Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival Showing On Roosevelt Island February 4-7 - Movies Are Wretches & Jabberers, Warrior Champions & Brain Damadj'd Take 11

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The Third Annual Reelabilities: NY Disabilities Film Festival will take place later this week from February 4-7. According to the Reel Abilities web site:
ReelAbilities: NY disabilities film festival is dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of the lives, stories and artistic expressions of people with different disabilities.
The festival presents award winning films in various locations throughout the NY metropolitan area, as well as discussions and other engaging programs which bring together the community to explore, discuss and celebrate the diversity of our shared human experience.
Three films from the festival will be shown on Roosevelt Island. They are:
Wretches & Jabberers

Two men with autism–an accomplished artist and an activist–embark on a global quest to change attitudes about autism and intelligence. Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette travel to Sri Lanka, Japan and Finland, dissecting, challenging, and reshaping public conceptions along the way.
Wretches & Jabberers will partner with the Autism Society and Area 23a to theatrically release the film nationally in April 2011 to commemorate National Autism Awareness Month.
7 PM Friday February 4 at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street)

Warrior Champions

Four Iraq War veterans turn the nightmares of war into Olympic dreams. After losing limbs and suffering paralysis fighting for their country in Iraq, they have set out to do what many thought impossible… but will they make the cut?
7 PM Saturday February 5 at Coler Goldwater Hospital (1 Main Street)
Brain Damadj'd... Take 11(Video Clip)
Ten years ago, Paul Nadler was a creative maverick: an extreme sportsman, award-winning TV director, and a veritable Casanova to boot. When a car accident leaves him with a traumatic brain injury he sets out to reaffirm he is still is all of these things.
***This film includes brief nudity
6:30 PM Monday February 7 at Coler Goldwater Hospital (1 Main Street)