Friday, May 8, 2009

Roosevelt Island Residents Slow Pitch Softball League Being Formed

You Tube Video of Slow Pitch Softball Hitting Tips

RIRA President Frank Farance has obtained the required permits for a Roosevelt Island Softball League. From Mr. Farance:

I have the permits, based upon our discussions last Sunday.

Here's the summary:

- Co-ed league
- Slow pitch, 6-12 arc, 1-1 staring count
- Play at Capobianco Field (across from PS/IS 217)
- Sundays, 9AM-1PM
- May: 17, 31
- June: 7, 14, 21, 28
- July: 12 (championship)

Shortly, I'll have more information about team registration.
Play Ball!


Anonymous said...

what's the deal with this? Is it going to happen? The first games are supposed to be in 3 days, yet there are no teams. Who plays a 6 game season?


My understanding is that the game is still on for Sunday 9 AM at Capobianco Field across from the school.
Play Ball.