Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Update On Rat Hordes Overruning Roosevelt Island Tram Plaza Station On Second Avenue - East Midtown Partnership Working With NYC Parks To Fix Problem

Image From Catherine Shells

Reported last June:
A Roosevelt Island resident reported Saturday evening:
Coming home from Manhattan this evening, my daughter & I spotted this large collection of rats feeding, openly in the park near the tram station (manhattan side). It was still quite bright out & many people walking by but that did not stop them....
DNA Info added on August 2:
The tiny Tramway Plaza has a big rat problem — but help is on the way.

Many park-goers have shrieked about the rodent population explosion in recent months, with the little critters scurrying around morning, noon and night the 0.45-acre park along Second Avenue between East 59th and 60th streets where the Roosevelt Island tram lands.

Their complaints caught the ear of the East Midtown Partnership — a business improvement district that oversees 48 Manhattan blocks — planning to bring brooms, rat poison and trees that don’t give the little mammals much cover, BID president Rob Byrnes said.

“Since the park opened six years ago, we have not taken an active role in it,” Byrnes said. “But it’s becoming increasingly clear we really need to form a collaborative relationship [with Parks] to address the situation. Parks’ resources are stretched to the limit, but the resources of the pigeon lady are not.”...
Click here for the entire DNA Info article and video from My Fox News.

The RIOC July 24 Operations Committee meeting discussed the problem of rats at the Manhattan Tram Station. Here's the discussion.