Thursday, August 23, 2007

RIOC Reviewing Public Restroom Facilities

RIOC President Steve Shane on possibility of additional public restrooms for Roosevelt Island.

Will let you know the outcome of our review on public restroom
facilities. Problem with portables is that they are subject to
vandalism. Trouble with permanent facilities is that they cost a fortune
with infrastructure, ADA, building code requirements. We are reviewing.
Do we have any experts able to offer assistance to RIOC in finding an affordable, vandal free and ADA compliant public restroom? For those still interested in additional information on topic, there is an American Restroom Association that is "America's advocate for the availability of clean, safe and well designed public restrooms", The Bathroom Diaries which lists and reviews public restroom in NYC and The Privy Council, "a group of New Yorkers who see the need for a working system of public toilets for our otherwise great city".


RI 360 said...

RIOC should work with the NYC DOT who is responsible for the current Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise (CSFF) which includes the City's goal of buying and installing 20 new public access stand alone toilets. After all this is City land we stand (and sit) on. The NYC DOT link is below.