Thursday, November 5, 2020

Weill Cornell Medicine Research Project Seeking Volunteeers For Study On Effects Of Extreme Heat And Covid 19 On Older Adults In NYC - Contribute To Knowledge About Unique Physiological and Psychological Stresses Of Older Adults

Philip Martinez is a senior at Cornell University. Mr Martinez writes:

I am currently working on a research project pertaining to the effects of extreme heat and COVID-19 on older adults in New York City with Dr. So-Min Cheong from Kansas University, and Dr. Cary Reid and Dr. Jo Anne Sirey from Weill Cornell Medicine. 

I was wondering if you would be able to share the study recruitment flyer, which I have attached below, in the Roosevelt Islander Blog? This is a fantastic opportunity to help contribute to the growing body of science about the unique physiological and psychological stresses of older adults.

According to the flyer: 

We are looking for individuals (aged 65 and over) whose lives have been impacted in some way by the COVID-19 pandemic and/or extreme heat 

Eligible participants will complete a ​15-minute survey​ of demographic information, social connectedness, and depression, a ​30-minute interview,​ and an ​optional smartphone-based​ ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to be done 5 times a day for a total of ​5 minutes​ for up to 3 weeks to assess your mood and stress. 

We are interested in understanding ​the physiological and psychological stresses of extreme events on older adults in New York City​. By participating, you can help us to improve mental health and disease prevention programs. 

If you would like to help us by participating in our research, please contact