Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reflections By Barbara deCrew Currently Showing At Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA Octagon Exhibition Space - Experience The Shimmer Of Light and Flow Of Water

Did you know that Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA has a second public exhibition space in the Octagon Building Lobby? Roosevelt Island resident Janet Falk reports on the current exhibition at the Octagon Gallery.
Reflections by Barbara deCew at Octagon Gallery

Living on our narrow Roosevelt Island, our gaze often turns to the East River and the East Channel, sources of inspiration for photos and sketches, as light and shadow play on the surface. Before moving to the Island, Barbara deCew, a member of Gallery RIVAA, lived near to the water and often sat by the mill pond at her home in Connecticut. She also sailed for two years on an ocean-going trimaran. Memories of these scenes beside the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico became the fount of her ideas for paintings and sculptures over the past year.

Reflections, an exhibition of seven acrylic paintings, plus four mobile sculptures and two standing sculptures, invites the viewer to experience the shimmer of light and the flow of water. In one painting, one can even the roar of crashing waves. Gaze closely at several paintings and you will discern the figure of a human/woman -- floating, meditating, being transformed by the water. deCew's textured work has us transfixed and mesmerized; we remember and sense the gentle movement of water in a pseudo-immersion.

She describes the exhibition: "Waters of space and time flow through the spirit of my work."

Reflections is on display at the Octagon Gallery, 888 Main Street, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm daily, and will run through January 1, 2012.