Friday, December 11, 2020

Roosevelt Island Transportation This Weekend - Subway, Tram, Ferry & Citibike - Keep Your Social Distance And Wear Face Covering On Public Transportation - Take A Virtual Ride On The Vintage Holiday Nostalgia Train

According to the MTA, there is Roosevelt Island F train service to and from Manhattan this weekend. E train service too.

For a more pleasant subway experience, take a Virtual Holiday Nostalgia Train Ride According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

While we continue to follow social distancing and align our operations with New York Forward guidance, we also continue to incrementally increase the number of passengers permitted on the Tram. Tram capacity will increase on Sunday, November 1st, from 20 to 35 passengers per cabin, and we will continue to assess and gradually increase in phases. 

We understand the need for this mode of transportation, however, the health and safety of our riders and operators are our priority. We appreciate your cooperation.

Here's the NYC Ferry Roosevelt Island Astoria Route Schedule which now extends to East 90th street on the Upper East Side.

Also, Roosevelt Island Citbike docking stations.