We're havin' a party
Everybody's swinging
Dancing to the music
On the radio
So listen, Mr. DJ
Keep those records playing
'Cause I'm having such a good time
Dancing with my baby
If you're interested in making an End Of Year Donation, please consider supporting local Roosevelt Island organizations doing good work for our community including:
Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton
Haynes, Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown and Assistant Vice President
of Communications Akeem Jamal:
Will RIOC comment on the sexual assault incident listed in PSD Incident
Report above?
What happened? Was there an arrest?
This incident will be of great concern to the Roosevelt Island community and
I want to make sure that the reporting is accurate.
Will RIOC comment on this matter?
Did not receive any response and followed up again this afternoon to RIOC
I’m following up on yesterday’s email below regarding a December 21
sexual assault at 540 Main Street reported in the PSD daily blotter.
This is of great concern to residents. Will Rioc provide information about
what happened including if there was an arrest?
Today, a NYPD Press Spokesperson told me they had no information on the
I’ve also asked several residents who usually know or can find out and they
had no info either.
At 4:14 pm today, RIOC sent out this advisory:
Dear Roosevelt Island Community,
This is an update in response to community inquiries concerning an alleged
sexual assault incident on 12/21/22 at 10:18 PM. Emergency Medical Services
responded to an unknown individual in the area of 540 main street. Upon
arrival, the individual on the scene declined to provide their information
and declined assistance from NYPD. After further investigation – there was
no police report filed, and the NYPD 114th precinct Detective Squad was not
notified of an act of sexual assault.
The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department and NYPD take any allegations
of sexual assault or general wrongdoing seriously. Should you wish to make
an anonymous report, please get in touch with the NYPD Crime Stoppers tip
line at 800-577-TIPS or submit an
online tip.
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department
Upon reading the advisory, one resident asked:
How did this get on their blotter if nothing took place?
I try to give Chief Brown & PSD the benefit of the doubt on some
criminal activity but they continue to test us. And this Advisory tests
their credibility.
Does “... In the area of 540...“ mean In the Building Lobby? Near the Cultural Center Staircase? Poorly lit Dark Space Further down the road to the river?
Wondering who exactly called 911 if the victim didn’t?
540 Breezeway is hard for PSD to miss. Doubt any PSOs were out at that
crosswalk but is possible. Even when they are there they miss stuff...
And, most importantly, isn’t this the 2nd time this year this kind of assault was reported & nothing happened?
The PSD & RIOC have the responsibility to be transparent & report critical events related
the SAFETY of the PUBLIC. Chief Brown can remind us, at those Public Safety meetings &
other settings, how low the crime rate is & how safe we are ... But
they never send out or post some reminders about our personal safety.
RIOC's relatively new Vice President of Communications, Akeem Jamal, has made it extremely
difficult for the local Roosevelt Island media to obtain information about
important issues of concern to the Roosevelt Island community. In response to
a prior Public Safety incident last October, Mr Jamal replied to my
... In the event of community concern in the case of such an incident, RIOC
would work to advise the public should there be a need. In the future, if
you would like information regarding any incident or have other inquiries,
please submit a FOIL request.
This email serves as notice that RIOC will no longer respond to these
incidents or other matters unless a FOIL request has been submitted.
I've asked Mr Jamal why he refuses to answer press inquiries on issues of
concern to Roosevelt Island residents.
Mr Jamal's answer was:
RIOC wants to control the narrative.
Roosevelt Island public safety issues were discussed with RIOC PSD Chief Kevin
Brown during the December 22 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA)
Public Safety Committee meeting. Among the issues discussed were:
Very low crime rate on Roosevelt Island,
Shoplifting at Duane Reade,
Problems at the new Hudson Related Riverwalk Park affordable housing
building (Hudson Related is bringing in a social worker to try and solve
some of the problems among tenants),
Main Street Traffic and parking issues, including truck and bike
PSD staffing, two officers are joining NYPD,
Dog poop,
and more.
Watch the video of full meeting.
These meetings are open to the public to participate.
Roosevelt Island is joining the Pickleball Craze with 2 new outdoor courts installed by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) in the area behind Sportspark that used to be a basketball court.
During the October 20, 2022 RIOC Board of Directors Meeting Public Session, Roosevelt Island residents Lorraine Altman
and Vicki Feinmel
advocated for Pickle Ball courts on Roosevelt Island.
Ms Altman noted that Ms Feinmel is a recent winner of a Pickleball tournament at a Manhattan court.
During the December 22, 2022 RIOC Board Meeting, RIOC General Counsel Gretchen Robinson announced Pickleball was coming to Roosevelt Island at the Sportspark outdoor court this coming spring.
According to Ms Robinson:
We are bringing Pickleball to Roosevelt's Island as Mr Haynes previously mentioned. We have decided to dedicate the courts behind Sports Park to that effort and a formal
announcement will go out soon but asphalt was laid and striping was completed this month. I believe the court will be completed and accessible in the early spring so that's really exciting.
They are here, and there’s only two of them! And will Off-Islanders be able to use them? Cause we have 6 tennis courts that residents have a hard time accessing because Off-Islanders take over! I can’t play tennis at any other borough with out a permit, but Off-Islanders can just come here and take over our courts! Do you think two PB courts are going to be enough?
We love discovering nature’s wonders and are excited for what’s ahead. Deep thanks to all our partners for helping us expand our impact to all ages and spark our desire (and know-how) to make sure our human impact is good impact.
Wish to support?
Click this link where our fiscal sponsor and nonprofit Open Space Institute 501(c)3 public charity lists us as one of their Citizen Action Groups ready to accept donations. Be sure to select - iDig2Learn - from the drop down menu to ensure we get your generous gift. Can’t support right now? Follow us and spread the word! Thanks to all who have make this decade fun and joyful!
It is Christmas day and a good day to be in the
kiosk and
meet our visitors. I do not know what to expect since the temperature is about
20 degrees out.
Just as I approach the kiosk a couple is looking at the RIOC map sign and I
invite tme into the kiosk to defrost. The woman, Alette is almost 90 years
old with her 19 year old grandson, Jonathan. They are from Montreaux,
Switzerland and are here for a week's vacation. They sit down to warm up,
though the kiosk has not warmed up yet to a frosty 50 degrees. We chat and
discover Jonathan is studying and working at the Montreaux Jazz Festival
working rigging and lighting every summer. His English is great and Alette
is used to walking the mountain trails of Switzerland.
They are lots of fun and after a half hour decide to ride the red bus around
the island.
Marie, a young woman from College Park, Maryland joins me and we chat about
restaurants and customer service, since she works in a Japanese Restaurant.
Her friends soon arrive, three grad students from Maryland and they are off to
explore the island.
A young couple come in and we chat. They are Greek and seek instructions to
Astoria for some good "home" cooking. She is a nursery school teacher and he
a tech teacher in London. We have a few laughs of British cooking and they
are definitely ready for Astoria.
A family from Dubai come into the kiosk, yes Dubai. Mom, dad and 3 kids. The
are nearly frozen and we chat so they can warm up. One son is definitely
under the weather and the family has already visited Duane Read. He is
completely bundled and masked up. I am sure he really wanted to be under the
covers. The family is from Pakistan and have lived over 20 years in the
Middle East. The teen age daughter has been directing her family's itinerary
including the Met and MOMA. She wants to go into design and has a list of
must-sees for her family. One the way out we present a I Love NY baseball
for the son, though it is not a cricket ball. it will be a great New York
souvenir. The family has decided that this is the last trip to New York in
Other families enter the kiosk,
many asking for a restroom. We do not have the coffee maker on today since
using it will probably blow out our fragile electrical system. We sell some
pairs of gloves and not much else. We notice that the majority of our visitors
are from tropical climates, such as Malaga,Spain, California, Florida and
warmer places. Most wanted a little less of the freeze they had been
experiencing here. At 4 p.m. my feet are frozen and time to head to Granny
Annies for a bowl of hot French Onion Soup.
Roosevelt Island residents are also invited and welcomed at the RIHS
Visitors Center Kiosk. Stop by, talk to Ms Berdy and the friendly staff and
make a merchandise purchase
This fills a longstanding need, and thanks to all the leaders who pulled it together. For balance now, we need resident leadership to come up with something similar. RIRA is a wreck waiting for...
Jesus Christ. Give it up. The priority boarding is not going to happen. If the line is too long, take the subway. It's not that far from the tram station on either end of the trip.
The protections from Public Safety for tram safety diminish the man hours of protection that Roosevelt Islanders pay for to protect us right here in our community. While It's necessary,...
It good idea but need to think about a limit number of passes per person or some other control to stop people trying to grab multiples for sale. Also have to think where/when do you get the daily...
There is no extra fee for the annual Fast Line Pass. The idea is the same thing as what your are calling Priority Boarding. The idea that is different is that anyone (residents/workers/visitors)...
Re. the 8:30 update: The Roosevelt Landings Residents Association determined that at least 22 heater sparkings and fires had taken place in our building in recent months. I personally experienced 3...
Roosevelt Island is a mixed income, racially diverse waterfront community situated in the East River of New York City between Manhattan and Queens and is jurisdictionally part of Manhattan. The Roosevelt Island Tramway, which connects Roosevelt Island to the rest of Manhattan, has become the iconic symbol of Roosevelt Island to its residents.
The Purpose of this Blog is to provide accurate and timely information about Roosevelt Island as well as a forum for residents to express opinions and engage in a dialogue to improve our community.