Monday, June 8, 2020

Resident Observes Roosevelt Island Duane Reade Shoplifting Incident Resolved By Staff Without Calling Police - She's Glad Workers Handled It Themselves And Compares Incident To George Floyd Killing

A Long time Roosevelt Island resident shares an incident observed recently at our local Duane Reade,

a case of shoplifting which was handled by the store staff without calling the police and offers a perspective comparing it to the killing of George Floyd.

According to the resident:
I have a story to tell that l witnessed. A couple of days ago, l went to my local Duane Reade. I was only supposed to pick up a few items, but like always, l found this on sale and that on sale. I found gallons of a drink that we like for $1.99, so l brought 4 .

I had forgotten to bring my large shopping bags with handles and they only had paper bags.

I FaceTimed my son asking him to come with our shopping bags. Well he took forever.

As l was sitting,  l saw a lanky young black man come out of the subway station, looking around as if he was lost. Then l didn't pay any attention to him.  I forgot all about him as l sat waiting and on my phone.

After around 15 minutes or so, l see him walking out of Duane Reade, then l see 2 black coworkers speed walking and yelling "Hey, Hey you, Hey", then he stopped walking and turns around, and l hear them tell him open your bag . He does without a fuss, and they remove 3 items from his bag, 1 being quite large . There was no dialogue between them. They let him go straight into the subway. As they were walking, l asked did he just steal those things, one said yes, and the other said yup!

I just shook my head, but was glad that they just let it go!

All of the coworkers at Duane Reade know me and my son very well, as we are weekly regular shoppers. What he did, we would never think of doing . The only reason why l am mentioning their-ethnicity is to show that most people of color will handle small crimes without calling the cops. Also on the news, l keep hearing today especially, about George Floyd and his counterfeit $20 bill.

Really, are they serious,  is that bigger news than what happened to him !!! Those people that called the cops over this, and we don't really know if it's true, all they had to say was 'Man, get out of here with your fake money ',  instead they made a huge deal out of it, calling the cops, and as a result it escalated and all 4 of those cops murdered George Floyd

Some of you will disagree with me, some may frown, but this is how l feel .