Roosevelt Island Bicycle Safety Day on August 14 - Get A Free Helmet For Your Kid, It May Save A Life
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra sends the following message to all Roosevelt Island young people under the age of 18 and their parents:
In conjunction with Safe Kids NYC, FREE bicycle helmetsAnd provides some very good reasons for everyone to wear bike helmets regardless of age.
will be given out to the kids in the Roosevelt Island community on
August 14th from 3:00-6:00PM in the Good Shepherd Plaza. They will be given tips on bicycle safety and will even have the opportunity to have their bicycles etched and logged at PSD.
Here is the reason why wearing a bike helmet is so important.
- You may think you're a pretty good biker, but crashes happen all the time to very good riders. In fact:
- Wearing a bike helmet is the single most important thing you can do to protect your brain - and your life - when you ride your bike.
- Children between ages 5 and 14 have the highest rate of injury of all bicycle riders.
- Each year, more than 500,000 children go to hospital emergency rooms or doctors' offices due to bicycle injuries.
- More than half of these collisions happen on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, or playgrounds.
Nationally, only about 15 percent of all kids wear bike helmets. In an AAA survey of school children, here's how often kids wore bike helmets:
Always or most of the time 43%
Occasionally 11%
Seldom or never 44%
No answer 2%
The story of Daniel Kane who survived being hit by a car while riding his bike because he was wearing a helment and his mother's advice on how to prevent similar accidents.