Undercover RIOC Police Officers May Be Watching You At Motorgate Garage - So Stop The Acts Of Vandalism
In response to this post on recent broken car window incidents at the Roosevelt Island Motorgate Parking Garage, several readers have asked for increased security:
Can anyone say ... security camerasand:
some of us pay up to $165 a month to keep our cars there!!! There are no working cameras to my knowledge, and granted PSD does a great job keeping it safe there, and this past window breaking ordeal is terrible, but why can't the motorgate hire a security guard to drive around there as well???????RIOC Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra replies:
There are working cameras in the Motorgate, but it's an old system.Perhaps this product might help improve lighting at the Motorgate Parking Garage.
Our Engineering Department is attempting to improve the lighting in the
Motorgate. This should help. We are also trying to see if we can
upgrade the system to assist with the vandalism dilemma. I believe this
will help, but cameras are not a "cure-all" as sometimes the images are
not fully clear. It's unfortunate that vandals, with nothing better to
do, damage the property of others. Please advise your readers that we
have officers from our Plain Clothes Unit consistently patrolling the
The Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety incident reports from 1/19 - 5/1/08 are here and 5/1-8/11/08 here. Here are the monthly reports for February, April and May 2008.