Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Roosevelt Island's NYPD 114 Precinct Auxiliary Police Officer Open Enrollment August 30 At Ravenswood Community Center 7-9 PM - Opportunity To Volunteer And Serve Community?

Are you interested in becoming a NYPD volunteer auxiliary police officer?

If you are, the NYPD 114 precinct wants you and is hosting an open enrollment tomorrow at the Ravenswood Community Center (35-40 21 Street) from 7-9 PM.

According to the NYPD:
Who are the volunteer auxiliary police?

The NYPD's auxiliary police program is the largest auxiliary police program in the United States, with thousands volunteer officers contributing more than one million hours of public service each year. Auxiliary officers are trained to observe and report conditions requiring the services of the regular police. Whenever possible, they assist in non-enforcement and non-hazardous duties.

They are civic-minded men and women who volunteer to assist their local police precincts, housing police service areas, and transit districts by serving as the "eyes and ears" of the neighborhood through foot, vehicle, and bicycle patrols.

Duties of an auxiliary police officer

The following are some ways that the auxiliary police assist the Police Department:
  • Patrol housing developments, residential, and commercial areas
  • Patrol subway entrances and stations
  • Maintain order at parades, festivals, street fairs, and other special events
  • Patrol houses of worship
  • Assist in crime prevention activities
  • Perform traffic control at motor vehicle accidents and fire scenes
  • Perform various other non-enforcement duties...
Click here for more information about becoming an auxiliary police officer.

The NYPD 114th precinct in Astoria Queens covers Roosevelt Island.

More on NYPD 114th Precinct's Roosevelt Island community policing efforts at this previous post.