Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 4/27 Thru 5/6- Shell Casings Found, Aided Person Fallen From Wheelchair, Elevator Fight and Unpaid Tram Fare

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Shield Image from RIOC

RIOC is posting the most current Daily and March 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of March 2009. The Monthly Public Safety Reports for April have not yet been posted. Will link to them as soon as they are available.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for April 27 - May 6, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Shell Casings Found (4/27)
  • Moving Violation/Disorderly Conduct (4/27)
  • Helping Handicapped Person Who Fell out of Wheelchair (4/27)
  • Hazardous Condition - Air Conditioner Hanging Out Of Window (4/29)
  • Fight In Elevator (4/29,30)
  • Responded to Medical Alert Warning Going Off (4/30)
  • Paint Falling From Queensboro Bridge (4/30)
  • Youths Blocking Sidewalk (5/1)
  • Public Intoxication (5/1)
  • Criminal Trespass/Resisting Arrest (5/1,2)
  • Unpaid Tram Fare (5/2)
  • 20 Disorderly Youth (5/2)
  • Public Urination in Building Lobby (5/2) and
  • 2 Women Stuck in Motorgate Elevator
4/27/09-07:00 AM to 4/29/09-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Found Shell Casings- R/O Coler Hospital. No shots heard. Casings secured in PSD. NYPD notified.

Alarm at Tunnel- PSD and NYPD responded. Alarm was accidently set off by the RIOC Contractor. NYPD filed a report.

Investigation-Daughter of tenant hadn't seen mother. PSD responded and knocked on the door and no answer. Later Home Attendant knocked on the
door and no answer. PSD responded with the Super and tenant not home.
No record of any aided reports for this resident.

Fail to Yield/ Disorderly Conduct- Motorist stopped for moving violation. He refused to provide his identification. Another officer responded and again he refused, became irate and disorderly. Subject arrested by PSD.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Aided- Female 's ring was stuck on her finger and cutting off circulation to the finger. EMS transported her to the hospital.

Unsecured Vehicle- Central Parking notified and had no record of the owner. Nothing appeared to be disturbed in the vehicle. PSD provided periodic checks of the vehicle.

Aided- Handicapped Male fell out of his wheelchair. He was assisted back on to it by PSD. No injuries and EMS refused.

4/29/09-7:00 AM to 4/30/09-7:00 AM

Hazardous Condition- Air Conditioner hanging out of apt window. UA and PSD responded. UA corrected condition.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Unsecured Vehicle- Vehicl rear window open. Vehicle interior inorder. Central Parking has no record of the owner. PSD checkec the vehicle periodically.

Aided- Female Senior Citizen needed assistance being lifted. EMS provided assistance and no injuries. Transport refused.

Lights Out in a building stairwell. UA Super notified and will have electrician make repairs.

Dispute/Fight- Between 2 males in elevator. 3rd party broke it up. No injuries and males left. Incident reported by 2-4 River Road security guard 3 hours after it occurred.

Harassment- Unknown subject knoocked hard on the apt door. this caused the inside of the peep hole cover to fall. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.

There's More!

0700 hrs 04/30/09 - 0700 hrs 05/01/09

Aided - PSD responded to apartment for medical alert alarm going off. Aided stated she fell getting off bed. EMS on scene, but aided refused medical attention.

Harassment - PSD took report from two residents making complaints against each other regarding noise.

Lights Out - PSD discovered lights out in stairwell. Super was notified and will have electrician respond.

Dispute/Fight - PSD responded to past report of fight in elevator between two male subjects. Reporter stated fight was broken up by third party and the two male subjects involved went into apartment. No report of injuries.

Harassment - Tenant reported to PSD that unknown person banged on door causing inside peep hole cover to fall off door. PSD responded made search with negative results.

Aided - PSD responded with EMS to apartment for elderly male having seizure. Aided was transported to hospital.

Escort - PSD escorted housing management and previous tenant to his apartment to retrieve documents as per court order. Management secured apartment.

Accident - PSD responded under Queensboro Bridge for report of paint falling from bridge onto vehicles. PSD responded and took report. Department of Transportation notified.

0700 hrs. Friday May 1st 2009 - 0700 hrs. Saturday May 2nd 2009

Investigation - Female tenant locked out of apartment PSD Officer responded and escort to apartment. Mother was home.

Verbal Dispute - Super request PSD Officer to respond to Apartment where porter was removing floor. Neighbor was upset that porter machine was too loud and moving items on the wall. Condition corrected all work completed.

Investigation - PSD Officer responded to Motorgate Level 3D for vehicle hood released tampered. NYPD on scene.

Aided - PSD Officer responded to West seawall observed male laying on the grass intoxicated and unresponsive. EMS transported. Summonsed for open container.

Disorderly Group - PSD and NYPD Officers observed youth blocking sidewalk. Male subject escorted to PSD and released to parents.

Arrest - PSD Officer observed male subject inside PSD construction site. Subject became irrate swinging arms away and resisting. Transported to 114 Pct. for criminal trespass and resisting arrest.

Property Damage - Female tenant entered PSD and stated while doing laundry the machine damaged two of her sheets. Super notified.

5/2/09-7:00 AM to 5/3/09-7:00 AM

Criminal Trespass/Resisting Arrest-Subject arrested by PSD.

Damaged property- Bed Sheets damaged in broken Washing Machine. UA notified.

Vehicle Accident- Between 2 private vehicles. No injuries. Damage to one vehicle. NYPD responded and took a report.

Un Paid Fare- Female boarded tram and did not pay fare. PSD responded and located female. She then paid fare.

Aided- Child sustained a laceration by left eye. EMS responded and transported him to the hospital. He was accompanied by his aunt.

Dispute- Between 2 residents over a civil matter. No injuries. Matter referred to Civil Court.

Disorderly Conduct/Group- 20 Youths were noisy front of a building. PSD responded and youths complied and left except one. Remaining youth was verbally abusive and struck an NYPD Officer in the hand. Youth escorted to PSD. released to the parent after NYPD had discussion with parent.

Aided- Female fell in apt. EMS responded. Transport to hospital was refused.

Theft of Service- Subject failed to pay fare. PSD arrested subject.

Public Urination/Disorderly Conduct- Subject urinating in lobby of a building. Subject attempted to flee. PSD arrested the subject.

5/3/09-7:00 AM to 5/4/09-7:00 AM

Graffiti- In building. RY Management notified. Believed a youth was involved and matter referred to Youth Officer.

Aided- Female felt ill due to a gas leak. FDNY, EMS and UA Super responded. Female taken to the hospital by EMS.

Aided- Female felt chest pain. EMS responded and transport to the hospital was refused. UA shut off the stove by UA. Daughter secured the apt.

Suspicious Male- Tenant escorted to her apt. Dearch made with negative results.

Missing Person- Female youth. PSD conducted a search with negative results. NYPD responded. Later the female returned home.

Unsecured Premise- Temporary gate by Gristedes Supermarket.
PSD checked area and in order. PSD provided periodic checks of the area.

Aided- Female fell inside of apt and sustained injury to elbow. EMS responded and transported her to the hospital.

5/4/09-7:00 AM to 5/5/09-7:00 AM

Investigation- Report of screams heard in a building. PSD responded and conducted a search of various floors with negative results.

Aided/Investigation- NYPD responded for a report of a assault in an apt. PSD responded tenant was intoxicated and sitting outside on a bench. She wanted to report an incident that she had previously reported. She left and NYPD left. She then fell outside. EMS refused. No injuries.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Lock In- Thrift store employee accidently locked an adult male inside. PSD responded with Thrift Store employee. Male removed. He stated he was fine and refused EMS.

Disorderly Conduct-2 males punched each other in a hallway. PSD responded and arrested both subjects.

Aided- 2 Adult females were stuck in the Motorgate Elevator. PSD and Central Parking responded and removed them. Both stated they were fine and refused EMS.

Criminal Mischief- UA notified PSD that there were 2 small areas of carpet that were burned. PSD conducted a search of the area and found burnt debris in a stairwell. UA notified.

Hazardous Condition-Stairwell door knob missing. UA notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results.

5/5/09-7:00 AM to 5/6/09-7:0 AM

Found Property- 2 guitar cases and a brown Hand bag. Property secured at PSD. Owner was notified and will retrieve it later.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Aided- Female requested to be taken to the hospital. EMS responded and transported her to the hospital.