Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Primary Election Day Today - Incumbent Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Facing Newcomer Reshma Saujani To Represent Roosevelt Island In 14 CD

Image of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (right) and Challenger Reshma Saujani (left) From NY Daily News

Don't forget today is Primary election day so if you are a member of a political party get out and vote. The only contested Democratic Party primary election facing Roosevelt Island residents, other than State Attorney General which nobody knows anything about, is that between incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney

Image of Ms. Maloney (in blue dress) at FDR Memorial Site Yesterday

and her challenger Reshma Saujani.

Ms. Saujani outside Trellis Diner Following Recent Roosevelt Island Town Hall Meeting

More information on the Democratic Party Primary election for the 14th NY Congressional District at this post.

If newspaper endorsements mean anything anymore, the New York Daily News has endorsed Ms. Saujani and the NY Times endorsed Ms. Maloney.

From the NY Daily News:
It has been 18 years since a challenger has defeated an incumbent member of Congress from New York City. So it takes more than a little moxie for an upstart not only to take on a veteran, but to run strong.

Reshma Saujani has managed both feats in the district that encompasses Manhattan's East Side and part of western Queens. In the process, she has highlighted how badly the city's Washington delegation needs fresh ideas and energy.

A Yale Law School graduate of Indian heritage, whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from Uganda as political refugees, Saujani is taking on 18year officeholder Rep. Carolyn Maloney with the theme that longevity alone is not good enough. She's right, and the Daily News endorses Saujani in the Sept. 14 Democratic primary....

From the NY Times:
In this Manhattan and Queens district, Ms. Maloney, who has served nine terms in the House, is facing a challenge from Reshma Saujani, an impressive and energetic young lawyer of Indian descent who argues that New York needs the voice of a new generation and a new slice of the city’s ethnic pie. It is a bitter campaign with unpleasant charges from both sides. The two candidates should do a lot better for voters than snipe at each other.

But when the static has cleared, we see no good reason to discard Ms. Maloney. She has been a stalwart in fighting for women’s rights, financial reform, health care for workers at ground zero and better protections for credit card users. Ms. Saujani agrees with Ms. Maloney on these issues, but Ms. Maloney has already acted on them in Congress, at considerable political risk.

We endorse Carolyn Maloney for re-election in the 14th Congressional District.

Roosevelt Island's Main Street WIRE endorsed Ms. Maloney.

Roosevelt Island 360 Tweeted:
Election voting light as of 715am at Roosevelt Island's PS217. I was 15th voter for the 97th ED.
There is a Republican primary for Governor as well between Rick Lazio and Carl Palladino. Neither visited Roosevelt Island during the campaign.

UPDATE 4 PM - Congresswoman Maloney was campaigning on Roosevelt Island today with resident Jim Luce, author of the excellent Jim Luce Stewardship Report and founder of Orphans International.

UPDATE 9/15 -Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney was the winner of yesterday's Democratic Party Primary for the 14th NY Congressional District. According to the Wall Street Journal New York:
... Pushing back against charges she hadn't done enough to protect Wall Street, Ms. Maloney thumped a well-funded challenger, Reshma Saujani, by a 4-to-1 margin....