Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Roosevelt Island Is Not Immune To NYC Homeless Crisis - Residents Association Asks RIOC PSD Chief What Can Be Done After Receiving Info From Parent Witnessing Public Urination?

Roosevelt Island is not immune from the NYC Homeless crisis nor do we have any solution to this difficult issue of balancing individual rights and personal privacy with protecting the health and welfare of the community.

For example, yesterday a Roosevelt Island parent reported:

Yesterday as I was walking across the lawn by the subway, the homeless man who sits by Starbucks opened his pants and started peeing right in front of me on one of the trees (by the former sports bar). When I confronted him about it, and asked why he doesn’t use the bathroom at Starbucks, he cursed and yelled back, and told me to call the cops. I called Public Safety, filed a report, and followed him until the officers arrived (he went back to Starbucks, where all of his luggage was). Later that afternoon he wasn’t there, but his luggage was still standing by one of the tables.

I understand Starbucks is allowing him to stay there. I also understand that the shelter system is screwed up. But, This is not only disgusting behavior, it is also a health and hygiene issue. And as a mother of two little kids, I don’t want them to be exposed to this.

Is there anything we can do?
The Parent added the response from thr Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department was:
... that they’ve spoken to the man about urinating in proper places (that’s after I called them to talk to him). And since they did not see it themselves, there’s not much more they can do at the moment. But they will ‘keep an eye’ on this guy now that they know what he looks like and where he usually hangs out. That’s it.

The homeless issue was discussed during last evening's Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee (PSC) meeting with RIOC Public Safety (PSD) Chief Kevin Brown and Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso

According to RIRA PSC Chair Erin Feely-Nahem:
... the community has to understand is that there is only so much they can do because they do have rights if they're not doing anything. Yes, if he was urinating and a Public Safety Officer saw it, the Public Safety Officer can give a summons....
I asked Chief Brown what PSD can and cannot do about the homeless issue.

Chief Brown said:
... If we don't observe the violation, we can't give a summons. If they're acting out in their behavior we will address it....
I followed up asking if there was any way to get them help, Chief Brown replied:
... We can call the homeless outreach unit and have other people respond...

Here's more info on the NYC Homeless Outreach Unit,

the full RIRA PSC discussion of homeless issue on Roosevelt Island

and from the Coalition For The Homeless.