Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stanford To Announce Establishment Of Roosevelt Island Law School Campus Monday April 2

Wow, what do you think about this. Stanford may have withdrawn its proposed Roosevelt Island NYC Applied Sciences and Engineering school proposal last December but that does not mean Stanford is done with Roosevelt Island. According to this report from The Faculty Lounge, Stanford will announce tomorrow plans to establish a Law School campus right here on Roosevelt Island.

... The school's plan is to build a 280,000 foot law school that will house approximately 450 JD students and another 200 international graduate law students.  In addition, Stanford will also offer an L.L.B. program which will allow many European students to move directly into practice in their home countries.

While this plan has been developed in secrecy, it also explains why Stanford was so quick to exit the earlier competition for a place on Roosevelt Island.  The law school will cost literally billions less to build than the research center.  And it also turns out that the three universities will achieve an economy of scale, developing a single student center, and athletic complex on the island.

The law school is apparently part of a broader plan to expand Stanford's footprint into Europe, Africa, the Middle East and, ultimately, Palau.
Proposed Roosevelt Island Campus From Stanford University/Ennead Architects, image by Redsquare, Inc.

Click here for entire article from The Faculty Lounge.

Can you believe it? Well, actually no  - Happy April Fool's Day!!!

You Tube Video on History Of April Fools Day