Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day Of Roosevelt Island Astoria Route NYC Ferry Service - It Was Fantastic, See For Yourself

Roosevelt Island residents waited and waited and waited some more for NYC East River Ferry service.

It finally came today.

Here are some scenes

from this morning.
About 30 very excited and happy Roosevelt Islanders were looking forward to boarding the ferry.

At 6:40 this morning, NYC Ferry Astoria Route service arrived at Roosevelt Island to pick up passengers for the first time.

Roosevelt Island residents boarded the ferry. But first,

 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal got off to make her way to work. Ms Rosenthal made the inaugural trip from Astoria to Roosevelt Island.

The ferry ride on East River

Passengers On Upper Deck Of Ferry

to Long Island City and then East 34th Street was wonderful.
At the 34th street dock, NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio greeted passengers getting off the ferry.
and had these remarks:

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Ben Kallos

Mr. Kallos With Roosevelt Island Residents On Ferry This Morning

talked about the new Roosevelt Island ferry service and pledged to work on integrating the Ferry Service with the MTA Metro Card system for a free transfer and secure discount daily ferry fares for Seniors.

Here's more on today's inaugural Roosevelt Island ferry service from the Twitterverse.
A post shared by Jessica Lappin (@jslappin) on

More information on the NYC Ferry operated by Hornblower

Roosevelt Island Astoria Route service here including frequently asked questions.

You can download an App to buy your $2.75 ticket and get more info here.

Today was a very good day for Roosevelt Island.

Welcome to our new Ferry!

UPDATE 3:55 PM - According to these excerpts from Mayor deBlasio's August 29 Press Release on new Astoria Ferry Route:
... “Cornell Tech is proud to be a part of the Roosevelt Island community, and the campus has committed $2.5 million to support the new NYC Ferry service to the island. The new ferry will provide another seamless connection for island residents, students, faculty, staff, the companies at The Bridge, and visitors to travel seamlessly between Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, and the growing tech community in western Queens. The Cornell Tech campus is all about openness and collaboration, and we can’t wait to welcome New Yorkers when we officially open next month,” said Meghan French, Senior Director of External Relations at Cornell Tech....

... “Roosevelt Island residents have long hoped for modern Ferry service for our unique community and we are very thankful to the City for this much needed additional means of transportation. I am very excited the day has arrived to take our first scenic trip!” said Susan Rosenthal, President and CEO of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation....

... “I am thrilled that the NYC Ferry Astoria Route is officially opening. With stops in Astoria, Roosevelt Island, Long Island City, East 34th Street, and Wall Street, this Route will connect many different communities in the 12th Congressional District which I’m privileged to represent. NYC Ferry service is a boon to commuters, tourists, and New Yorkers trying to experience a new neighborhood. I’m proud to work with Mayor de Blasio in support of expanding this important addition to New York City’s transportation options,” said Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney....

... “NYC Ferry is a true testament to the Mayor Bill de Blasio’s commitment to improve and expand public transportation. In less than four months, it has served more than 1.5 million riders and now it is coming to Roosevelt Island, which will greatly benefit from an additional mode of transportation. This is a tremendous investment in our transportation system that will provide much needed access to the waterfront communities,” said Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright....

... “We are finally using our waterways to improve commutes for thousands of Roosevelt Islanders who will be able to take the new ferry. Roosevelt Islanders can travel by air (by tram), land (by car, bus, and train) and now water (by ferry), all offering improved commutes. After advocating alongside the community since before I got elected and continuing that fight for ferry service every day since then, I am proud to be a part of a City government that finally made it a reality,” said Council Member Ben Kallos. “Thank you to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Economic Development Corporation President James Patchett for reclaiming our waterways and bringing ferry service citywide.”...

... “Roosevelt Island is just that: an island. Linking it by ferry to the rest of the city is a goal​ that I have been personally working towards for over a decade, and this is a very exciting day. And just as exciting is that riders from Astoria, Long Island City, really anywhere in the city, can now commute downtown to Pier 11 by ferry, since all routes end on Wall Street,” said Jessica Lappin, President of the Alliance for Downtown New York....
Click here for the full Press Release.