Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's In The Works For Roosevelt Island Parking - Uniform Rates For Street Parking, Encourage Visitors To Use The Motorgate Garage - No Motorcycle Specific Street Parking But Half Priced Monthly Motorcycle Parking At Motorgate

 Image of Roosevelt Island Smart Parking Meter on West Channel Road

During the November 28 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Committee meeting, the subject of street parking was discussed. RIOC VP of Operations Fernando Martinez reported that with Roosevelt Island becoming more populated and a popular visitor destination, street parking has become a greater challenge.

At present, Roosevelt Island has various street parking rules and regulations including 2, 4 and 6 hour parking areas which RIOC intends to change with a more uniform street parking system. RIOC wants to encourage Roosevelt Island visitors to use the Motorgate Garage and will price street parking to complement, not compete, with the Motorgate Garage.

RIOC plans to integrate smart solution street parking meters, which use wireless devices to inform drivers of available parking spaces, on an Island wide basis. This will  expand the current pilot project of 3 such meters on Southtown's West Drive. RIOC has received 2 Proposals from companies interested in implementing such a system.

Roosevelt Island motorcycle parking has been an issue raised by resident Trevre who commented on this post:
It would also be great if the island provided some type of Motorcycle/scooter parking.  I have contacted RIOC about implementing some on the island without any response.  You could park 5 or 6 motorcycles/scooters in the space of one car.  Not to mention there are plenty of underutilized spaces on the island where motorcycle parking could be implemented (Under both bridges, where the zip cars are, etc.)....
and it was discussed during the Operations Committee meeting. Mr. Martinez said that the spaces suggested by a resident were not available for motorcycles because they are, or will be, used for other purposes but noted that the Motorgate Garage has half priced monthly rates for motorcycles. Mr. Martinez also noted that motorcycles can be parked on the street but there is no discount rate for parking motorcycles on the street.

Here is video of the RIOC Operations Committee meeting discussion on Roosevelt Island Street Parking.

An audio webcast of the entire Operations Committee meeting is here.


residential said...

That was an idea proposed by that idiotic group of students from Columbia know, the ones that thought 80 year olds should ride bikes to Costco and carry the huge packs of toilet paper across the handlebars. If our guests have to park in Motorgate, especially family members who do visit for more than 40 minutes, they'll stop coming here.

Trevre Andrews said...

While I appreciate this discussion by RIOC on the issue, I would like to consider this just a start.  

I think this one is a good litmus test for RIOC and the island.  We are not asking for a lot here, not a new monument, not a ferry port, nor a filled vacant store front.  I am talking about a few cans of spray paint, a sign, a 30' by 8' part of the street on the curb (of which i provided RIOC pictures of at least 5 unused such places), and a signup sheet in the PSD office where parkers can make a $30 donation per month to be on a no ticket list.  Anything after paying administrative costs can go right into the public purpose funds.  The other benefit is this doesn't take any "smart" systems, subcontracting, RFPs, bidding out, or many years, and is not permanent.  

I will give all the details of the proposal to the Chief Editor at the Roosevelt Islander Blog so he can post them and more discussion can be facilitated.  

elea1 said...

Parking is a HUGE issue for the most of us living on the island.Being unable to park and unload car close to the buldings we live in, builds up frustration and also makes us look around.
First, those 'HANDICAPED' cars. 90% of those are with a fake tags.The problem is that  everyone knows about it, every single Public Safety officer.
As an example, I would like to mention, a black Porhe, owed by Trellis owner. We all know that he's perfectly healthy person, running around the restaurant, without any problems. On his way out of the Island, he removes that handicap tag, and put it back when he comes to work.He parks his car every single day for as long as he wants. 
I would love to see someone from Public Safety reporting this case to the City authorities. As I said, it is ilegal to use these tags for anything other then handicapped issues , and EVERYONE knows how this tag is missused.

I alos have to accept a fact that there are really a few handicaped persons, that might need those spots occationaly (but not use it as an endless free parking). 
I would like to sugest to have (1) parking spot in front of each bulding assigned for handiccaped cars.All the other parking spots should be open to everyone , and cars with handicapped tags need to be treated the same as the other cars (meaning to have haurly limitations that apply to all).


elea1 said...

With this new system, my expectations were much higher, after reading how this works in San Francisco and some the other places. I don't really see any benefit comparing those to regular meters.Very often, the machines either don't accept bills, or coins. Very inconvinient.
My question is why,at least, credit cards are not accepted. Those mashines are certenly designed to use it as a convinient payment,but somehow teh feature is blocked.  

YetAnotherRIer said...

Any data to back up this claim that "parking is a HUGE issue for the MOST of us living on the island (emphasis partially mine)"? Is this why many drivers block the cross walks (especially at 10 and 40 River Road) or sidewalks (the drive way south of the school is a popular spot for that) in order to unload because the next legal spot requires a couple minutes of walking? Tell you what. Most buildings have some kind of cart that you can borrow. Try and use that and stop blocking pedestrian ways (this is not directed at elea1, by the way).

RooseveltIslander said...

My understanding of the intent for these new meters is to accept credit card and smart phone payment. It is still a work in progress.

theohiostate said...

To make Parking on the Island simple, they should charge 25 cents every 10 mins (or $1.50 per hr.) and have 2 Hour parking all over the island until 11:00PM.  Motorgate should charge $1.00 for the 1st & 2nd hr, so it's cheaper than the street.  Then, from 11:00PM until 7:00AM, there shouldbe free overnight parking - on a first come, first serve basis.