Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Confirmed Positive Case Of Covid-19 At Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217, May Have Exposed Others At School Reports Principal - Classroom Closed, Building Remains Open

Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 Principal Mandana Beckman informed parents of students attending the school that a confirmed Covid-19 positive test was reported yesterday at the school. According to this excerpt from Ms Beckman's December 8 letter (full letter below):

Dear P.S./I.S. 217 Roosevelt Island at 645 Main Street Community

As a result of determinations made by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the NYC Test+Trace Corp (T2), a member of our school community has tested positive for Covid-19 and may have exposed others while at school....

... All areas visited by the person with Covid-19 will be deep cleaned, disininfected and reopened...

This morning, I asked Principal Beckman:

I heard there was just at least 1 positive covid test at 217. Is that true? 

Was the positive test from student, teacher or other staff. What are the next steps at the school. Have there been any more positive tests? Do you have any other statement to the Roosevelt Island Community?

Ms Beckman responded referring me to the NYC Department of Education (DOE) Press Office for a statement.

Here is the full December 8 letter from Principal Beckman reporting the positive Covid-19 test at PS/IS 217.


PS/IS 217 parents also received the following message yesterday:

Subject: Note from NYC DOE COVID-19 Situation Room - P.S./I.S. 217 Roosevelt Island / Building Code M271 

Greetings  P.S./I.S. 217 Roosevelt Island at 645 MAIN STREET   Community, This message is from the DOE COVID-19 Response Situation Room. 

Please see below for a summary of COVID-19 activity in the school building. The summary includes information from all co-located schools in the building. All the information reported below has been verified by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene....

COVID-19 related activity in schools is monitored closely throughout the day and evening by a partnership of City agencies including the NYC Department of Education, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, and the NYC Test + Trace Corps.

As a reminder, if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a classroom, all students and teachers in the affected class(es) with the individual who tested positive are considered “close contacts,” and will be notified of the need to quarantine for14 days since the last contact with the person who tested positive. These students and teachers will transition to fully remote teaching and learning for this period.

If there are two or more cases in your building within seven days, the building will close at the conclusion of the school day for an initial 24 hours, and you will be notified immediately through your New York City Schools Account. We cannot share additional details about any pending or confirmed cases to protect the privacy of the affected individuals....

Stay tuned. Will update with more info and any statement from the DOE.

Also, learned today that Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer is working with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to bring a pop-up Covid-19 Test Site to Good Shepherd Plaza this weekend. More details to follow.

UPDATE 8:30 PM - Details on this December 12-13 Roosevelt Island mobile Covid 19 Test Site here.