Friday, August 15, 2008

Neil Diamond Karaoke and Song Sung Blue Outdoor Movie At Southpoint Park This Weekend Plus Central Park Guitar Man and Regina Spektor

You Tube Video of U2's Edge Singing Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline

Looking for things to do this weekend in New York City. On Saturday night, Rooftop Films is presenting an outdoor movie showing of Song Sung Blue at Southpoint Park on Roosevelt Island. The movie tells the story of Lightning and Thunder, a husband and wife Neil Diamond cover band. Plus, prior to the movie an opportunity for Neil Diamond Karaoke on stage with the gorgeous New York City skyline and East River Waterfront as your backdrop but you have to sign up beforehand. No outdoor performance stage could be better than this!

Image of New York City and East River Waterfront View during prior Southpoint Park Movie Night from Fresh Air Flicks

For more musical treats this weekend, on Friday night Regina Spektor, Ne me quitte pas, will be at the McCarren Park Pool in Williamsburg and on Saturday afternoon, weather permitting go to Central Park and join the "People On The Hill" to see one of my favorite New York City performers, The Guitar Man.

You Tube video of Central Park Guitar Man singing People on the Hill

And on Sunday RIOC's Upcoming Community Events Page reports:
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd will be sponsoring a free, monthly, Sunday concert series to benefit the Roosevelt Island community food pantry
When: Sunday, August 17th @ 2:30 p.m.
Where: The Church of the Good Shepherd, 543 Main Street on Roosevelt Island.
Who: Anima Baroque Ensemble
Cash donations will be gratefully accepted in lieu of a set admission fee to benefit our most vulnerable neighbors in crisis.
For other ideas on what to do in New York City this weekend check out the NY Times Urban Eye, NY Post Weekend Calendar and Newyorkology.

Have Fun!

UPDATE 11 PM - For those planning on attending the Song Sung Blue outdoor movie at Southpoint Park, Rooftop Films advises that if the weather is questionable on Saturday call (718) 417 7362 after 3 PM for up to date status report. If the weather is very bad the film will be postponed to Sunday.