Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) President Nina Lublin reports:
We are back in our home !! After 3 years away, we have moved back to the Cultural Center. During those 3 years we accomplished many things -- celebrating Shabbat & festivals, 3 High Holidays at Manhattan Park, and many other regular & special events. We just celebrated our return with a rededication celebration on Sunday August 30th with Rabbi Moritt and 30 members & friends.
You are invited to continue this rededication with your return to the RIJC for the High Holy Days, led by our Rabbi, Leana Moritt, starting this Sunday, September 13th at 7:30 pm, and continuing on Monday & Tuesday the 14th & 15th. A full schedule of services, the calendar for the coming year, Yiskor & yahrzeit information, and membership & donation forms are on our website.
I hope you will consider making an additional donation when you renew your membership or join us for the first time. You can now make those contributions using the PayPal link on the RIJC website ( Your membership dues only cover a small portion of our actual costs of operating the synagogue, conducting our holiday & festival events, and expenses of rebuilding our Bimah & refurbishing the space (and our new chairs!!).
Thank you so much for your participation & support as we begin our new year back in our newly rebuilt & renovated home. See you Sunday! L'Shanah Tovah!!
5776 / 2015 - 2016 High Holy Days Schedule
Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 13 7:30 pm – Rosh Hashanah Evening Service
Monday, September 14
9:15 am 1st Day Rosh Hashanah – Morning Service
9:15 am Child Care
11:00 am Children’s Service – With Music (in the Theater)
1:30 pm Tashlich (time approximate)
7:30 pm Evening Service
Tuesday, September 15
9:15 am 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah – Morning Service
9:15 am Child Care
Yom Kippur
Tuesday, September 22 6:15 pm Sharp – Kol Nidrei Service
6:00 pm – Child Care
Wednesday, September 23
9:15 am Morning Service
9:15 am Child Care
10:30 am Children’s Service (in the Theater)
5:00 pm Afternoon Service, with Ne’ilah & Havdalah
5:00 pm Child Care
Note: All 2015 High Holy Day Services will be held at the Cultural Center – 548 Main Street
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is one of Judaism’s holiest days. Meaning “head of the year” or “first of the year,” the festival begins on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, which falls during September or October. Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of the world and marks the beginning of the Days of Awe, a 10-day period of introspection and repentance that culminates in the Yom Kippur holiday, also known as the Day of Atonement. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the two “High Holy Days” in the Jewish religion...
All programs and prayers will be held at The Roosevelt Island Community Cultural Center, Renwick Room & Lighthouse Room - 548 Main Street (unless otherwise noted)
Rosh Hashanah Eve, Sunday, Sept. 13
6:51pm Candlelighting
7:00pm Maariv, evening prayers
8:00pm “The Tastes of the New Year”
Rosh Hashanah First Day, Monday, Sept. 14
10:00am Shacharis and children’s program
11:30am Shofar followed by Kiddush and Tashlich
Shofar House calls available
6:00pm Family Rosh Hashanah Dinner (RSVP) - 425 Main Street
Ed Beyea,
Anthony J. Fallone,
Taimour Khan,
Scott Larsen,
Kevin J. Smith and the firefighters who were based on Roosevelt Island
Deputy Chief Ray Downey,
Deputy Chief Charlie Kasper,
Battalion Chief John Moran, and
Battalion Chief John Paolillo.
Here's the beginning
and conclusion
of the 2015 NYC 9/11 Memorial Remembrance.
Vice President Joe Biden delivered these remarks today at NYC 9/11 remembrance
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato provided an update on various Roosevelt Island projects and issues during yesterday's September 10 RIOC Board of Directors meeting.
Ms. Indelicato reported:
Cornell is going up at a fantastic rate. I must say PSD has been outstanding in limiting the pain of traffic and the impact of concrete trucks...
Con Ed will be doing nighttime work replacing feeder cables by Queensboro Bridge,
MTA will be doing work at Southpoint Park's Strecker Lab and
RIOC installed new lights at Motorgate Atrium near Gristedes which she believes will improve safety issues
In addition, Ms Indelicato discussed the ongoing problems with, and temporary fixes for, the two Roosevelt Island Tram Manhattan Station elevators.
Ms Indelicato said that the company preparing design and construction drawings for the two new Tram Manhattan Station elevators recently went bankrupt delaying work on the project for about a month. RIOC expects a successor company to take over work on the design and construction drawings soon pending approval of the bankruptcy court and fiscal vetting by RIOC.
Ms. Indelicato anticipates the two new Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station elevators to be working by Autumn of 2016.
Also, Ms Indelicato discussed bicycle safety issues on the Roosevelt Island Bridge helix. RIOC will not ban bicycles from the helix ramp but seek to improve safety with signage, road striping and education as well as investigate possible solutions for fixing the Motorgate elevator with the assistance of Cornell Tech.
Here's Ms. Indelicato's September President's Report to the RIOC Board of Directors.
... We are seeking a qualified servers to join our close knit and fun team. The successful candidate will be: honest, well spoken, fluent in English, have prior relevant industry experience, knowledgeable about sports, light hearted, punctual, have a strong work ethic & take pride in themselves....
Roosevelt Island Day Nursery, a private preschool, is seeking a Lead Teacher for our afternoon program for preschoolers, which begins September 17 and runs through June. This could be the perfect part-time afternoon job for those teaching in am classes at other schools....
Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator (RIPN) Eva Bosbach reports:
Dear all,
I hope you had a fun and relaxing summer! Our next event in the "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network will be a "Back to school craft" this Friday, September 11, at the Senior Center, 546 Main Street, 5-6pm.
The children will decorate the cover of a composition notebook. The front will be covered with white paper or paint, and the children can draw or paint on it, decorate with pieces of colored paper etc.
We will finish the craft with some back to school themed story-time.
A suggested donation for this craft is $2 per family. Even if you cannot donate, every child is welcome.
A special thank you to Hara Jun for helping us with so many events! We will miss you Hara and wish you best success with school. Also thank you to Dolores Green, Barbara Parker, Wendy Hersh and Marylin Atkins from the Senior Center for letting us use their space for the event.
Please RSVP to by Thursday, September 10. Please let us know if you can bring some back to school related books for the story time or for our little kids book shelf during the event.
And as always: If you have craft event ideas you would like to organize yourself or would like me to include in our series, or if you have other ideas for activities of our Network, let me know.
We wish all children and parents an easy school start tomorrow and look forward to seeing you on Friday!
"Crafts with Kids" is a free workshop series for children organized by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network. The monthly events included "Tram art and necklaces", "Matisse for Kids", "Valentines Craft", "St Patricks Craft", "Earth Day Craft", "Easter Craft", "Mothers Day Craft", "Fathers Day Craft" and "Summer craft - a lady bug".
On Tuesday night I was watching the debut of Late Night With Stephen Colbert. The opening credits came on with scenes from NYC when all of a sudden I was stunned to see the Roosevelt Island Tram passing over the East River
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors will be meeting later this afternoon. According to RIOC:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Board of Directors meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cultural Center Theater, 548 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York, for the purpose of transacting such business as shall come before the Board.
* * *
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
5:30 P.M.[1]
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. June 25, 2015 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. Presentation of the Proposed Budget FY 2016-17 (Materials to Follow)
2. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. for Southpoint Open Space Community Stakeholders Plan Development (Board Action Required)
3. Authorization to Amend the Cell Antenna License Agreement with Verizon Wireless (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Amend the Cell Antenna License Agreement with Sprint (Board Action Required)
Mike Dillon is one of the candidates running for Male District 76 Part A Leader. He sent the following statement and flyer to the Roosevelt Island community.
Have you ever heard of a District Leader?
On Thursday, September 10th, for the first time in decades, you'll be asked to vote for District Leader, and I want you to vote for me, Mike Dillon.
District Leader is an unpaid party position within the local Democratic Party that you might not be familiar with. It's the person you can reach out to if you have questions about local candidates or elections. It's someone who represents Roosevelt Island to the New York County Democratic Party.
I'm an active member in the community and within the Democratic Party. For the last several years, I've been a board member of the East Sixties Neighborhood Association, and last year, I was a member of the Participatory Budgeting Committee for Roosevelt Island. I currently serve as the President of the Four Freedoms Democratic Club, the largest and most active Democratic Club in our assembly district.
I know I will be a great District Leader, but you don't have to take my word for it; In addition to being endorsed by a number of local community and political leaders, I've been endorsed by our Assemblywoman, Rebecca Seawright.
On Thursday, September 10th, I would deeply appreciate your vote. If you have any questions about me, what a District Leader does, the Four Freedoms Democratic Club, or anything else that’s happening in the neighborhood, feel free to give me a call at 646-616-7526 or send me an email at I've included a flyer on the other candidates endorsed by the club, I hope you'll consider supporting them as well.
Thank you for your support,
This is not an endorsement but intended for informational purposes only. I have not received information from any of the other candidates.
Roosevelt Island polling locations are at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street) for all eligible voters except Octagon residents who vote at Coler Hospital (900 Main Street).
UPDATE 10:20 PM - Barbara Rudder is one of the candidates for Female District Leader. During tonight's Roosevelt Island Residents Association Public Session (RIRA), RIRA Common Council member Ellen Polivy thanked Ms. Rudder for her assistance securing an anonymous $150 thousand donation to the FDR Hope Memorial.
Here's what Ms Polivy said.
Ms. Polivy adds:
Dear Neighbor,
On Thursday, September 10, from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm, please join us in voting for our friend Barbara Rudder as our Democratic District Leader. This is a volunteer position that serves as a link between our neighborhood and our elected officials.
We are voting for Barbara Rudder because she is a strong advocate and a proven successful worker for our neighborhood, the Upper East Side and Roosevelt Island.
Barbara Rudder has been endorsed by our Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright.
Barbara Rudder has served on our Community Board 8 for the last seven years:
Co-chair of the Health, Seniors and Social Services Committee, fighting to keep senior centers open, active and fully funded.
Co-chair of the Parks Committee, fighting for open green space and redevelopment of the East River Esplanade.
Assisted district and community leaders’ efforts in securing the release of vital grant funding for the FDR Hope Memorial Project of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association.
Active member of the Second Avenue Subway Task Force fighting for a unique Second Avenue corridor.
Organizing a Quality of Life Symposium to ensure responsible development of our community.
Co-chair of the Rockefeller University Task Force ensuring a positive outcome for the East River Esplanade redevelopment.
Barbara Rudder is a founding member of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney’s East River Esplanade Task Force.
Please join us in voting for our friend Barbara Rudder for Democratic District Leader on Thursday, September 10th.
Thank you.
Lorraine Altman, resident since 1989 - Dolores Green, resident since 1997
Marilyn Atkins, resident since 1977 - Judith Quintana, resident since 1975
Nancy Brown, resident since 1976 - Gloria Narduzzo, resident since 1979
Irene Clark, resident since 1995 - Manuela Ocampo, resident since 1989
Hope Dietsch, resident since 1984 - Rebecca Ocampo, resident since 1989
Georganna Galateau, resident since 1976 - Ellen Polivy, resident since 2004
Frank Gibbs, resident since 1975 - Linda Warren, resident since 1989
UPDATE 9/15 - John Halebian and Jill Eisner won the election for Male and Female Democratic Party District Leaders Part 76 A respectively.
Candidate Barbara Rudder writes:
On Thursday, I lost in an election for Democratic District Leader, although I won on Roosevelt Island. I want to thank all of Roosevelt Island for their friendship and support. It is very apparent to me that your small island, made up of such passionate, knowledgeable residents, has the muscle and fight to affect great change. Although I am disappointed with the results of the election, I plan on working with you to help solve the issues that affect Roosevelt Island and the Upper East Side.
Image Of December 2014 RIRA Common Council Meeting
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will meet this evening, September 9, at 8:00 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).
As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.
Below is agenda for RIRA meeting tonight
If at all possible, please arrive a half-hour early to help set up tables and chairs
Date: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015
Time & Place: 8:00 pm, Church of Good Shepard
1. Public Session
2. Request by Westview Delegation to Seat Bafode Drame as Westview Delegation Alternate
3. Roll Call of Common Council Members
4. Adoption of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes
a. June 3, 2015 Council Session Minutes
6. Treasurer’s Report & Business
7. President’s Report & Business
8. Committee Reports
a. SC&E Committee Report
i. Hands-Only CPR Subcommittee Report
b. Island Services Committee Report
c. Public Purpose Funds Ad Hoc Committee Report
d. PSC Committee Report
i. Committee Resolution Banning Bicycles, Wheelchairs and Scooters from Helix Ramp
A bicycle rider was injured in a collision with a car on the Motorgate Helix Ramp to the Roosevelt Island Bridge last Monday July 13....
... the RIRA Public Safety Committee (PSC) unanimously passed this resolution recommending that bicycles, wheelchairs and scooters be banned from the the Motorgate Helix Ramp during the PSC's August 11 meeting:
Resolution that Bicycles, Wheelchairs, and Scooters Be Banned from Helix Ramp
WHEREAS the helix ramp is a narrow roadway for two-way motor vehicle traffic;
WHEREAS the helix ramp has limited-distance sight lines as it spirals between the bridge deck and street level;
WHEREAS visibility is sometimes limited by sun-glare;
WHEREAS there is no leeway on the ramp for vehicles to swerve to avoid hitting a bicycle or a wheelchair or a scooter;
WHEREAS a bike lane or a sidewalk cannot be added to the ramp;
THEREFORE, the Public Safety Committee of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association hereby resolves that all bicycles, wheelchairs, and scooters be banned from the helix ramp."
The resolution will be debated during RIRA's September 9 Common Council meeting. Even if the resolution is approved by the RIRA Common Council, RIRA has no power to implement such a ban. However, RIOC could use the RIRA resolution as an indication of Roosevelt Island community wishes to ban bicycles from the Helix Ramp and implement such a ban....
Google Street View Image Of Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix Ramp
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee discussed issue of bicycle and vehicle safety on the Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix at it's September 8 meeting last night. (full audio web cast of meeting here, bike helix discussion starts approximately 1 hour 8 minute mark).
RIOC Director Michael Shinozaki began the discussion saying:
I don't really think it's safe for cyclists to be on the helix because of the nature of car and truck traffic on there. The problem is we need to come up with a viable alternative. In the past we had the escalator that went from the platform straight down and people used the escalator...
The escalator has been closed for many years without an explanation for the reason.
RIOC President Charlene Indelicato said that the Cornell engineering team will examine the escalator situation to determine if it can be operational.
In the meantime, Ms. Indelicato said:
... You can't protect alot of people from themselves....
and bicycle:
... banning is not going to work. we don't have the manpower to enforce it and secondly I think there are alot of groups, not Bike NY, who protest these things feeling it is some sort of infringement on peoples rights and you don't want even more bikes trying it out....
... I am inclined to listen to the experts. We will listen to Bike NY, Cornell...
about bike helix safety issues.
RIOC Director Howard Polivy summarized the Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix bike safety initiatives saying RIOC:
... will look at stripes, signs and sight lines...
Current Helix Ramp Sign To Use Motorgate Elevator
Here's 6 minute portion of the RIOC Operations Advisory Committee discussion of Helix Bike Safety,
the full 27 minute discussion,
and Helix bike safety recommendations from Bike New York.
Proposals to Improve Safety of Non-motorized users on the Helix Ramp
You can address the bike safety concerns on the helix by taking the following cost effective preventive safety measures that various parties can take to keep the every one safe on the helix:
1- Enforce the 10mph speed limit (RIOC, Public Safety).
ticket drivers who exceed the 10 mph speed limit.
install a speed display sign so people know how fast they are going on the helix, with an additional sign noting the helix ramp is 10mph.
install speed humps or bumps that keep vehicle speeds under the limit.
Work with DOT, PSD, or Bike New York to pass out Vision Zero information and bumper stickers or other Helix-specific safety information at the top of the helix.
2. Enforce the Helix no passing zone (RIOC, PSD).
maintain the center “no passing zone” stripes, which wear off quickly due to large vehicles negotiating the tight turn.
Make the “No Passing Zone” sign stronger. How about “Don’t even think of passing here” sign?
Install flexible bollards on the center stripe.
3. Enforce against dangerous cycling behaviors, especially wrong way cycling (against traffic) and not using lights at night (RIOC PSD).
4. Interpret & Apply the “Share the Road” signage on the helix. Most motorists and many cyclists don’t know what sharing the road looks like in practice. Under state law NYS VAT § 1234 cyclists may “take the lane” when the lane is too narrow to share side-by-side with an over-taking vehicle to prevent dangerous passing. Given that the helix is a two-way road with a narrow single lane, and constricted sight lines both motorists and cyclists should understand how to share it safely. And sharing in this context does not mean that it’s the job of the cyclist to get out of the motorist’s way. The helix ramp is short—it’s not a huge inconvenience for a motorist to wait behind a cyclist until the cyclist clears the helix. Cyclists should take the lane on the helix because it is too narrow for safe passing.
paint “sharrow” symbols in both directions in the center of the helix lanes (RIOC) indicating to all users that cyclists should take the lane on the helix. (RIOC)
conduct public education campaign about what “Sharing the Road” on the Helix means in practice. (Bike New York, RIOC, PSD) with fliers
Create a short video on how all users should safely share the helix. (Bike New York, RIOC, PSD).
5. Education
Work with Cornell construction contractors so that truck drivers understand the reasonable and safe driving limits utilizing short safety classes, the video, friendly flyering at construction sites. (Bike New York)
Conduct bike safety education campaign so that cyclists use best practices for using the helix, including use of lights at night, not riding against traffic, and “taking the lane” on the helix. (Bike New York)
Frank Farance shares this video of bicyclists riding down the helix ramp
RIRA is meeting 8 PM tonight at the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street) to vote on the Public Safety Committee resolution banning bikes from the Helix.
Without RIOC's approval, RIRA's resolution approving banning bikes from Helix means nothing.
UPDATE 10:30 PM - The RIRA Common Council did not vote on the helix bike ban resolution but sent it back to the Public Safety Committee for further review.
UPDATE 11:30 PM - Here's the RIRA Common Council discussion.
As reported last February, Roosevelt Island will be part of a new NYC East River Ferry route starting in spring/summer 2017 that will include Astoria, Long Island City North, Roosevelt Island, East 34th Street and Pier 11 / Wall Street.
The New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) will be conducting a Citywide Ferry Service outreach presentation to the Roosevelt Island community Wednesday, October 7 at 7:30 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street). The EDC Roosevelt Island ferry presentation is jointly sponsored by Community Board 8's (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee and the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA).
Ferry service is what Roosevelt Islanders need for a faster commute. Thank you to EDC and the RIOC for partnership in providing this vital transportation infrastructure for the island.
Notification issued 09/8/2015 at 9:30 AM. Due to an outage of the Elevator and Lift service at the Manhattan Tram Station, the RIOC Red Bus will provide special shuttle service to and from Manhattan for those with limited mobility.
Schedule information is as follows:
ROOSEVELT ISLAND TO MANHATTAN: Departs hourly from the bus stop near 455 Main Street (near Riverwalk Bar and Grill) starting at 10:00 AM with the last Manhattan bound bus leaving at 8:00 PM. Additional stops are located at 546 Main St. (opposite Good Shepherd Plaza) and opposite 645 Main Street (opposite P.S/I.S. 217).
MANHATTAN TO ROOSEVELT ISLAND: Departs hourly from the southwest corner of 58th St. and 2nd Ave starting at 10:30 AM with the last Island bound bus being at 8:30 PM. Additional stops are located at 645 Main St. (P.S./I.S. 217), 579 Main St. (M&D Deli), 543 Main St. (Good Shepherd Plaza), 425 Main St. (Riverwalk Bar & Grill), and the Roosevelt Island Tram Plaza
If you have any questions, please call the Public Safety Department at 212-832-4545. Thank you for your patience.
This fills a longstanding need, and thanks to all the leaders who pulled it together. For balance now, we need resident leadership to come up with something similar. RIRA is a wreck waiting for...
Jesus Christ. Give it up. The priority boarding is not going to happen. If the line is too long, take the subway. It's not that far from the tram station on either end of the trip.
The protections from Public Safety for tram safety diminish the man hours of protection that Roosevelt Islanders pay for to protect us right here in our community. While It's necessary,...
It good idea but need to think about a limit number of passes per person or some other control to stop people trying to grab multiples for sale. Also have to think where/when do you get the daily...
There is no extra fee for the annual Fast Line Pass. The idea is the same thing as what your are calling Priority Boarding. The idea that is different is that anyone (residents/workers/visitors)...
Re. the 8:30 update: The Roosevelt Landings Residents Association determined that at least 22 heater sparkings and fires had taken place in our building in recent months. I personally experienced 3...
Roosevelt Island is a mixed income, racially diverse waterfront community situated in the East River of New York City between Manhattan and Queens and is jurisdictionally part of Manhattan. The Roosevelt Island Tramway, which connects Roosevelt Island to the rest of Manhattan, has become the iconic symbol of Roosevelt Island to its residents.
The Purpose of this Blog is to provide accurate and timely information about Roosevelt Island as well as a forum for residents to express opinions and engage in a dialogue to improve our community.