Weill Cornell Medicine Research Project Seeking Volunteeers For Study On Effects Of Extreme Heat And Covid 19 On Older Adults In NYC - Contribute To Knowledge About Unique Physiological and Psychological Stresses Of Older Adults
Philip Martinez is a senior at Cornell University. Mr Martinez writes:
I am currently working on a research project pertaining to the effects of extreme heat and COVID-19 on older adults in New York City with Dr. So-Min Cheong from Kansas University, and Dr. Cary Reid and Dr. Jo Anne Sirey from Weill Cornell Medicine.
I was wondering if you would be able to share the study recruitment flyer, which I have attached below, in the Roosevelt Islander Blog? This is a fantastic opportunity to help contribute to the growing body of science about the unique physiological and psychological stresses of older adults.
According to the flyer:
We are looking for individuals (aged 65 and over) whose lives have been impacted in some way by the COVID-19 pandemic and/or extreme heat
Eligible participants will complete a 15-minute survey of demographic information, social connectedness, and depression, a 30-minute interview, and an optional smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to be done 5 times a day for a total of 5 minutes for up to 3 weeks to assess your mood and stress.
We are interested in understanding the physiological and psychological stresses of extreme events on older adults in New York City. By participating, you can help us to improve mental health and disease prevention programs.
If you would like to help us by participating in our research, please contact extremeeventsproject2020@gmail.com