Friday, May 8, 2009

Things To Do This Weekend In New York City & Roosevelt Island - Affordable Art, Bicycle Fetish, Gangster Red Hook, Tofu Smackdown & RI Tour

Image from Freebird Books

Looking for fun or interesting things to do on Roosevelt Island or in some other part of New York City this weekend? Here are some suggestions.

Friday night through Sunday, the NY Post Hot Picks recommends the Affordable Art Fair:
If you couldn't afford the recent Christie's art auction and its $14-million sales prices, a more reasonable art mart is in town. Many pieces are selling for just a few hundred bucks, and 75 percent of the work is priced under $5,000. The annual Affordable Art Fair runs today through May 10 at 7 W. 34th St., and art-loving moms get in for free on Sunday
On Saturday Free NYC suggests the Crazy Joe Gallo Tour Of Red Hook.
...Relive the infamy of gangster-era Red Hook in a walking tour on the life and times of beatnik mobster Joey Gallo. Tom Folsom, author of The Mad Ones: Crazy Joe Gallo and the Revolution at the Edge of the Underworld, will lead the tour over the classic Gallo turf (the old docks, the shop-lined streets where Mondo the Midget walked Joey’s pet lion, the sites where the Gallo brothers “went to the mattresses” in a guerilla war against the Mafia, and the funeral home where he lay in state).
Uh Oh. It looks like the Crazy Joe Gallo Tour of Red Hook is sold out for tomorrow but you can make reservations for future tours the following two Saturdays. So instead check out Bicycle Fetish Day in Williamsburg. According to the NY Times Spare Times:
...a block party for bicycle enthusiasts with art displays, bicycle beautification booths, food, information from related groups like Transportation Alternatives and other activities. From noon to 6 p.m., on Havemeyer Street, between Hope and Grand Streets, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. A party from 6 to 10 p.m. will follow in the backyard of the sponsor of the event, the City Reliquary Museum and Civic Organization, 370 Metropolitan Avenue.
For Sunday, what better way to celebrate Mother's day then by eating healthy - lots of eating healthy- at the Tofu Takedown taking place at the Highline Ballroom.
You begged for it!!! For too long, vegetarians have been unhappily doggy paddling in a sea of comfort food. NO MORE.The most audacious takedown to date features TOFU, meat of the soy gods. Some may interpret this as a smack in the porky face of the previous bacon takedown!!! All it is, is another takedown!!! We expect to see brilliant and innovative renditions of this malleable fruit! Tofu chili! Tofu brownies! Tofu ice cream!
Time Out New York Kids has more traditional suggestions for celebrating Mother's Day.

On Roosevelt Island this weekend the Farmers Market will be open as usual on Saturday as is Gallery RIVAA, the Roosevelt Island Visual Arts Association which is exhibiting a new show titled Art From The Heart featuring the works of Coler-Goldwater Hospital patients. In addition, Gallery RIVAA will be hosting an Opening Reception of RIVAA Reflections:
We invite you all to the OPENING RECEPTION THIS Saturday evening, May 9th from 6 - 8 PM. The Octagon Gallery is located on the ground floor of the Octagon Building at 888 Main Street, Roosevelt Island. The red bus stops in front of the building. Hope to see you there.
Also, RIOC has produced a great self guided tour map (PDF File) of Roosevelt Island for any visitor or resident looking to stroll the Island and learn something more about it.

The MTA is reporting normal Roosevelt Island F Train subway service in both directions and RIOC is not reporting any Tram Advisories for this weekend

Check out some other ideas on what to do in New York City this weekend from the NY Times UrbanEye and Spare Times, Free NYC, NY Post Weekend Calendar and Newyorkology.