Egypt, An Epic Revolution - A View From Roosevelt Island
The World is a much bigger place than just Roosevelt Island, New York City and the United States. Roosevelt Island residents, our neighbors, have concerns and interests regarding events taking place all over the Globe. Right now, extraordinary things are happening in the Middle East and the world's attention is focused on Egypt where there is hope for the fall of a dictator to be replaced with democratic reform. What will happen in Egypt if and when President Mubarak is removed is unknown but the mere fact that this is occurring is remarkable.
Roosevelt Island resident Adib Mansour (you may know him as Bluebeard) was compelled to make a short film of the Egyptian people's revolt putting together a series of images from this past week. Mr. Mansour explains:
I saw a footage of an elderly man in tears, begging the TV crew to let the world know that he is unable to feed his family nor provide for them a future. Scenes of masses from all sects and towns/villages from Egypt pouring into the city to demand a change, peacefully!
A nation has risen! I had to express myself, and this film says it all!
Any righteous revolution needs help to keep the arms down, and the uprising peaceful!!
All of the images are stunning particularly the next to last one of the old woman kissing the soldier on the cheek. Let's hope for a peaceful transition of power with democratic reforms and respect for minority rights in Egypt. Wouldn't that be something!!!
Here's the latest news on the Egyptian protests from the NY Times and Al Jazeera.