Sunday, January 30, 2011

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Has A New Website - RIRA Communciations Committee Votes Not To Censor Their Meetings, Government Relations Committee Votes To Censor Information Available To The Public

Image Of January 2011 RIRA Common Council Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) has a new website. According to Vini Fortuna, co-chair of RIRA's Communications Committee:
The RIRA Communications Committee has the pleasure to announce that we now have a website! You should be able to find information about RIRA, updates from the president, calendar of events, ongoing projects, and much more! Not only that, but you can now also follow us on Facebook and Twitter!...
RIRA's next monthly meeting will be held 8 PM on Wednesday, February 2 at the Legacy High School  gymnasium (566 Man Street).

Good job by the RIRA Communications Committee led by Co-Chairs Ava Dawson and Vini Fortuna in accomplishing one of their goals.

During a committee meeting last week, the Communications Committee also voted to repudiate (my characterization) the RIRA Censorship resolution passed during the January 2011 Common Council Meeting by continuing the long standing practice of allowing their Committee Reports and Committee discussions to be publicly reported on unlike the RIRA Government Relations Committee which voted to keep some of their discussions held during a January public meetings secret from the Roosevelt Islands public.

I don't know yet whether other RIRA Committees have decided to keep their meeting discussions and reports secret from the public.