Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Aging Roosevelt Island Sportpark Community Pool In Need Of Repair Says RIOC - Swimmers Say Water Temperature Too Cold For Some, Too Hot For Others, Can RIOC Find A Pool Water Temperature Compromise?

The Roosevelt Island Sportspark community pool is used by swimmers of all ages (infants to elderly),

abilities (beginners to masters) and purposes (competition training, laps, health, exercise and more).

As far back as 2014, some Sportspark users have sought a compromise on the appropriate water temperature for the multi-purpose Sportspark pool. The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) responded in 2014 to Sportspark swimmers concern about the pool water temperature:
.... we have adjusted the Sportspark Pool temperature to remain at 83 degrees Farenheit. While the ideal temperature for swimming pools varies based on programming, this temperature is suitable for a wide range of activities and users (according to USA Swimming's guidelines for various aquatic activities). This temperature adjustment has been in effect for some time already and is frequently monitored for consistency.

Although no stable temperature will suit every user's needs perfectly, we will continue in our efforts to accommodate the widest range of swimmers and activities possible. As always, we appreciate the community's feedback regarding the pool and entire Sportspark facility....
In October 2018, RIOC President Susan Rosenthal noted:

In recent weeks, we’ve received a few complaints that the pool water at Sportspark is too cold, although our goal is to keep the temperature in the vicinity of 84 degrees which sometimes fluctuates + or – 2 degrees. From our regular maintenance checks, we’ve determined that Sportspark’s recently-installed boiler is working fine, so we are continuously monitoring the temperatures and sensors and will work with the contractor (who installed the boiler) to determine how we can prevent future temperature fluctuations. We will provide an update once we’ve resolved the situation....

This summer, Sportspark swimmers have noticed colder pool water temperatures. In July, Sportspark swimmer Roberta Kleinman wrote to RIOC President Susan Rosenthal:
First, I would like to thank you and your staff for all that you do to keep Sportspark running. I would certainly imagine that keeping this aging facility running as smoothly as you do is no easy task! Thank you! I would also like to take this opportunity to commend the morning staff. The pool is opened consistently at 7am to a waiting crowd! The lifeguards greet us with a smile, and see to it that each of us has a safe and enjoyable swim. The recent introduction of slow, medium, and fast lanes has been a great addition.

Over the past 5 years, RIOC has repeatedly stated its commitment to keeping Sportspark at an average temperature of 84 degrees because it is a multi-purpose community pool. We all seem to agree that an average 84 degrees is a reasonable compromise for our multipurpose community pool. Consistent temperatures on either end of this range are uncomfortable if not dangerous for various groups of people. Children, babies, families, older swimmers and slower swimmers look for warmer temperatures, and faster swimmers seek cooler temperatures. A recent study by Cornell Tech students sites complaints about cold water temperatures.

I remain hopeful that temperatures will soon normalize, averaging 84 degrees!
A RIOC spokesperson replied:
As all of you know, the Sportspark facility is aging and in great need of repair. We do our best to maintain the pool water temperature between 80 - 84 degrees, but given the poor condition of the controls in the pool area, it is not possible for us to guarantee a consistent temperature of 84 degrees. We hope our planned improvements to the HVAC elements of Sportspark, particularly in the pool area, will allow us to provide more precise temperature control of the air and water.

We are monitoring the temperature in the pool area on a daily basis and will do our best to make sure the temperature is at the ideal level to accommodate all of the activities of all of our customers.

Our goal is to be done with all of the work sometime around mid-2020, depending on how much progress we make in our other improvements at the facility. In the meantime, we will do everything we can to try to keep the water temperature as comfortable as possible for all of our customers.

As you can see by the log our employees have kept from 7/23 – 7/28, the water temperature has been consistent.

Ms Kleinman follows up:
I’ve been swimming regularly at Sportspark for the past 10 years. Over this time period, there have been numerous rumors and agreements regarding the target pool temperature. For example, I’ve been told that the agreement between RIOC and the Marlins is 82.5 to 83.5 degrees. Also, I've repeatedly heard that RIOC’s directive is 83 degrees as the target temperature. These rumors have been floating around at the same time that RIOC has committed, in writing, to the goal temperature of 84 degrees. This difference in goal temperatures actually makes a huge difference.

Regardless of the potential validity of these rumors, over the course of the last 10 years the average temperature, in my experienced estimation, has been around 82/83. So perhaps actions speak louder than words.

I am deeply frustrated and disappointed that RIOC has failed to seek an average temperature for the entire community. The consistent range of 82/83 only serves those who seek colder water, and leaves out huge portions of the community who seek warmer water. Perhaps, in an effort to be reasonable, my error has been advocating for a compromise temperature of 84 degrees rather than seeking the even warmer water that I, and a large segment of the population (children, babies, seniors, families, slower swimmers, cold blooded individuals) actually prefer.

I still remain hopeful that RIOC will consider the needs of the entire community and seek a goal temperature of 84 degrees.
The US Water Fitness Association recommends these water temperatures for specific pool use.

Special Note:Because of varying water temperatures, and for the safety of participants, classes should vary depending on the water temperature. High aerobic activity in high temperature water can be dangerous.

It's important to remember that you can never keep everybody happy regarding water temperature. If a pool is used for just one of the above-mentioned programs, you do not have a problem. However, if your pool is used for a variety of aquatic programs, you have what we call a "multi-purpose pool." The water temperature at the average multi-purpose pool in the USA is 84 to 86 degrees.
More info here on the Roosevelt Island Sportspark Pool, including schedule, rates, classes and more.