIOC to see if they will buy into it and support it.

 We are conducting a survey of the residents of the Island. If they would use this facility if a world-class medical establishment came in. 

Medical care is needed on the Island not only for Covid shots and treatment but for pediatrics and for all types of care. 

I hope I'll be able to work with community to achieve this goal

During the meeting at Cornell Tech, RIRA President Rossana Ceruzzi told the group she has spoken with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes about the proposed new medical facility for 520 Main Street. Ms Ceruzzi requested RIOC and Hudson Related (the Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder) provide some incentives such as free rent for a period of time to a new medical practice as an inducement to open on Roosevelt Island. Ms Ceruzzi said Mr Haynes indicated he was open to the idea and is willing to explore it further.

Ms Maloney and Ms Ceruzzi hope to attract a first class medical provider such as Weill Cornell Medicine, NYU Langone or Northwell to a new Roosevelt Island facility.

If you would like to see a comprehensive health care facility on Roosevelt Island, please come to the Saturday July 9 meeting with Congresswoman Maloney at Cornell Tech Cafe to share your ideas.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Only 1 Cabin In Service, New Entrance And No Metro Card Machine At Roosevelt Island Tram Station Starting Today Thru July 21 For Second Phase Of Tram Haul Rope Replacement Project - A Warning From RIOC Would Have Been Welcomed Says Resident

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced last evening that work on the second phase of the Roosevelt Island Tram Haul Rope Replacement project begins today requiring the shutdown of 1 of the two Tram cabins. 

According to last night's RIOC advisory:
Continued Tram Haul Rope Replacement

Please be advised that due to ongoing critical and necessary tram work beginning Wednesday, July 6th, 2022, until approximately Thursday, July 21st, 2022, the North Tram Cabin will be out of service. The South Cabin will remain in service.

To accommodate this disruption, RIOC will be running a shuttle bus Mondays through Fridays from 3PM to 8:30PM, between the Roosevelt Island Tramway and the Tram Station at 60th St and 2nd Ave in Manhattan. ...

On June 14, I reported:

... According to a knowledgeable source, RIOC will start work on the North Cabin Tram Rope the week after July 4 for 2 weeks.... 
But until last evening there was no official word from RIOC of the change in Tram service starting today. A Roosevelt Island resident reported today:
This morning was a major event. I took what I thought was my usual short cut to the Tram and was faced with signs showing the new temporary entrance to the Tram. The Metro Card machine was blocked. I was told this new entrance was created today. You must walk a full block as if you are going to the tennis bubble. A warning would have been welcomed.

Another resident adds:

If RIOC doesn’t want more criticism than please inform the community better by all media necessary.
Residents reported on Roosevelt Islander Instagram page

  • I was so mad this morning after running (with a bad knee) to catch the tram and seeing the convoluted new entrance… needless to say, I missed the tram by 10 seconds
  • Furious that in my morning commute I was at tram and needed to add more money on my metro card and I was told I must walk all the way to subway station to refill. You must be kidding!!!!!! Terrible for each and every resident commuting.
  • No card machine… and no OMNY… well done

The Metro Card machine was working at the Manhattan Tram Station.

Here's some of the work done on Splice Day during the first phase of the Tram Haul Rope Replacement project on the South Cabin last month.


According to RIOC, the Manhattan Red Bus Shuttle:

Boarding Locations/Routes: 

  • Roosevelt Island to Manhattan: board at the R.I. Tram Station. Shuttle will make all northbound local stops to Capobianco Field (Opposite PS/IS 217)
  • Manhattan to R.I.: board at the southwest side of 2nd Avenue, between 58th & 59th Street. Shuttle will make all southbound local stops (beginning at 591 Main Street) to the Tram station.
  • Frequency: departing on the half hour, traffic depending.
  • Last Trip- Manhattan to R.I.: 8:30 PM Roosevelt Island to Manhattan: 8:00 PM

We encourage riders to plan accordingly and anticipate increased wait times for both the Tram and Red Bus shuttle. Please also consider alternate transportation options such as the F-train subway, ferry or Q102 bus.

We appreciate your patience.

RIOC has refused requests from residents and NYC Council Member Julie Menin to offer morning Manhattan Red Bus Shuttle service during the time of this project for those who may not be able to use the subway, bus or single Tram cabin. 

Also today:

Watch The Spectacular View Of July 4 Independence Day Fireworks Celebration On Roosevelt Island From FDR Park, Rooftop Panorama Cocktail Bar, East River Promenade And Manhattan Park - Tasty Offerings From Food Trucks, Plenty Of Bathrooms & Efficient Security Made For A Very Enjoyable Night

The view of the July 4 Macy's Independence Day Fireworks celebration from Roosevelt Island was spectacular whether you were among the 1500 with tickets to the free event at FDR Four Freedoms Park (watch this 4 minute finale),

on the East River waterfront promenade facing Queens just outside of the Southpoint Park entrance (thank you Eva Bosbach for the video),

at the Graduate Hotel Panoram Room rooftop cocktail bar paying $250 - $1700 or

from a Manhattan Park building rooftop.
Before the Fireworks started people were picnicking and relaxing on the Cornell Tech campus hilltop, playing soccer and enjoying the treats from a variety of Food Trucks.
After the fireworks were over, it took only about 40 minutes for the crowds to safely and quickly leave Roosevelt Island by Tram and Subway.

Excellent job by the folks at RIOC, NYPD and MTA organizing a safe and enjoyable Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks celebration.

UPDATE 7/8 - According to a RIOC spokesperson, approximately 6800 people attended the Roosevelt Island July 4 Fireworks celebration in the Cornell Tech area and Four Freedoms Park.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

NYPD Harbor Unit Boat Makes East River Coffee Stop At Roosevelt Island Promenade Pier Today

When you're on a boat in the East River and need a cup of coffee, Roosevelt Island is the place to go.