Sunday, August 5, 2012

Overnight Queensboro Bridge Construction Work Keeping Some Roosevelt Island Residents Awake

On August 2 a Roosevelt Island resident reported to RI 311 See Click Fix:
Every night this week (as well as between the 16 and the 20th of july), there has been extremely loud jack hammering on the queensboro bridge, between 10pm and 3-4am. The level of the noise is really unbearable. They also use huge projectors to give light to the workers.

Do you have any information of how much time this will last, or if they could stop working during the night, allowing everyone to sleep? 
Earlier today, another Roosevelt Island resident told me that last night he could hear the loud noise of Queensboro Bridge construction work from his apartment at 455 Main Street - 4 buildings away from the bridge

Hope you get a good night sleep tonight.

UPDATE 8/6 - More from Roosevelt Island Southtown residents on Queensboro Bridge construction noise:
Me too in Riverwalk Crossing. Because it's so humid out, we keep the windows closed and the AC on. Otherwise, it would keep us up. :(
I am going to buy earplugs tomorrow, it has been terrible in the past week, and who knows how long this construction will go on. I could not find any information about it online.
UPDATE 8/9 - NYC Department of Transportation reports they will take steps to mitigate the problem. More here.