Friday, December 2, 2011

Straight Or Angled Parking Stripes For Roosevelt Island's Motorgate Parking Garage - Which Is The Better Layout?

Image of Confusing Angled/Straight Motorgate Garage Parking Stripes

Riradu, a reader of this recent post on new straight parking stripes replacing previous angled parking stripes on the third floor of the Motorgate Garage comments:
My main concern is still the re-re-re-striping of the garage, or the study which led to the new layout, and I am specifically seeking an intelligent answer if and how it was real-life tested with the real-life variety of cars found now in the garage.

Perhaps not too may people understand what may be coming to their cars. Simply speaking, I see an issue in safely getting in and out of a parking space if one has a larger car or is adjacent to larger cars - or there are longer/larger cars parked in the opposite parking spaces, even if they are all parked correctly.

A car must enter/exit a parking space pretty parallel to its edges, and that - since the spaces will be perpendicular to the curb - means that one will need more space in the isle to position correctly for entry. If the isle width is limited by large SUV's or vans, then you can figure out the physical consequences to your and your neighbor's vehicled. This is my main concern. I don't want to be part of the problem, I want to be part of the solution, this is why I try to raise this issue before it costs too much to fix.

Of course, every layout has its own engineering challenges, but that's why good engineers exist. I salute the initiative of repairing and renovating the garage, I see them testing new LED lighting fixtures, and may also be great things that I dind't see yet. I am concerned about the striping issue and I wish I am wrong... I only need someone to come up with real, rational arguments (other than immeasurable talk) that my worries are not warranted.
Riradu adds:
... I surveyed several parking garages and concluded that Motorgate is about 6' short of the minimum space needed to implement safe parking slots perpendicular to the curb in most areas.

There is also supporting engineering documentation on the Web, with clear design standards, quite different than what is proposed at Motorgate. I attached an example to this post.

Every project must be approved and signed by at least a PE licensed in NY State, so I am really curious who  risked his/her reputation signing that layout.
During the November 28 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Committee meeting, the issue of straight or angled parking spaces was discussed by RIOC Vice President Of Operations Fernando Martinez and RIOC Directors. Mr. Martinez reported to the RIOC Directors that making the spaces more uniform and straight with a width, for the most part, of 8 1/2 feet was done with the consultation of Central Parking and the contractor. Mr. Martinez said that he feels straight parking lines was the right decision to make.

Below is video of the Operations Committee Meeting Motorgate Parking stripes discussion as well as a discussion on the state of the Garage/Warehouse employee work area.

An audio webcast of the entire November 28 Operations Committee meeting is here.