Sunday, August 5, 2012

First Sunday Jazz Salon At Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA Tonight 5-7 PM - Come Dance, Listen To Music, Admire The Art, Hang Out With Old and New Friends

Gallery RIVAA will be hosting its monthly First Sunday Jazz Salon later today from 5-7 PM. According to Gallery RIVAA:
Art & The Impressionists invite all to attend the First Sunday Jazz Salon at Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St, Roosevelt Island on August 5th, 5 ~ 7 pm.

RIVAA looks forward to seeing you at this highly successful FUNd-raising event filled with wine, water, food, dancing & live entertainment!
 Image Of Gallery RIVAA Sunday Jazz Salon

 Stop on by, dance, enjoy the music and art as well as new and old friends.
Here's a sample of the performances from previous Gallery RIVAA Sunday Jazz Salons