Friday, March 9, 2012

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) March Public Safety Committee Report - Vertical and Hot Spot Officer Patrols, Traffic Control, Parking Enforcement, Public Information Lacking and PS Officer Traffic Accident Not Result Of Texting Says Director

Image of January 11 Accident Involving Public Safety Vehicle In Front Of PS/IS 217

Below is the March 2012 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee Report:

Committee Chair reported to members in attendance the following: An email dialogue between the PS Chair and Director Guerra provided the following information:

Chair requested the statistics on the number of vertical patrols conducted in the WIRE buildings. Director Guerra responded: “Last year, our Officers conducted a total of 11,200 Vertical Patrols (which comes to a little over 30 per day). The breakdown by building complex is as follows: 8840 in Roosevelt Landings; 962 in Westview; 835 in Island House; 563 in Rivercross.”

In my last meeting Director Guerra had informed me about the strategy of posting officers in “hot spots” in the buildings, in addition to conducting vertical patrols, as a deterrent to crime. Responding to my inquiries if this strategy was working to lessen crime in the buildings Director Guerra responded: “Yes. Coverage in the Hot Spots has resulted in the reduction of crime in the buildings.”

Addressing the committee’s concerns that this strategy might affect the number of vertical patrols, Director Guerra responded: “Vertical Patrols will not be affected by special condition posts. We are doing both.”

In response to the Chair’s inquiries concerning the resignation of any Public Safety Officers, Director Guerra reported: “Officer Rivera has been hired by the NYC Department of Corrections. Officer Moretta was hired by the FDNY.”

I reported to Director Guerra that a committee member had recently informed me that on Saturdays the Officer who was providing coverage at the bottom of the ramp was no longer directing traffic. He stated that instead of directing traffic he was remaining inside the vehicle. I asked if this recent behavior reflected a conscious switch in strategy? Director Guerra responded “No. The Officer will still assist with Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic at the intersection & crosswalk.” I was also assured that there was no plan to change back to the strategy when the Officer’s assigned to this post remained in their vehicles with their lights on.

When I asked for further information about the accident that involved a PS vehicle and two pedestrian’s cars, in front of 217, Director Guerra reported the following: “It was an accident, caused by the driver's inattention. The officer was observing a stumbling man across the street while the vehicle was still moving, not texting as some had assumed.”

During the meeting on 2/21/12 the committee also discussed the following initiatives:

Vertical Patrols: Members reported that the visibility of Officers in the buildings conducting vertical patrols varies. Chair noted Officer visibility on the 6th floor crossover, Roosevelt Landing representative reported less Officer visibility then in previous months, the Senior building representative noted that P.S.O. continue have a strong presence in her building, and River Cross members stated they have seen them on patrol on occasion.

Traffic Control: One member noted that in poor weather the Officer posted on Saturdays does not direct traffic, rather sits in the car. Committee members were still concerned with individuals running the stop signs and suggested that perhaps Public Safety should pick a day, randomly, and monitor this area with the intention of giving out moving violations. Again members expressed their concern with the signage on the Island ie: the stop signs that are also yield signs and questioned if RIOC had in fact had a professional come out to look at this situation. A RIOC Board member who was present thought that they had but stated he would follow up on this issue.

Parking enforcement: Our South Town members reflected that there has been an increase in the exceptions given to certain cars at South Town. He mentioned that there is one vehicle owner who comes early in the morning and parks, placing a business card on their dashboard, and remains there throughout the day, without getting a ticket. At the end of the day the car is moved. The Committee member also reported that on the East side of South Town it is worse then ever as far as cars remaining there all day without getting ticketed.

New business: A community members spoke on their concern that RIOC is not forth coming with any information as it relates to the criminal activities on the Island. They stated that in their experience they note a new reluctance to give out any details of criminal activities or arrests on Roosevelt Island. One committee member stated that they would look into this concern.

Next Meeting scheduled for 3/20/12 @ 7:30pm in the Senior Center
Here's more on the Traffic accident involving Public Safety Officer and a possible look at how some other communities handle traffic issues with speed bumps.

You Tube Video of Speed Bump