Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Roosevelt Island Safest Neighborhood In NYC, But 6 Of 10 Assaults This Year Are Of Domestic Violence Involving Residents Who Are Doctors And Professionals Says RIOC Public Safety Chief Kevin Brown - Meet New PSD Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee met last evening, October 22, with newly named Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Chief Kevin Brown (formerly Deputy Chief to recently retired Chief Jack McManus) and the newly hired Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso.

Image Chief Brown and Deputy Chief Amoroso at 10/22 RIRA Public Safety Committee Meeting

Chief Brown reported that Roosevelt Island continues to be the safest community in NYC with 15  Index crimes reported to date this year, compared to 24 last year (January thru September 2019). Violence is almost non-existent said Chief Brown.

Of the 15 crimes, 10 were assaults, 3 grand larcenies, 1 burglary and 1 robbery.

Of the 10 assaults, 6 involved incidents of domestic violence. According to Chief Brown these incidents:
... are at high end of the community - doctors and professional people....
Here's report from Chief Brown on Roosevelt Island crime incidents to the RIRA Public Safety Committee last evening.

Chief Brown also reported that he will continue the community policing policies successfully implemented by recently retired Roosevelt Island Public Safety Chief Jack McManus. Unfortunately, Chief Brown told the Public Safety Committee that Chief McManus is currently in the hospital and asked to  keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Also, Chief Brown introduced newly hired Deputy Chief Anthony Amoruso to the Public Safety Committee. Deputy Chief Amoruso, recently retired from the NYPD, described his experience and background to  the committee members and noted how much he and his wife love Roosevelt Island.

Here's the discussion

and report from RIOC on the meeting:
On October 22, 2019, PSD Chief Kevin Brown formally introduced Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso to the Public Safety Committee of the Roosevelt Island Resident’s Association (RIRA).

Members of the committee wanted to know more about Deputy Chief Amoroso’s background in community policing. It is a practice that started on Roosevelt Island under former PSD Chief McManus and has been continued since Chief Brown took over for him earlier this year.

Deputy Chief Amoroso told the committee, “I have a lot of experience with community policing. At the beginning of my law enforcement career, one of my first assignments was with the Housing Police, Service Area #4 in Lower Manhattan. I was a Directed Patrol Officer, which meant it was my duty to conduct community policing in the Lillian Wald housing projects. I worked every day in the same housing development with the same residents for three years. That experience taught me how effective community policing can be.”

When asked if he was still committed to the idea of community policing in his new role on Roosevelt Island, Deputy Chief Amoroso assured the committee that he supported it one-hundred percent. “It was one of the first questions Chief Brown had asked me when he interviewed me for this job. He made sure I understood that community policing is not only important to him, but it’s important to the people of Roosevelt Island. In fact, it’s one of the many reasons why I wanted to work here.”