Roosevelt Island Small Businesswomen And Moms Kaja Meade & Rhonda Pringle Chat About Organic Wine, Launching New Venture During Coronavirus Pandemic And The Undoing Finale
Kaja Meade is a Roosevelt Island resident and real estate agent. She also hosts Instagram Live Chats with interesting Roosevelt Island residents.
Ms Meade recently hosted a Small Business Sunday Instagram Live Chat and wine tasting with Rhonda Pringle, a Roosevelt Island resident who recently launched a new business representing Scout & Cellar Clean-Crafted wine.
The Roosevelt Island businesswomen and moms chatted about wine, starting a new business during the Coronavirus Pandemic and the finale of HBO's Undoing series.
According to Ms Pringle:
I started the business in late October 2020, and am in my second full month. I made the decision to start after being a customer and figuring there had to be others that would like to have these Clean-Crafted (TM) Wines.
The wines are free from pesticide, added sugar, low in sulfites, no added colors. Wine the way wine was made for generations. I do need to note that sulfites are natural in grapes, and there are residual sugars. The wines are keto and paleo friendly.
I was so happy to find these wines. I would become physically ill (my body would quiver) when I drank mass produced wines. Through my own unscientific research on myself I figured out it was the added sulfites. In order to find wines I could drink I’d have to go out of my way to find new ones or stick to the one I could find here in the island shop - forget about drinking wine out.My direct website is If anyone has questions they can send me a direct message on my Instagram or Facebook account.
Here's more on Scout & Cellar Clean-Crafted wine.
Now join the ladies with a glass of wine as you watch their very well done, fun and interesting interview.
Ms Meade plans on doing more Small Business Sunday interviews with Roosevelt Island residents. If you're interested in being interviewed, contact Ms Meade here.