Sunday, January 25, 2009

Very Disturbing News!

Gothamist is reporting:

Sexual Assault | Roosevelt Island - F Line Queens, NY | 1/25/2009 12:05 p.m.
No further information is available at this time. I inquired of RIOC President Steve Shane and Public Safety Director Keith Guerra if they had any additional information. Mr. Shane immediately responded:
None. No report from PSafety.
Hopefully this report is wrong but will continue to follow - up.

UPDATE 1/26 -1PM - Public Safety Director Keith Guerra adds:
My sources at NYPD tell me that call was unfounded.


RI 360 said...

With two cops on the platforms? and cameras around the station.

FYI, the center monitor that the token clerk uses to view the video images has been out. Unsure if the remaining two monitors pick up all video feeds with center monitor out.

RI 360 said...

Have you evert figured out what the feeds are for those Gothamist news items? I wish you can look through if they are published or are they just email sent in to Gothamist?

Anonymous said...

Personally I believe that there should be more safety measures taken on the island. I am a former police officer (from CT now retired) and I visit the island quite often. I noticed that the police you have on the island are not armed. How can we stop a sexual assault from happening??? That is a felony. I also am an avid reader of this blog and noticed that there are numerous borderline felonies being committed.

really amazes me sometimes but hey, I don't live there.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a typical American look at how to solve a problem. Give the cops guns. Perfect.

Anonymous said...

glad you kept yourself anonymous. you deal with it God forbid your kids are ever raped or assaulted.

Anonymous said...

Arming PSD like many of the State Peace Officers in this state would make their department better and would make the island better.

Most residents seem to think that PSD is excessive with their actions but maybe this has to do with the lack of the upper hand when anyone on the street can be carrying. Most residents also think that 75% of PSD officers have no business having a gun. That may be true.

If PSD was armed, they'd have to go through all types of testing physically and mentally. It would cut out their terrible officers, leaving us with the quality officers that they do have.

As for our streets being safer, the community would show a little bit more respect for their police department (PSD is the police department btw) if they had the one tool that for some reason all people think makes someone a "real" cop.

With sexual assaults, possible gun possession, and gang assaults/robberies in the PSD incident reports lately...This island is not as safe as we think.

P.S. There IS a gang issue here. Take a look at the kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Are you really claiming that "they'd have to go through all types of testing physically and mentally" and that that "would cut out their terrible officers, leaving us with the quality officers that they do have"? Really? The NYPD has their own share of folks who should never ever be in a possession of a gun.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. I love this island. There should be a comedy show / reality show for the island called "True Life - we have our heads up our asses"

Anonymous said...

Guns or no guns, we should be happy we have Law Enforcement Officers stationed on the island.